Angeline's Arrival

941 Words
When she woke she kept her eyes closed, pretending she was still asleep. She took in the surrounding smells. Medicine smells...a hospital? An infirmary of some sort? She would have to open her eyes to take in more, but no sense of danger or even pain. Angeline took stock of her body; no extra bruises, no new broken bones, she still had all her teeth, no new cuts. Angeline sighed and finally opened her eyes. There was an older woman in the room, putting some supplies on a small table. Angeline could see gauze, tape, needles, thread, and some wound cleanser. She waited until the older lady turned around. Something about this woman seemed familiar. Avery came again, "family! She has a familiar scent. One we haven't smelled in a long, long time. Just be careful." "Oh good, you're awake." said the old woman with a bit of a frown on her face. Her gray hair was in a neat bun, and she too had blue eyes that matched Angeline’s. It was very confusing. "Where am I? What happened? What are you doing and, more importantly, who the hell are you? My wolf tells me that you are family." At that Angeline quickly closed her mouth and her eyes went wide. She had told no one that her wolf was still there and quite strong as well. No one knew of the transformations she would do, except one, and that person would never ever tell. With that she had a fleeting thought of Bridgette, her human best friend. Her only friend, to be exact. "OK, so to start, you are in the main hospital, you passed out after your arm was cut for whatever reason, and I.... I am Betty, Red Moon's pack healer and the personal doctor of Master Alpha and, more importantly, child, I am your grandmother. Your mother, Amara, was my daughter." Angeline sat in shock at these words, as the word grandmother kept going through her head. She felt her arm being lifted onto the table. "You lost a lot of blood, child. I am going to clean this and get you stitched up. It shouldn't leave too bad of a scar. The way your father cut your arm, what was that about anyway?" Betty asked gently as she began to clean the wound. Angeline replied in a far-off voice, "Master... uhm I mean Alpha Nicholson has everyone in the pack chipped so that he can track us and know our movements because my pack, the Clan Blackwell, has been attacked a lot over the years." "Master? There is only one and that is Master Alpha Alec. Your pack alpha makes you call him Master?" asked Betty, frowning as she was adjusting the lighting to see better. "What do you mean you're my grandmother?" Asked Angeline, getting more and more upset. "The only family I have is my brother Leo and my father, Jameson! You can't be my family." "Let me explain, child. Your father, Jameson, ran me off saying that he would kill my daughter, Amara, you and the unborn pup, Leo. He severed my ties to the Clan Blackwell and my own family. I've tried to reach out many times and I couldn't find you. I'm fairly certain it was Alpha Nicholson's idea, but I have no proof. After a while, I thought you were dead. I'm so sorry child. I gave up when I shouldn't have. Clan Blackwell has some dark history that I'm sure hasn't been told to you...or anyone else for that matter. Later after you rest, maybe we can talk, and I can explain it to you. I don't blame you for being angry and distrustful, but I beg you to let me explain." Betty cleared her throat and looked at Angeline," This might hurt. Please be brave, my darling child." Angeline gritted her teeth, taking in all the information that had just been given to her. Betty began to wipe the blood away and they both looked in astonishment, as there was nothing there. Angeline's arm had completely healed, like nothing happened. Angeline also noticed that she felt better, stronger. What the f**k? What the actual f**k? What's going on? She thought. Both Betty and Angeline looked at each other in astonishment. Angeline was a Supe. What did this mean? Betty again took a warm cloth to where the blood had now dried and wiped it away. Again there was nothing, not even a scar. Angeline looked scared and Betty smiled knowingly, this girl is special and just like her mother, only she doesn't know it yet. "It looks like there is lots to explain child. I'm so glad you are here for myself and the others that are here to teach you. You, my darling granddaughter, Angeline of Clan Blackwell, are a Supe. Just like your mother, so as the Moon goddess fated you to be here, there is a lot indeed to talk about." Angeline thought back to how Alpha Nicholson had taken lots of her blood for storage, and it was slowly making sense. His actions were slowly making sense to her now. She didn't know what a Supe was completely, just the stories that had been told around campfires and what not. Betty looked at Angeline. "You don't know how special you are, do you?" Angeline looked back at Betty, "I didn't even know that I had a grandmother until five minutes ago. It's my fault. It's all my fault." Betty looked at Angeline sympathetically. "No child. There is very little that is your fault. I promise." Angeline searched Betty's eyes. "If only that were true."
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