Chapter 8. Club

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Brice walks into the club a bit tired and not really interested but it's all still a part of his higher plan. Walking over to the bar he takes a seat and waits to be waited on. His mind is troubled with the business and the training of the pack he hadn't been getting much sleep lately in preparations.  "Anything I can get for you?" The bartender inquires Brice. "Yeah, two shots of Jack," Brice states looking around. The place was loaded with wolves and humans the place being on the outskirts of the pack territory. "Bottoms up." The bartender says. Brice turns his attention to his shots giving a nod of thanks to the bartender as he pushes a few bucks his way. He quickly downs his first one and closes his eyes loving the feel of the burn as it slowly works its way down. "Taking shots without me!" Tod exclaims sitting down beside Brice. Brice smirks Tod's way. "Started ta think you weren't gonna show." Brice jokes. "Had a few things to do before we could shut the cafe down," Tod informs. "What would you like to drink?" Brice questions. "I'll have what your drinking," Tod says looking at the shot glasses. "Sure? I'm having Jack." He smiles brightly. "Yeah, maybe not such a good idea." Tod chuckles. "How about a Bud Weiser?" He changes his mind. Brice signals for the bartender to come back over. "Something else?" He inquires. "Yeah, two Bud Weiser's."  Brice states. "Just a sec." Brice pays the man and gives a nod of thanks as the Bud Weiser's are placed before them. Tod immediately cracking one open. "I got my schedule for the training today," Tod says making Brice cringe and cut him off. "Can we maybe not talk about my work for just today? Between the move, Itsy, the company, and training program I really need to relax a couple minutes." Brice tells Tod in a dejected voice. "Alright, I get that," Tod says before downing more of his beer. Brice downs his last shot standing. "Come back with me we can chill, watch a movie, eat ice cream or somethin." Brice gives Tod a look that has a meaning behind it for which Tod cant decipher. Tod smiles at him with a look of his own. It's been a while for him to be alone with another dude but he likes Brice and decides why not. Tod stands downing his beer. Then looking to Brice who's still looking at him with his s*x stern eyes. "We taking your ride?" Tod asks making Brice shake his head and chuckle walking towards the exit. Once out of the club the air hitting Brice's face makes him stop and take a deep breath. Crowded places never were his forte. He opens them looking to Tod who's already studying him closely. "Stay here I'll bring my ride around and pick you up." Brice winks and strides off leaving Tod a tad flustered in his spot. Brice's only thought being, why the hell not? Wrath used to bang chicks all the time before and after he knew I was his mate and how much hell it would put me through. He thought. Brice also wasn't hiding who he is anymore from no one.  Brice brought his truck around for Tod to hop in. He wasn't going to second guess his plans not this time. They chatted all the way to the packhouse and conversation between the two was never awkward or forced it was just nice. As they walked through the entertainment room it was full of pack members some making out some watching tv some playing games and among other things only a few stopped to stare or gossip.  Brice just kept striding forward he had long ago quit worrying about what others thought or he would drown never being who he truly was.  Brice opened his door letting Tod enter before him because he was a gentleman in heart always. Tod liked how Brice picked him up from the entrance of the club and opened the door for him and secretly wanted a man with the same qualities.  As soon as Brice shut the door he grabbed Tod's face harshly and roughly kissed him and Tod immediately returned his demanding kiss with a roughness of his own. Wrath knew his mate was nearby but was doing his best to ignore him. He had lots of work he had to get done and since Brice had been around he had been distracted to the nine. All of a sudden his chest started to ake and press in on him. He couldn't breathe. He started to beat his chest and groan in pain. Suddenly it hit him like cold water. No, He thought. Brice wouldn't, he never did before. Wrath slowly made his way to the door clutching his chest beads of sweat running down his face. His face quenched up in pain and turning red from lack of oxygen.  In front of Brice's door, Wrath stood and could hear what his brain kept trying to reject. He slowly opened the door and his heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest as he stood there unmoving watching his mate.  Brice had a guy's hair fisted in his hand wrenching the guy's head back while they held intense eye contact Brice plowing into the guy so hard the guy had one arm on the wall to keep his head from going through it. Wrath couldn't believe his eyes but he was firsthand witnessing his mate bang some dude his pain getting worse by the second.  Brice turns his head suddenly and looks intensely into Wrath's eyes with an evil lust Wrath had never witnessed. A shiver running through his body as Brice's movement became almost manic with Wrath watching like he was picturing doing this to Wrath instead of some random.  Wrath shut the door he couldn't handle his eyes looking at him like that any longer. He slowly made his way back to his room sliding down the door in so much pain he didn't know if he would make it through the night. The dude's deep moans and yelps kept bouncing around in his head, his mate's muscular body in true form. He could only admit Brice was good-looking and he was attracted to him but wasn't that the bond playing him like the pain he's in now. His thoughts were jumbled. He only remembered he used to bang chicks all the time and Brice must have also experienced this but worse because Alphas have more tolerance to pain than others. As Brice came to his climax, Wrath went into the darkness becoming unconscious.  Brice pulled up his pants and Tod laid flat on his back catching his breathing on the bed. Brice jumped over him and kissed him hard again and trailed kisses down his jaw and neck even scraped his canines along the spot where they'd mark their mate causing Tod to shiver under him as Brice's hold became tighter on his scalp. With one last peck to the marking spot, Brice got up heading towards the door.  "Be right back gonna grab some snacks and drinks." He states never looking back. Tod's mind was blown that was the best s*x he had ever had! He didn't expect Brice to jump straight to the point once they entered his room and boy was he dumbfounded.  Brice takes a detour first going straight over to Wraths room knowing what happened. He knew when Wrath began watching but acted like he didn't for a moment wanting him to see what they could of had still could if he would remove his head from his ass. Brice opens the door noticing something heavys in front of it blocking his way. He sighs in frustration knowing Wrath had done lost consciousness right at the door. He pushes it open forcefully and enters immediately lifting Wrath in his arms and laying him on the bed tucking him in. He looks him over with sadness. "I'm sorry it has to be like this but giving you up never was an option," Brice whispers and leans in planting a lingering kiss on his forehead before giving him one last meaningful look and leaving his room.
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