chapter 6

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Katelynn. after the guys left I jumped in the shower and luna and I started getting ready. I have no idea why I'm so nervous. is this the first date? do I trust him enough not to hurt me? but he makes me feel things so extreme I'm scared he's not feeling the same. I voice my concerns to luna. " girl the man likes you just see where it goes and stop over thinking" " I'm really trying! I just don't know he's way more experienced than me with everything what if I'm not enough" I say while putting on my make up. " just go with the flow. he's very interested from what I have heard from dane he hasn't dated in a while either" I nod and go to my closet " help me! I don't know what to wear" she laughs at me. she picked out my ripped jeans that show off my curves and a nice shirt so I get dressed and she leave to put on her dress. as I'm finishing my hair the doorbell rings and I jump. I really need a drink to calm down. I make my way over after putting my boots on and when I open it I can't help but smile. he's dressed in nice jeans and a button up with a cowboy hat. he speaks first " you look gorgeous" I blush and thank him and move over so he and Dane can walk in he kisses my cheek I led then to the kitchen where I offer a drink they both agree he says he will have water and Dane a beer I turn and get it and myself I beer to calm my nerves. they thank me and Dane leave to go see if luna is ready. we're standing across the bar from each other. " no need to be nervous because I am also" I smile " glad I'm not the only one" " this definitely doesn't count as me taking you on a date, I already have that planned" wow! could he get an sweeter. " I'm looking forward to it" luna and Dane come back and we grab our bags we leave in separate vehicles and follow them to the bar making small talk. as we make our way through the bar I feel him slowly put his arm around my waist, I could get used to his warm body next to mine. luna and I start with some shots and make our way to the dance floor leaving the guys at our table we're having a good time just enjoying ourselves. after a few songs we make our way back to the guys. when I see joe come out of his office to go work behind the bar. " I'm going to get more drinks" I say to everyone and Luca says he will come help carry them I run over and kiss joe on the cheek. he's my God father and my dad's oldest friend, we talk back and forth when suddenly I realize I need to introduce him to luca but before I have to over think luca hold his had out and introduces himself. joe smiles at me and says to luca " good luck keeping this one out of trouble, she's more trouble when she's actually workings" he says and winks at me " hey now! I can't help it the costumers love me" we both laugh " just try to stay off my bar top tonight don't need you falling" I blush I really don't want luca thinking I'm crazy but he just laughs and says " now that's something I think I'd like to witness" joe laughs and hands me mine and luna's shots " well I few more of these and I'm sure you will, y'all enjoy your night" he nods at us and goes to help others. I turn to luca " I promise I'm not crazy" I say laughing. he pulls me in, being so close to him I can smell his sweet cologne over all the bar smells and I can't help but smile " wouldn't think it if I got to see you shake your ass" he winks at me. oh goodness I'm trying to be good but the alcohol and his body so close to mine isn't helping. we're brought out of our own little world when luna comes up looking for her drinks. we have a few more and by now I'm tipsy I should slow down before I make a fool of myself. luca excuses himself to the restroom leaving me luna and Dane talking when dylan walks up. " hey girls didn't know you'd be here tonight" he says and hugs us " what trouble are you out getting into?" he laughs " no trouble just looking for some fun with a few buddies, wanna join us for a game of pool?" " ugh! you know I suck!" luca. I'm enjoying the night watching Katelynn come out of her shell a little more around me. as I'm making my way towards our table I see the jock from the other day. I roll my eyes, what could he want? I walk up and he looks me over the same I do to him he throws his arm around Katelynn and says " we're about to play around of pool wanna join?" I just nod my head and follow and I see Katelynn roll her eyes. we find the pool tables and a few others are already there and Katelynn says " you guys know I suck at pool!" and the jock says" we know but it's fun to watch you get frustrated" laughing he finally let's her go and comes over to me and offers me a stick, I'm not the best player but definitely don't want to leave her alone with these guys so I take it. katelynn comes up to me with wide bright eyes " I'm really no good, but wanna be my partner?" " I'm not any better so let's just have fun with it" I say to her the jock and his friend say she can break so she leans over the table to get ready and heaven help me. her cleavage is hanging out and her ass in the air, now I see why they like playing with her. this is gonna be a long game. after a few turns because of me we aren't doing to bad and Katelynn is bouncing around happy I can't help but laugh but I also noticed that the jock hasn't taken his eyes off of her for the same reasons I haven't. when we finally finished we won and she's jumping around happy when she jumps into my arms and kisses me all over my face " that's the first time I've actually won a game!" I laugh at her reaction and kiss her lips. someone coughs so I slowly set her on her feet while she blushes " come on luca let's dance" she says. I nod my head and tell the guys good game even though I can't wait to get away from them I can tell by the dudes face he isn't happy in how this ended. we make our way to the dance floor when a slow song come on so I pull her into my body. " I'm enjoying watching drunk kate" I smirk at her " I probably should've slowed down" she looks away I put my hand on her chin and make her eyes meet mine. I could get lost in her eyes " just enjoy yourself, I'll make sure you make it home safe" she grabs me and kisses me deep and I can't help but pull her closer with my hands resting on her waist. I lightly bite down on her lip trying to get access to her mouth and she responds we both get lost in the kiss until the song ends and we pull away trying to catch our breathe. her face is flushed and her lips swollen I'm sure I don't look much better. she looks at me and says " let's get out of here" I can't find words so I just nod as she takes my hand and we make our way to the table. where of course the jock and his friend are still there with luna and Dane. katelynn hugs luna and says we're leaving when the douchebag starts complaining " but you haven't even danced with me yet" she just snuggles more into my side, not that I mind " maybe next time I'm really tired and have class tomorrow" luna laughs at her and says ' yeah I'm sure you are going to bed alright" making Katelynn blush. we say our goodbyes and the jock tells her he will catch up with her later he kisses her cheek. I pull her towards me " come on baby girl let's get you home" I say and she agrees. we make it to my truck where I help her in an get in the driver seat. once I'm in she makes her way to the middle and puts her hand on my thigh as I'm driving I do the same to her. the way she looks tonight and her being so close isn't helping the tightness in my pants because my thoughts are going crazy. but I know I have to be a gentleman because she's drunk and I don't want her to wake up and regret anything. we pull into her driveway and before I can think straight she's straddling my lap I pull her in for a kiss. we start making out and I make my way down her neck with small kisses and bites when she lets out a small moan. damn it! my hard on is killing me but I pull away trying to think with my head as i rest my forehead on hers she asks " why'd you stop?" pulling her lip between her teeth looking sexy as f**k. I slowly take my thumb and pull it out and rub her lip " I don't want you doing anything you'll regret baby girl" the next sentence is like she's really trying to kill me as she's moves her hips and runs her small hand down my chest " but I'm horny daddy" f**k! I knew she had a naughty girl hiding some where. I suck in a sharp breath before she smashes her lips to mine again. and against we're fighting for dominace my hands move to squeeze her big ass and she moans moving her hips. she starts kissing along my jaw and down my neck. it takes everything in me to say " babygirl we need to get some sleep" she looks at me like a deer caught in head lights and quickly hops off my lap and before I can make it around to her door she's out and making her way towards the door I grab her hand to slow her down. " if you don't want to have s*x with me just because I don't have experience just say so" damn that's what she thinks? is she insane I want nothing but to bend her over and watch her moan my name i pull her close to me and rest my hands on her hips. " I want nothing more than to have you, all of you" I rub my hard c**k against her " trust me it's taking alot in me to be a gentleman and not f**k you until you have trouble walking for the next two days, but not like this babygirl I want you sober so you remember everything I do to this sexy body if yours" I run my hand along her body. she nods and turn to head to the door stumbling a little. I help her make her way to her apartment in silence and help her to her room when she falls on her bed. I reach down to take her shoes off and cover her up. I kiss her on the forehead as she's falling asleep. I turn and make my way to her kitchen where I get her some water and painkillers and write a note for her I leave then by her bed as I take one last look at her. I'm slowly falling for her and she doesn't even know it. I take a deep breath and make my way to my truck. I send dane a text letting him know to let luna know she's home safe and I'm headed home.
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