Part One ~ 6 - A Million Miles and The Diner

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The sound of utter desire and frustration that escaped Theo’s lips was almost animalistic in sound. The God in him had been awakened, he knew who he was in soul and spirit. Would she be disappointed? Would she want his love as badly as he wanted hers? A glow only visible by other Gods or those with the “sight” was emanating of Theo. He stood on the balcony and proceeded to open his mouth in a silent wail. He needed her close and here he was on the other side of the world. He could still taste her on his lips and smell her on his skin. Was this what the rest of their days would be like? Would she always be so enticing, so needed, so satisfying even from the other end of the world? Theo hoped so and smiled as he headed towards a shower. A small tap on his door caught attention. “Theo, you ok?” Jonathan hollered through the door. Opening the door, the light that Jonathan saw glowing off of Theo was intense.  He squinted and held up his hand to block the well-lit discharge. “Damn Theo I thought you were alone. Wait…” Jonathan rushed in the room and looked around.  “I know this glow; this means you found her?” “Yes, she is with Thanos. I could feel him and her from here and called right as they were about to commence undertakings of the Soul Keeper s****l manner. I was party to a lot and we can discuss it further over a drink, after I shower.” “You are the first to find your Soul Keepers since we were cursed I believe. Makes me excited but worried at the same time.” From the shower through the opened door Theo continued the conversation. Jonathan made two drinks of the bourbon kind to sit and enjoy while they talked. The sound of the shower and humming of Theo caused something to cloud Jonathan’s mind. Suddenly he wasn’t in the room in Prague anymore. He was in a diner, smelling all sorts of foods being made and hearing the soft laughter of a woman. Her voice was familiar and calming. Jonathan tried to move, to see her, to make anything out of this vision. “You won’t have her. I have cursed you more than any for the wrongdoings of the past. I will take her and hide her away from you if that is what I need do to ensure your eternal suffering.” A quiet throaty whisper hung on the wind. Jonathan knew that voice. He knew that feeling of hopelessness and heavy scarring that it carried with it but couldn’t remember who or why. He shook his head and came to find nearly ten minutes of time was lost. “Jon, man…you ok?” Theo was standing in front of him in fresh pajama pants and damp hair. He smelled of ancient spices and clean water. His eyes were still so intensely green. “I just had a vision, or a message, or something. I don’t know but it was a warning for me I suppose. Likely I am just tired of traveling and the fear of going “home” to Texas finally is getting to me. Now tell me of your experience and let’s enjoy these last two nights here before the reality kicks in and becomes our lives.” Theo proceeded to recite the entire experience of what he felt and what he knew. He revealed to Jonathan the God he was and how it felt when he finally realized it. The story both mystified Jonathan and Theo and also scared the hell out of them in some ways. They had been mortal meat bags with the covert soul of a God constantly knocking at the proverbial door for eons.   ****************************************************** Brian led Katt into the diner. It was a quaint little place that smelled like real down home cooked food.  The bellowing Italian voice from behind the order window came resounding in Katt’s ears. “Brian! It has been a few weeks I was beginning to think I might not see you again! So nice of you to visit my home away from home with your presence.  Hmmm and brought a beautiful Bella with you I see. That is a first!” The man bent in a bow of sorts and smiled upon return while taking Katt’s hand and kissing it gently. “You are quite a striking vision Bella. Never had Brian bring a female companion in her with him, I was beginning to think all the women of this planet were blind and stupid but I see I was wrong. I am Antoni and this is my diner. Anything you want is on me. Come now let me sit you at the bar while I catch up with one of my favorite patrons.” Antoni led Katt to a stool and proceeded to pour her a glass of water and then a cup of coffee.  Brian smiled and began to speak to Antoni in Italian. He seemed to be chatting more than anything. Katt pulled her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and checked it for messages. Nothing. She prayed Le’Ann was alright.   They seemed to have a sixth sense of sisters sometimes so she knew nothing was too terribly wrong but still, to hear from her would have been better. Tapping on the text messages she sent one. “Checking in, you ok? Sleep well sister and call me in the morning. Love Katt XO” She smiled and replaced the phone in her back pocket. “Katt, what would you like to eat?” She stopped and thought for a moment. She truly wasn’t starving but something full of carbs and cheese truly sounded delicious. “Carbs, Cheese… Something like that please?” Antoni clapped his hands together loudly and smiled. “I have got that my Bella! We will handle it right away! You sit and enjoy some conversation with my boy Brian here while I whip up all the orders!” With that Antoni was into the kitchen and cooking up a storm. Even at this late hour the diner had quite a few patrons. Most of which were already eating and some just looked like they came for the coffee and a bit of sobering. “Lets retire to the booth back there and chat until our food is ready?” Katt nodded and followed in kind.  She could do nothing more than watch Brian’s ass in the jeans and think of riding him in the car still. It was as if the universe was super s*x charged and beckoning her to listen. She could feel a weird sensation in the air and it was knocking at her spiritual side to listen. Leaning her head from one side to the other she popped her neck and tried to tune out the insightful knocking at her sixth sense. “So tell me something about you Katt that I don’t already know.” “Well that doesn’t narrow it down too much does it? Umm… I sing? I like comics, botanicals and mythology, I love to dance, I hate school and wish that I was doing something more prominent with my life. Oh and my job sucks.” She smiled brightly. Brian let out a hearty laugh. “Well you certainly gave me a lot of information in ten seconds or less. What is your favorite type of music to sing? Why mythology? Dance as in stripper or as in the real dance thing? School...yes, it is not for everyone although you seem to be sharp and quick witted so I am sure academia isn’t really a struggle for you.” “Either you are buttering me up with compliments for something or you take a lot of credence in first impressions and assessments. I love to sing anything that moves the soul. So I guess it is more the movement of the music and lyrics as opposed to one particular genre. Mythology is so intriguing and I find something so wildly practiced and believed to actually be myth. I mean the stories had to be based, no matter how loosely, on some sort of fact…right? Perfect example. Jesus Christ. Was he real? Sure. Was he a supernatural being? Possibly but definitely he had gifts and powers that superseded normal mortals. I must also interject I find it hard to believe he never had s*x and Mary Magdalene wasn’t his wife but that is just my take on it.” Katt shrugged. “So you believe in the supernatural so to speak?” “Yes, I do. My family has…well…history in that area supposedly. I have been known to do some readings and things that were unexplainable but completely true.” Why the f**k did you just tell him that. Geezus Katt shut up! You don’t ever tell anyone this so quickly!! Took you three years to tell Le’Ann! Omg his scent is so amazing. Why do his eyes keep seeming to flicker like fires when he looks at me?  Of all things that are holy I can’t stop thinking of him underneath me...naked... For f**k sake KATT STOP! Omg. I am talking to myself again. “You ok Katt? You seemed to glaze over for a minute?” She cleared her throat. “Yes, fine sorry.” “So your family has… what? Psychic abilities? Intuition? Something like that?” “Look I know it sounds crazy, I don’t know why the hell I told you all that but we can skip it. I am not nuts and don’t like to come off as such.” “Hmmm… I didn’t think you were at all. I truly find it all fascinating.” Brian shifted uncontrollably in his chair for a moment. Katt looked at him oddly. At the same time, he shifted, she felt that electrical sense of the universe again. It was like some sort of beacon, almost like her bat signal was going off and she was supposed to take heed. “What did you order?” She tried to change the subject and remove the nagging feeling from her subconscious mind. “I got breakfast for dinner, it is my favorite. I got Sebastian his favorite grilled steak sandwich and of course your carb, cheese fest of pasta.” “Oh, that sounds good” her silence was screaming at him to say something about something. She didn’t know what but it was screaming just the same. Brian shifted again uncomfortably.  He took a deep breath and pulled out his phone. He rapidly text someone and set it down as if awaiting a response.  He almost looked put out by something that was bothersome. She reached across and took his hand. Katt didn’t know why but in that moment she was compelled to touch him in some way. The minute their skin touched he gasped in air and recoiled. It was almost offensive. It was so drastic a movement. “I am sorry, I thought you looked bothered and I was trying to…. Sorry Brian.” Before he could answer his phone vibrated and there was a text. He looked at it and just seemed to stare unbelieving what he read.  Slowly Brian rose from his seat. “Can you excuse me? I will be right back.” Katt was hurt and offended and not sure what touching his hand had done but she was entirely sure she did something awful that would never be understood by her. She was ready to go home and call this a day.
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