Chapter 7. Protectiveness

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''Itsy, no matter what you hear others say ignore it. Okay?" She nods her head in agreement. Brice hoping there was no worry in his tone. "Daddy's, always with you, you have nothing to fear I won't let anything bad happen to you." He states leaning in kissing her forehead. With that Brice takes her little hand and they leave their room. Heading downstairs Brice is only nervous for his daughter. His wolf's possessiveness at its peak. He can't spare her from pack life though. This is where they were meant to be. All the voices from the caf are loud to his ears. They round the corner and as they enter everyone seems to be in shock at his appearance. He continues to lead Itsy to a table to sit for breakfast trying to ignore all eyes in their direction. Conversations start back up in lower hushed voices already irritating Brice. He cranks his neck side to side before putting bacon and scrambled eggs on Itsy's plate then grabbing her a juice. "Thank you, daddy!" Itsy beams a smile her eyes twinkling up at Brice. Brice gives her a megawatt smile. He visibly notices more conversations are started up by her calling him daddy but they will just have to get over it eventually. Itsy starts to eat so Brice starts piling his food upon his plate. While he's indulging in his meal he's interrupted by Gamma. Brice chuckles to himself. "Beta Brice your finally back." Gamma Luke states. "I am indeed back," Brice says casually while still eating not even looking up from his plate to give Luke face. "So what position shall I be now you've returned?" The sarcasm was evident in his tone. "The position you've always been. Gamma." Brice looks up from his plate with a spark in his eye. He already knew Luke would try to prove he was better positioned for Beta position and Brice can't wait to prove how Gamma this b*tch is. Luke, growls lowly barely audible but Brice hears all too well the warning Gamma b*tch dares try to inflict. Brice puts down his fork standing his full height. A deadly spark in his eyes with a smirk to adorn it. Brice c***s his head to the side only for a second before turning towards his pack members. Everyone being hushed waiting for his words. "Gamma b*tch. My bad. Gamma Luke here thinks he should be Beta of our pack but let me make myself clear. Beta is MINE always has been it's not up for grabs NEVER has been. You can even ask our elders if you're uncertain. Understand?" Brice spats out with authority. Many different emotions can be felt amongst the room some surprise some fury some happy it matters not in his opinion. "This evening at five p.m your all expected to pick up your personalized schedules from the entertainment room. EVERYONE ages TEN to FIFTY." Large audible gasps ring loudly through the room. Brice ignores and continues on. "Our pack will be ready for any possible threats that may lay ahead. Any medical issues should be addressed with our medic before leaving your training session. There will be pup care provided during your sessions. We will train in our wolf form as well as hand-to-hand combat and even in weaponry. Consequences will be issued for those whom don't inform me of your non-arrivals or late arrivals. If injured link me and we will get you medical treatment straight away. Now I'd like to finish breakfast I have a long day ahead. Thank you for your time." Brice takes a seat not giving another glance to Luke or his pack members. He will have to earn their respect again for being gone so long. His main priority though is to ensure all their safety along with his daughters. The packs always been a tad ungrateful and mostly nieve. Only the truth can open their eyes he won't be one to hide their problems. Wrath with his acute hearing hears his mate from the hallway upstairs. He didn't want to ruin Brice's breakfast with his presence also he wouldn't have been able to stomach any food with all the murmurs and whispers from his pack about Brice and Itsy. He only stays far enough away to listen in and hopes to not have to intervene. Brice addressing the pack stirs proud feelings amongst Wraths heart without even knowing. He was my best-trusted friend how could I not still be proud of him Wrath thinks. A sudden flash of a memory rummages through his thoughts. It's a memory of when Brice advanced on him clutching the back of his head and slamming his lips brutally on Wraths lips. Wrath was in shock the sparks had him frozen lingering in their feel. Brice bit his bottom lip hard and jolted him to reality. When Wrath went to yell out from the sudden pain Brice took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His taste, smell, touch even feel was so intoxicating taking over his mindset completely. When Brice let up and finally released him all that could be heard was their intense breathing and hammered hearts. Brice stared into his eyes with love, possessiveness, companionship a mates feelings. Wrath could only see his best friend a man and being cursed by the Moon Goddess for the ending of his legacy. He felt embarrassed to have kissed a man. So in return, he gave Brice an angry disgusted look and spat on the ground then wiping his mouth on the forearm of his shirt. He couldn't admit how engrossed he really was in the moment all he could do was want more. Instead, he pretended otherwise fighting his wolf head-on in his head. It hurt to lose his friend hurt even more to lose his mate. It seemed he was destined to lose anything that mattered to him. Now he had a daughter and everything seemed to need to be rethunk over again. He just didn't want to think about having s*x with a man it was just too much. Finished up with breakfast Brice wipes Itsy's little cute face-up and grabs her little hand to leave. Today he promised his mom he'd be coming over. He just hopes she doesn't fall out and have a heart attack once she sees Itsy. On the other hand, he can't wait for them to finally meet his heart seemed to be bursting with happiness from just the thought. "Itsy are you ready to go see mamaw and papa?" He beamed a smile her way. She immediately started jumping up and down. "I'm ready!" She exclaimed happily. She skipped all the way to the truck holding her daddy's hand excitedly. As he buckled her in her car seat he told her "I just bet mamaw's gonna love you too pieces." She just nodded in agreement making Brice laugh out loud his heart's happiness. She was Brice's heart in itself. They were soon on the road jamming to music Itsy trying her best to sing along. When they pulled up at his mom's residence she was already standing up from her porch swing to run out to the truck to greet him. Brice was smiling so hard his cheeks hurt he slung the truck open in time for her to engulf him in her arms. "Ahhhh! My baby's back! I missed you so so so much you don't even have a clue!" She exclaimed squeezing him with all her might. "Hay there son glad your home. Who's the cutie you brought with you?" Brice's dad asked. At his words, Brice's mom let go to look upon the child. "She's just adorable. Y'all come on in now I've made your favorite brownies and cholate chip cookies. Oh, I'm just so glad your here!" "Me too mom. Good to see you too dad it's really been too long." Brice said getting out giving the ol man a manly hug. "Let me get Itsy out and we'll be right in." Brice quickly ran around the truck taking the smiling Itsy out her seat and them going in the house. Brice's mom was putting the treats on the coffee table when they entered. Brice put Itsy down and she ran to the cookies immediately. "Wait Itsy!" but before he could stop her she had already picked up the cookie taking a bite. She immediately felt sad that she did something bad and started to sniffle with her head down. "Daddy...I...sorry." It was like as soon as she said the words her cries got louder. Brice ran over picking her up to soothe her. "It's, okay princess. It's, okay. I just wanted you to ask mamaw first okay?" She looked up at him wiping her eyes and nodding her head obediently. When Brice sat down on the sofa with Itsy on his lap he looked at his parents and they were gaping at him mouth wide open and all. His mom even started to cry. "Oh my Goddess, I have a grandbaby?" She wiped her eyes waking over. "Let mamaw hold you pretty please?" Itsy nodded. Brice's mom picked her up and just couldn't believe she had a granbaby!
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