Chapter 9. Small Victory's

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Wrath woke feeling like hell his body ached and head pounding. Letting out a pained grunt he sit up recalling what happened the night before still not believing Brice would ever do such a thing to him. Jealously also flows heavily in his heart not wanting his mate touching another male. Wrath suddenly recalls falling out by the door and quickly scents Brice all over him. What does this mean he wonders. Does he still want me? He already knows from past and present experiences that Brice has made his intentions for their relationship known. Brice came back to get all he deems to belong to him. So he can't help but question why he would d*ick down with some other dude with him only a room away? He suddenly feels angered that this was intentional. Purposely to provoke Wraths inner beast.  With Wrath's beast already raging with want for his mate, this only leaves high anxiety within his wolf to claim him as theirs no matter Wraths thoughts. Wrath shaking his head flings the covers off and storms to his wore drobe he has to be ready for business he will definitely be handing Brice about this later. He also doesn't want to wash his mate's scent from him because right now it's the only thing keeping him slightly sane. Brice on the other hand is already for business after a call to his mom to check on Itsy he immediately addresses the ones in charge of today's training. He hasn't the time to lollygag around for today is his first appearance within the company as their new president. "Gamma these here are your students in training today and I do expect a full report and checked attendance in my box on my door at the end of your session. Any absences should be reported and those who aware of their reasons for absence noted." Brice hands him a clipboard with an attached pin for him to evaluate his duties of the day. "As you see Gamma you will be in full charge today of the men's training teens and up. Weight class and paired partners are all wrote down. If you see the need to switch partners make sure to also note it for my approval and your reasons for coming to that conclusion." Brice gives him a glare of don't dare try to trump my command or else. "Moving on Tod This here is your students. All women teens and above. What I said to Gamma also replies to you as well. I can't express the importance of the checked attendance so you guys should make sure to check that first then go to the page I have specifically created for weight class pairing partners for training. Any absences should be noted. Injured should be noted. You feel a paring change should occur note it for my approval first and your reasons along with it." Brice informs Tod handing him also a clipboard with an attached pin and his duties. "James I've heard you've done quite well in the Gamma position while I was away even showed great skills of leadership among our young and elder members and that my friend is why you will not be pushed back in ranks I also want to award you and let you continue showing these great qualities in leadership and as an outstanding role model." James' eyes widen at Brice's praise. He was proud to be heard of by their Beta while he was away for so many years. "This here is your students. I already looked into your background and believe this is right where you belong. Your skills with weapons are incredible if I were to say so. I even watched a couple of your YouTube videos I'm highly impressed." Brice praises more patting James on the shoulder with a solemn smile. Handing him also a clipboard with an attached pin. "I need you to firstly take attendance. Any missing should be noted and if you were informed also noted of the why. Injured no matter how small note it. Being these are our younger class and this week is weapon training for them we will not be pairing them with partners making your job a lot easier. Today is about safety of handling a weapon and basic usage and knowledge. It's noted but I want to stress the importance that all should be no less than four feet apart." Brice informs him but has high hope that James is the man for the job. He had heard nothing but great things about him with the younger kids. "Remember at the end of your sessions you are to return your clipboards to the box on my door for my inspection. I won't be back till late tonight I have to go to the company and situate a few issues there so you guys will be our backs and your roles of great importance for the future of this pack. We have many enemies around us you will not only be strengthening your pack but also saving many lives if we are one day to be attacked."  "Yall get going everyone is waiting for your instruction," Brice tells them and quickly leaves so he won't be late. Brice never went inside the company or even seen it. His father worked there before him but all Brice's knowledge came from college and being a close lover to the CEO. of a company he worked for near his college. That CEO. was one reason Brice decided who he is and loves shouldn't be hidden but embraced and nurtured. Feed your wants and desires and you shall find your happiness. For your happiness is something only you can create. No one else can give it to you and if you depend on another for it you will only wind up miserable never obtaining it. The company was huge when Brice drove near it but not as big as the one he worked for. He wasn't even the slightest bit nervous for he had worked with the great and this was a smaller company compared and in huge debts. They needed him more than they could ever dream. Only Brice knew that his goals over the last few years to obtain his master's and bachelor's degrees were for a higher reason. The end game being to obtain something of much more importance than those measly papers and he has no intentions of falling short of any of his plans. Walking in the secretary immediately swoons as he approaches. Brice only finding it slightly annoying and hating when chicks flirt with him. Smiling he address her formally. "Hi, I'm President Brice, I need to know what floor and office number the CEO. of the company is?" He asks with a wide smile he has always been able to muster on spot. It takes her a few seconds to regain her composure before finally answering. "Oh. President Brice! Yes, let me escort you to the CEO quarters. Please follow me." Brice thought security here was obviously weak she didn't even call to inquire if he was telling the truth or not. Didn't even ask for identification. This must change soon especially before he starts bringing the big money into the system. They take an elevator and he watches her push the button for the fifteenth floor. Then she stands awkwardly nervous in his presence. "How long have you worked here in the company?" Brice asks to evade the awkward silence. "Only a few months president. The last secretary was fired for reasons unbeknown to me." She states shyly. Brice can only wonder what the reasons were now for everything always plegs his curiosity.  He nods his understanding and follows her out into a huge walkway with many doors and from the sounds of it with his hearing this floor is pretty much remote. Interesting. It only makes Brice smile wider. His steps only becoming more confident with every stride in Wrath's direction because he doesn't even need her directions any longer his bond and wolf already knowing the way.  The fact Wraths scent is mingled with that of his own only making it all too clear he wanted his scent to stay with him. Brice's heart moves at the acknowledgment feeling this is a small but still significant little victory for him and Itsy. He doesn't just act for his own self-gain but also for their daughter.
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