The Drive

975 Words
Angeline looked out the window of her father's truck. She was leaving her pack, as a bargaining chip. Traded for some strong warriors. She was going to the castle or what she perceived was a castle for one year, one long year, she would be gone. She had never been outside of her pack territory. Her mother died some three years ago. Angeline's mother was the best female warrior in the pack. Her mother died protecting her. As a result of that, the entire pack turned on her. She went from being one of the favored to being the doormat. In recent years, Angeline's pack has been attacked by rogues, hunters, vampires, and other packs. Angeline's father, Jameson, was once her hero, and is the guardian of the pack as he was the Beta. Jameson never wanted to be Alpha, and he had no problems with taking orders, as Angeline would come to find out. This whole plan was Alpha's, Nicholson's idea. The Master Alpha was to trade five warriors for Angeline's "visit". Nicholson was and is very cunning. While Angeline was less than dirt on his shoe, her beauty was not lost on him. She was physically fit. She was taller than the average female at five feet seven inches. Her hair is chocolate brown, long and straight. Her face is porcelain with blue eyes that you could fall into. Her lips were pouty and her teeth straight. She looked like an angel. He had hoped to drop Angeline off and have Master Alpha fall in love with her so that he could bargain for more. As they drove, Angeline thought about the past few days before this trip. She was being treated better, and fed more. The night before their departure, Angeline overheard a conversation between Alpha Nicholson and her father, Beta Jameson. Nicholson: This works in our favor, Jameson. She goes, and we get five top warriors to train our men. Who knew your b***h of a spawn could be so profitable? I am impressed. Jameson: Yeah, she's useful for once in her existence. Hopefully, she will attract the Master Alpha with her beauty, which is her mother's, and we can do more, be more. Nicholson: If she doesn't, then after the year is up, she will simply disappear. Are you good at that? Jameson: Works for me. She has no use here. She can't even clean properly. Let her be someone else's problem. Nicholson: Does she know what to do, and what is expected of her? Jameson: Does it f*****g matter? Not like she can keep anything straight in her stupid head. Once we are there, I shall explain it to her. Both men laughed and walked away. ****************************************************************************************** Angeline curled up in the back seat trying not to think about that conversation and be as small and out of the way as possible. She let her mind wander. "Leo are you there?" She tried to mind-link her brother. "What the hell do you want?" was the tart reply. "You too? You're my brother! I miss you. We used to be so close. Why do you hate me so much?" Angeline asked. "You are so stupid. Our mother died protecting you. It's your fault she's dead. Whatever fate awaits you, you deserve it. Now go away." With those final words the mind-link was closed, and a wall was put up. After a while, Angeline contacted her wolf, Avery (eh-ver-i). Av are you there? Avery-, are you OK? Angeline--My whole pack, including my brother, had turned on me. What do you think the new place will be like? Avery-Whelp, it can't be worse than our current situation. Angeline-True, hopefully this could be a new start. Do you think they will use trackers like Alpha Nicholson? Avery---I think he's the only one, but we shall see. The conversation made Angeline smile a little. She looked out the window as they drove. From the dirt roads to the highway, Angeline watched the scenery change. She went from the wild woods of which she was used to, to rough highway lanes with lots of fast moving traffic. It was at this point that she began to drift off. There wasn't much for her to look at. Eventually, she fell asleep. Angeline was rudely awakened by Jameson pulling her out of the truck by the back of her hair. Angeline didn't scream or make any kind of noise. She was used to this. Men that she didn't know had gathered around her and her father. They all had matching looks of disgust on their faces. Angeline looked at the men surrounding her in a bit of panic. They all looked big, fierce, and fit. How she was going to survive this beating she didn't know, but she knew she would as she had survived many other abuses. The men began to let out matching low growls, and it seemed to be aimed at her. She willed it to be a quick beating, just to get it done and over with. She covered her head with her arms in a feeble attempt to protect her head, just like normal. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. For one fraction of a minute she felt the blood begin to ooze down her arm as her tracking chip was being removed. It hurt so bad that she let out a small scream of pain before she passed out. The only person who could possibly do that would be her father. Angeline's confusion grew, but she was unable to say or do anything with the unexpected pain that she was feeling. She swayed on her feet slightly and then passed out. Avery whimpered in her mind, "hold strong, I am here, like always. Just hold strong."
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