Chapter 6. Bond Tricks

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Brice wakes up feeling a tad drained. He didn't sleep well last night and he already knows why. Being so close to his mate only agitates his bond like an itch you can't reach. Once his mate and he share a bed he knows he will have the best sleep he's probably ever experienced. He groggily rises into a sitting position. Grabbing hold of his child monitor to look in on Isty. She's still snoozing for now. He hooks it to his boxers quickly going over to his drawers grabbing office attire. Then quickly heading for the shower. Since it's a packhouse, it's more like a shower room for men with like eight shower stalls and sh**er stalls in one huge room. Quickly discarding his clothes on a bench he rushes into a shower stall clipping the child monitor on the medal shampoo holder in front of him then turning the water to the highest heat setting steaming the room out. Chunking his boxers to the corner.  He makes sure to keep an eye on Itsy the whole time he's washing up. He doesn't like the idea of her waking up in a new environment unaware of where she's at and getting scared. That thought alone makes him wash up even faster.  He shuts the water off after a quick rinse grabbing the monitor and towel off the towel rack inside his shower stall. As he dries his hair he exits the stall naked. Brice not being shy or ashamed. There are probably only three other dudes in here anyway he thinks. He's still drying his hair when the shower room door swings open. Brice ignores it and starts dring his body ready to get dressed. His wolf feels tense all of a sudden though. As soon as Wrath lets out a bone-chilling growl Brice's chest feels like it's being crushed. No more air for his lungs is passable. Before he can even process what's happening to him his right knee is hitting the tiled floor hard while clutching his chest.  At this moment he can't think straight cant hear anything cant find the air he so desperately needs to service any moment his body is going to clasp from lack of oxygen. He sees from the corner of his eye Wrath take a step forward. It seems to only intensify his struggle but then he hears the cries of his daughter who is just waking up alone in her new bed. It's like reality hitting him full force. His lungs constrict making him gasp loudly. He bangs his chest twice hard with his fist wanting more air.  He quickly gets to his feet grabbing his hair in fists taking greedy gulps. His daughter's cry intensifies. Brice looks over at Wrath who seems struck stupid. Only making Brice angrier. "Are you just gonna fu**ing stand there? Go attend to Itsy while I get dressed tell her I'll be there shortly after I get dressed." Brice says through gritted teeth and a ticking jaw. Wrath shakes his head leaving the shower room in a hurry. He knew Brice was in there but he didn't expect to walk in and see him completely naked for anyone's eyes to consume. Before he could even control his beast he had let out a roar of possessiveness he couldn't control. His plan was to reject him but Brice up and left to avoid the breaking. He planned to execute his plan and reject him when he came back but then Brice had Isty in his arms. Now he's uncertain. Everything he thought is all mixed up. What if he wasn't cursed? What if the Moon Goddess wasn't wrong? He and Brice made a daughter an heir to his legacy after all. The problems now lay that I'm not into dudes Wrath thinks. He hurriedly opens Itsys door and her cries immediately assault his ears making him nervous. He hasn't a clue how to comfort a child. He's never even attempted it. He hurries over to her crouching down. "Hay sweetheart it's okay." He tries to speak softly. It's a weird feeling he's not accustomed to. Isty looks at him still crying softly. She jumps up wrapping her arms around Wraths neck shoving her little face in the crook of his neck. Wrath is stunned but quickly rubs a palm soothing up and down her back and wraps his other arm around her to lift her up in his arms as he stands gently to bounce her. "Wheres my daddy?" Istys says in a sobbing voice. Making Wrath's heart hurt. He wants to say right here. He wants her to love him and be happy to see him as she does when she sees Brice. Nows not the time though. "He's getting dressed sweetheart he will be here very soon I promise." She leans back in Wrath's arms wiping her little eyes. When she looks into Wrath's eyes his heart seems to miss a beat. She has his exact eyes. He feels tingles run up his arms and into his heart. It's a bond a different bond the bond of a father with his pup. Momentarily tears sting his eyes. He quickly blinks them away not to startle the little one. "Im hungry." She says in her cute little voice with red puffy eyes. Wrath doesn't know what he should do. Does she bathe first? What about her wild hair? I don't even know where her clothes are. Just when he was about to stress himself too far the door opens and Brice comes running overtaking her into his arms. An taking a three-foot distance from Wrath. "Hay princess daddys here. Are you hungry? I know it's scary waking up in a new place but daddy won't ever be too far okay?" She nods her little head. "I am hungry daddy. It was very scary when I woke up." She says sadly. "And you know what its okay to be scared. It keeps you alive. Let's get you dressed and brush your hair and teeth so we can grab some breakfast." Brice soothes her.  "Tell Wrath thank you for looking after you while I got changed," Brice says gently to Itsy. Then turning a cold gaze in Wrath's direction. "Thank you Wrath. Will you have breakfast with us?" Istys asks hopefully with a huge smile leaning her little head on Brice's chest comfortably. Wrath wanted to agree but one look at Brice's expression and he released a pained sigh looking back at Isty. "Not today sweetheart. Maybe tomorrow. Okay?" He spoke gently. Brice was taken back for a second. He'd never heard him speak so gently before. He quickly masked his surprise and took Isty to brush her hair with a smile on his face. He heard the door shut knowing Wrath left. Of course, he was p*ssed about the earlier incident he was expecting to see it coming not to be blind-sided out of the blue. His voice though made his heart soften towards him his wolf even purring at the memory. Brice got Isty dressed combed her hair then put it in a cute french braid. He watched lots of YouTube videos so his daughter won't feel left out not having a mother. He helped her brush her teeth then they headed down for breakfast. Brice was a bit nervous he hasn't had a pack breakfast in many years. Everyone pretty much knows him one exclusion though is he has Isty now. Wolves are bound to talk. It's like a small town rumors take form without direction. It can be tough to live amongst a pack of wolves but being Beta has its advantages most know already if you p*ss him off he will handle it on the training field and you'd wish for better days.
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