Beta Jameson's Arrival

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When they arrived in the village, Jameson noticed that off to the sides in various inconspicuous places were guards. The entire village seemed happy and unafraid. The women openly smiled at their mates and the unmated smiled at potential mates and friends. There was laughter and happiness, no fear or cowering. The more he saw, the more he was mad, as that was not the case in Clan Blackwell. His wife, Amara, died three years ago and that was part of the reason why they were in this mess to begin with. The cur in the back seat was to blame for that. Since they had lost Amara, more attacks had happened and his clan was left weak. That was why Alpha Nicholson had called upon Master Alpha Alec, to help fix the situation. Knowing this, he felt it made the clan look weak, and he blamed Angeline for it. As they approached, he realized he had forgotten to stop at the rest stop to remove the chip from her arm. There was no way to turn around as the last place to stop was 10 miles back and hide it. "s**t! s**t s**t s**t! I forgot about that stupid chip and that stupid law." he thought, "well if I am asked about it, I shall say that she likes to wander off and be independent and with the attacks on our land, that is why she is chipped." Jameson figured that no one had seen him yet with Angeline. He pulled out his knife, intent on taking out the chip now. He was suddenly surrounded by five well-built, strong men who all seemed to look alike and seemed to have an interest in him. They were so tall that they blocked out the sunlight and made it impossible for him to see where they had come from. As Angeline covered her head he quickly cut her arm and took out the chip, putting it in his pocket hoping that no one had seen him do it. He also put his knife away and hung his head as a sign of giving in and being submissive. He was waiting to be punched, or beaten, or worse, told to leave. One of the men took Angeline away as she had passed out. He could see they were being followed by an old woman, but was unable to get a close look. In the wind, he smelled a familiar smell, but was unable to place it. He would worry about that later. Right now he had other things to worry about. He hoped that he would be able to talk his way out of this, otherwise he would have to potentially fight. He was a Beta and had the strength to go with it, but there was also the fact that the numbers weren't on his side, nor was the location. This was Master Alpha Alec's village, so if he were to fight, it would look like an attack and that would cause even more issues for Clan Blackwell and Master Nicholson. Jameson tried to weigh his options carefully. He thought that if he just stayed still, then he could survive this and still get what was needed for his clan. He again blamed this all on Angeline. Stupid b***h. This is all her damn fault. His wolf, Jamie, jumped in at that moment, calm yourself. You're getting mad will not help anything right now. That b***h will get what's due to her, but right now you have to think and be smart. Alpha Nicholson will be pissed if you come back with nothing. Jameson took a deep breath and didn't move. He fought every instinct he had to attack the nearest man. A slow drip of sweat started down his back and brow. Once he got out of this, he was going to beat that b***h senseless. This was all her fault. He just wanted this to be done and over with. He was waiting for them to move or talk or do something so that he would know what to do next. One of the five men, mind-linked Master Alpha Alec, there is an asshole here who just cut a girl's arm, probably a chip. The men want to teach him a lesson. Do I allow it? Wait for me, we are expecting some guests. I will determine from there what will happen. For now just keep him scared and surrounded. -Master Alpha Alec Alec put a quicker step in his gait to get there a bit faster, knowing his men. He ducked through some allies to get there faster. These people were his responsibility and no one was going to jeopardize them. The men, women, children, the houses, the businesses, the livelihoods of everyone here were his responsibility. Other clans who were under his protection were his to protect as well. That is what today was about for him. Protection. Master Alpha Alec was going for a walk thinking about the upcoming visitors. He didn't like this one bit. He walked along with his hands folded behind his back, trying to relax. Even though his mind was burdened with what was about to happen today, he still continued to smile at everyone who he passed in his village. He began to wander, not really paying attention to where he was going. He began to think, was he really going to trade 5 of his warriors for 1 female? Was he putting his people in danger by doing this? What was going to happen if he backed out? How many lives are going to be affected by this trade? What exactly was he missing? Was saving one female worth putting others in jeopardy? His thoughts were interrupted as he heard a commotion at the east end of his village. He started in that direction as he received a mind link telling him what was happening, to see five of his men surrounding a man and a girl. He got there just in time to see a girl let out a scream and pass out. One of his men took her to the infirmary with Betty close behind. He smelled something in the air. Pansy, and mint. A unique smell, a distracting smell. It couldn't be. There is no way. "Mate! mate, mate, mate, mate! We must go find her. Find the mate." His wolf, Alex whimpered. "Find the mate. Mate hurt. Find the mate." Master Alpha Alec ignored his wolf and locked him in his mind to find out what was going on with his men. They would normally not act like this, especially toward a stranger. All of his men were disciplined and knew the rules as to strangers coming in the village. They were to be treated with fairness, but slight suspicion until it was determined if the stranger was friend or foe. His past had taught him a lot of lessons and this one of the biggest. "What is going on here? Warriors stand down NOW!" he boomed. He was perhaps a little more forceful than he intended. At first no one spoke, then one of his warriors stepped forward, "Master Alpha, this man was abusing the girl in his truck. He cut her arm, probably to take out a chip. It's disgusting and disgraceful behavior. Also, since you banned microchips, that means his actions are illegal. There is no reason for his actions. What shall we do about it?"
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