Part One ~ 4 - Distance and Proximity

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Sebastian was furious and wasn’t sure exactly why. He entered the door of his estate and threw his keys with a flip of his wrist to the left as he grumbled in anger.  This little woman had ordered him around, put him in his place, lost him his nightly satiation and made him think of nothing but the softness of her lips on his skin. The sheer energy her body seemed to emit when close made him rashly throw a wall up to guard his radiating hormonal desires and curiosities.  Morgan had probably been the best bed partner to cure his seemingly insatiable lust and love of dominant female in the bedroom. Her attitude and mouth certainly could be lived without but more than anything, his c**k had been handled and satisfied the best a mere mortal was capable. The more he thought of the night and how nothing seemed to go his way, the angrier he got. Sebastian stripped as he ascended up the wide staircase. Standing a flight up he stood on the threshold of decision. The curved stairs to the left led to the workout room where he could beat the frustration out on something for a while and the curved stairs to the right led to his shower and room where he could try and wash away the anger and relax. “f**k this. I am going to destroy that punching bag.” He growled with an effortless accent as he strode off like a titan about to take on the world. By the time he reached the workout room he was stark naked.  His clothes and shoes littered the stairs showing his path. The small antechamber changing room as you entered the training room had spandex bike shorts of every color you could imagine; not to mention a small fridge with water and snacks just in case.  Slipping his muscular form into a pair of bright red bike shorts he adjusted the ample package of virility so he was comfortable. The golden olive tone of his tanned skin against the red shorts and his dark hair was a sight any woman would gladly pay to regard.  Searching the room Bas spotted the remote for the surround sound system. Clicking a few different buttons, the melodic sounds of Beethoven’s symphonies blared into his ears and filtered through the marble floored mansion.  The hanging boxing bag was the first to gain Sebastian’s wrath. He kicked and punched the bag with such inhumanity it appeared to nearly bust at the seams. The more the movements of sound flowed through the room, the more passionate his blows became.  His body was art in movement. There was nearly no body fat anywhere on this fine specimen. His size was that of a small gladiator ready for battle. From the tight well-rounded ass to the full thighs and calves, there wasn’t much on this form that anyone could be critical about. His arms moved and flexed with fierce appointments causing the echo of his hits to be louder than the music.  His chest was high and curved in a perfect swing down into the extremely prevalent six pack that heaved and shifted with each breath and blow.  If ever there was a truth in the world about ‘poetry in motion’ it was this example of male perfection. The only discord on his entire form was an elongated scar about twelve inches long from the tail bone gradually filtering upward until it nearly reached the side ribcage. It wasn’t a grotesque scar but one that showed a battle had ensued and he likely was the victor.  The anger grew within him the more his mind thought of her. He couldn’t shut her out. The harder he hit, the angrier he got.  “How dare that woman best me with wit. I am ALWAYS the one who charms and gets my way! I should be screwing two women tonight not alone with this punching bag and myself!” He bellowed out loud to try and release his anger. The phone had been ringing for the last twenty minutes he had been enveloped in music and anger. As the song swung down into a quieter tone Sebastian heard the ringtone calling up the stairs.  His phone was still in the pocket of his jeans now located somewhere on the stairs. Tapping pause on the sounds system Bas grabbed a towel to wipe his sweat on the way out and went after the annoying song playing loudly. Fumbling with his jeans he finally freed the phone and saw it was his other brother calling. Strange, Brian had just talked to their brother Jonathan yesterday. There was no explanation for him checking in again?  Jonathan preferred to travel rather than stay in one place. The longing of his soul for true companionship found boredom and waiting a good reason for Jonathan to remain drunk most of the time. In an effort to sober up, he decided to take some of the vast wealth his family had left and travel abroad.  Sebastian knew he was searching for his true soul mate but remained silent and agreeable when Jonathan “assured” them it was merely to remove his mind from the reality of being alone and keep busy.  “Sup Brother man? Didn’t we just hear from you?” “Hey Bas, I had this insane feeling. It was like you were hurt or on fire or something. What the hell is going on. I am in Prague and I KNOW there is something wrong.” Sebastian stood dumbfounded. How the hell did Jonathan always know when Bas was in an uproar? “Look bro, I am sorry. I got really cocky, yeah more than normal …then pissed off, put in my place by this little female and lost my girlfriend all in one night. Guess you are just feeling the anger and want to destroy something. Seriously though how the hell do you do that? Was there an ancient God of intuition... ha ha … because that is likely who you are!” Sebastian chuckled tensely. “I don’t know Bas, I just know I could feel this insane pull to call you and with your volatile temperament I was just making sure you hadn’t murdered anyone…. Wait. Put in your place and lost your girlfriend? What the hell? Explain.” Sebastian recanted the entire evening for Jonathan. From start to finish without a detail lost and extreme honesty even about the way he behaved. As Sebastian said it out loud he realized how much of an ass he really could be and likely deserved to be decked by one or more people. “Interesting evening. I will be home on Friday and Theo is coming with me. He talked to TJ and there is hope he has found his Soul Keeper.  Theo is leery but excited at the same time. I personally think it is all a crock of s**t but that might be because I will never have one, I am just a mortal.” “Don’t say that Jonathan. You don’t know how the ancient curse worked for the extra soul piece without a brother to share. I mean maybe you are the conundrum. Maybe you break the curse but honestly to think you don’t have a specific soulmate would be a good thing. Maybe you are just whole and need a woman to truly love you or something. Either way, I say f**k as much as you can and live well. It will all work out as it should. Right?” Jonathan paused and breathed. He couldn’t make Sebastian understand the draw to find his mate, was the same but just lonely. He and Brian were obviously meant to have the same woman; it was evident from the beginning. They searched together, no matter how much Sebastian wanted to deny he wished for her in every lifetime, they were in it together.  Jonathan had reluctantly at first just relinquished the knowledge he would be alone. Sometimes he wondered whose soul he really was inside because although he wasn’t a God like his brothers, he was something more than just mortal. Perhaps if he could find out he would have a better grasp on why he felt as he did and why he needed love. It wasn’t just the pull of wanting love and completion like a God’s soul was said to have, this was different. It was as if he could change everything he hated and enhance all he loved if this one thing could just be found for him.   Many times Jonathan had visited a psychic of their female lines to see if there was any inkling as to who he was, why he had such premonition and where he should be looking.  Every time he was told the same thing. They could hear his soul whispering and emanating power but all else was guarded. The only other thing he was told was his love would come at the greatest price imaginable.  Jonathan at that moment stopped searching. For a while he drank himself into oblivion, then he slept with every piece of ass that looked at him with a smile and now, he traveled, saw the world and tried to forget the reality of another lifetime with the same answers.  “Jon? Did you hang up?” “Oh...what?... yeah I am here. I am good. Will be home later on Friday.  Are you still having the dinner party? With the tarot reader and all the other weird s**t you Texas Greeks do?” He chuckled. “s**t! Yeah I forgot. We are still… I have to go order food and entertainment for that in the morning. Thanks for the reminder. See you on Friday.” “Yeah, see you then.” The line went dead and Sebastian stood on one end in silence thinking about everything. He was still angry and needed to get laid. He was insatiable that way, almost like the more he got, the more he needed because it was never enough. He huffed and quickly grabbed his clothing from the stairs while heading in the other direction for a shower. Looking at his phone he was trying to figure out someone to call and release his s****l demons upon. At the same time in Prague, Jonathan stood with the phone in his hand on the balcony of his third story suite at the Aria Hotel.  A soft breeze flickered his hair about on the side and made him smile. He knew for the last six months of his three year “vacation”, that it was time to go home.  He also knew something big was coming.
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