chapter 7

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katelynn. as I wake up the next morning my head is pounding and the sunlight coming in my room isn't helping so I roll over pulling the blanket over my head. then it hits me. everything I said and did last night. OH MY WORD! pretty sure I can die now. I finally sit up and look beside my bed where a glass of water and some painkillers are, at least he was nice before he ran away from my crazy ass. I'm beyond embarrassed when I reach for the medicine and water I see the note. do I even want to read it? is he telling me whatever this is between us is over? I grab it and read. kate, I hope this helps you feel some what better. had an amazing time with you tonight, text me when you get up I've gotta go to work early so don't want to take the chance of waking you. hope you slept well. xoxo daddy (smiley face) great just great it is as bad as I remember. I can't believe i tried to sleep with him and I called him daddy. I roll over and scream into my pillow. Luna walks in. " morning chick what's wrong?" " I threw myself at luca last night" I say not even bothering to take my head out of the pillow. she laughs " well he's hot I wouldn't expect anything less. at least he didn't do it while you were drunk" I groan " yes I know" I explain everything to her leaving out my apparent daddy kink that I didn't even know I had. and she cuddles me telling me to just text me he obviously isn't running then she moves and I thought she had left to get ready until I hear " uhm daddy huh?" laughing. ugh! she read the note I don't think I can get anymore embarrassed! " i have no idea why I even said that I was basically just jumping his bones and it came out" I say sitting up now covering my face with my hands. " well he obviously didn't mind" she laughs and tells me to text him then leaves to go get ready. I sit there for a few just thinking of what to say I finally text back. Katelynn- good morning. I'm so sorry about how I acted last night, I know it may not seem like it now but I'm not a slut. I had a good time with you. hope your morning is good. xo I jump in the shower hoping to wash away the embarrassment as I'm getting out and dressed leggings and a t-shirt will have to do today. my phone chimes. yikes not sure if I want to read it. Luca- good morning little minx ( smiley face) really hope you aren't feeling to much of a hangover today. don't apologise, like I told you last night I want nothing more than to have my way with you but you need to be sober to enjoy every minute of that. what time is your classes today? xo I smile at my phone God I really am gonna fall for him. Katelynn- not to bad nothing coffee can't fix. only have one class today thankfully! luca- glad to hear it. dinner tonight babygirl? katelynn- sounds good. what time? where? luca- it's a date babe I'll pick you up at 6 katelynn- ( heart) can't wait. I go get my coffee and tell luna I'll be going out tonight. " see it wasn't that bad was it?" she laughs and pats my back. I say " yeah until I have to face him. he probably thinks I'm a sure thing for s*x now and my body definitely wants that but my brain and heart aren't so sure" I sigh. " I'm sure he just wants to spend time with you, would it be so bad to finally see what's under his clothes though?" I just shake my head and head out the door. when my phone chimes a couple times. Luca- I can't wait either. by the way my want to check your f*******:. I sent you a request, but we're definitely blowing up lol I'm sure my mom will be calling me soon. Luca- mexican okay or you want something home cooked? my f*******:? oh goodness what did luna do. I quickly open the app and see a beautiful picture of me and Luca on the dance floor in each other's arms just looking into each other's eyes laughing with the caption ' aren't they just cute' . comments are going crazy from people I know talking about how they are happy for me and some say it's good I'm finally dating again and some are wondering who the hot guy is and I see comments from people he knows talking about how we make a beautiful couple. how they are glad he's finally happy. then you can see which ones are his guy friends because they say ha! she's way to good looking for a guy like you jk dude! and when are you gonna introduce us it her so we know she's real? I smile at those comments. hope he isn't upset luna basically put us on blast. Katelynn- I'm sorry she did that I can have her take it down if you need me to. mexican is fine I'm sure we won't feel like cooking. luca- sounds good to me. no don't have her take it down unless you aren't ready. I'm more than happy for the f*******: word to see me happy with a beautiful girl. I smile. I honestly don't think I've smiled this much in for ever. he's happy to show me off. I accept his request. I'll snoop on his page later. katelynn- I don't mind either (smiley face) I go ahead and start to class so I can get it over with because I'm looking forward to hanging out with him. Luca. I woke up to my alarm this morning and also my phone going off. I'm a little tired because it was hard to finally fall asleep last night because I couldn't stop thinking about my little minx. the girl is beyond hot and doesn't even realize it. I pull my phone out and see the f*******: post and smile reading the comments because they are true I really do look happy and I can't believe how great we look together. I'm sure mom will be calling at lunch to find out why I haven't called her. I grab a shower and my coffee put on my uniform and go to base where my buddies Nate, lee, and Gabe are waiting to dog on me. Nate is by far my best friend so of course he already knows about my girl but the other two I'm not as close with. " yo dude why are you hiding your fine ass girl from us? you scared I'm gonna take her?" lee says as nate fist bumps me. " no not hiding anyone it's all new just trying not to scare her away". " yeah sure, like I said already how do we know she's real?" gabe ask. I laugh and shake my head " she's definitely real. and if and when you meet her you better not act an ass I say to both lee and Gabe. but I already know I'll introduce her to nate first, he understands me and we've literally been through hell and back together. we all make small talk and go about our work. I feel my phone going off and I pull it out to see a message and hear from behind me " ohh baby girl huh? so she's serious? " nate says " yeah I think so" I tell him what I've told her about my past and some of her past so I explain how we are taking it slow seeing if we can make it work. " so basically if I can keep her from running or falling for any of these little rich boys she's got falling at her feet" I say shaking my head at the thought " I'm sure if she was gonna run she would've already done it. and it sounds like shes not interested in the little boys. stop worrying so much and enjoy her" we continue our work while I'm texting her. I'm glad she agreed to dinner I don't want her hiding from me just because she was horny last night. and damn the way she said daddy had me feeling all kinds of ways. just a simple dinner date to show her nothing has changed. thankfully work is passing pretty quick and it's soon time to head out. I say my goodbye and head to the truck when my phone rings. mama. well at least her and dad waited till I was off work to integrate me. " hey mama" " boy don't hey mama me. you got a gorgeous girl on your arm and ain't even bothered calling me" "mama it's not that it's still new I don't need you planning a wedding yet" " so that means you think I'll like her then? when you bringing her home?" " yes mama you'll love her I'm sure. I'm not sure yet when I'll bring her to meet you. let me see how it goes first" " don't be running from her boy. I see that smile it's real if you are aren't in love you will be" " I'm not running mama. just don't want to scare her away yet. I'll call you later I've gotta get ready for dinner" " ah! okay baby you two have fun! and find out when she wants to meet us! love you' she hangs up before I can even respond. I know she's just happy but I don't want her getting her hopes up. what if kate isn't that interested in me? I mean drunk kate is but that doesn't really mean anything. I get out and take a shower and change into jeans and a t-shirt almost time to go pick her up. when my phone rings and I smile " hey baby girl about to head your way" I hear her sniff. is she crying? before I can say anything she speaks " um hey not really feeling up for going out to dinner tonight sorry " she's sad. but why? my heart aches " okay baby girl. how about I grab some take out and come over and you tell me what is wrong" she thinks for a few before she responds " you mind if I just come there? luna is gonna have a study group here tonight and really don't want to deal with them" " sure kate I'll send you the address. I'm gonna go grab take out but if I'm not here just let yourself in" " okay thank you" she hangs up and I'm left wondering what in the hell has her upset. I clean up a little and then I realized shes coming to my home. most if my reconstruction is done but some of it isn't. f**k I hope she doesn't hate it and think I'm stupid. I send her the address and head out. katelynn. my day was going great and I was looking forward to spending time with luca until I got a text from my ex. ' a black dude huh? I'm sure with all the tattoos he's been to prison you sure know how to pick them b***h. don't worry he will get between your pretty little legs and leave just the way I did' . I tried not to let it bother me but I just kept letting my head drift off to the place of not being good enough for anyone. and on top of that to insult luca. who has been a gentleman and just because he has tattoos doesn't mean he's been to prison. ugh! later into the day since I don't respond he texted again ' ha no response so I must be right. he is probably already gone. don't worry I'll come f**k you if you need it' I still didn't respond. is getting closer to time to get ready for my date with luca and I can't do it . I can't face him like this because it's true. he will see I'm not enough and leave. so I decided to cancel when he picks up he sounds so happy. I try to hide the fact that I'm upset but doesn't by it and doesn't seem to want to cancel he says he wants to know what is wrong so I agree we can hang out but not here because luna and her study group will be here and I don't want them in my business. a few minutes after we hang up he send me the address. oh the old farm land. I've always wanted to see it up close. when I was little it had the most beautiful wrap around porch. one day I plan to own a home with a wrap around porch so I can sit and drink my coffee. I grab my hoodie because it looks like it might rain and head out there. when I pull up his truck isn't here so I guess he's still out. I get out and look around. you can tell he's done a lot of work. I walk up to the porch and admire it I'm sitting in the swing when I hear his truck pulling up. he quickly hops out smiling and grabs the food making his way to me. " hey gorgeous you could've gone in" he says before giving me a quick kiss. I smile " I was just admiring the few. I've always wondered what it looked like from here" I say. and he just smiles down at me and takes a seat and we just enjoy the peaceful afternoon air. until the bottom falls out and it starts pouring. I take a deep breath just enjoying when he grabs my hand " why don't we go inside before the food gets cold" we head inside and I follow him to the kitchen and he looks a little nervous as he scratches the back of his neck " um make yourself at home and look where ever you'd like. it's not all finished, it needed alot of work when I got it" I smile at him. and look around the kitchen. I'm amazed at how big and open it is. " pretty sure this is my favorite spot. it's beautiful. did you do it?" I ask looking out the window over looking the yard " yeah my buddies or dad help out when they can. I know it wasn't smart buying something broken but I love the area" he looks down as is ashamed. " I love it. I love that your making it your own, I can help ya know?' I laugh " well maybe just painting or something I'm probably no good at the construction part" " I'll keep that in mind. I'm glad you like it. the kitchen living room and master bed and bathroom are complete the rest is a work in progress, the hardest part will be the pool area trying to get it looking nice before summer since I'll be home for a little while" I take a seat at the bar just admiring the man in front of me and his passion. as he plates the food and passes it to me. " well I can't wait to see what you do to it. maybe an inside your today since it's raining then next time I'll be able to see all the land" he sits beside me with his food and kisses my cheek " definitely sounds like a plan baby girl" we sit and eat in a comfortable silence I almost forgot that I was even upset earlier. I know he's probably waiting for me to start the conversation but I'm not sure I'm ready for him to be upset with me. luca- when I got home seeing her sitting on my porch made me beyond happy. she looks like she belongs there so content. when we get inside I can only hope she doesn't hate it. but the look on her face tells me all I need to know. she's dressed so casual but yet leaves me breathless I don't even think she's got make up on today. and when she's talking about the summer in my pool in makes me happy thinking she's looking at the long run for us. we sit and eat and I really want to know what had her do upset but I'm not sure I want to ruin her mood again. then she gets her phone out and passes it to me. I look at her wondering what she needs. then she says " I'm sorry, just read it. I'm assuming he saw the post and now he's trying to get back at me. I'm sorry for the way he comes at you and if you don't want to deal with this or me I completely understandable" I look questioning what in the world is going on the I look down at the phone and read the messages. prison yeah heard that one before. but at least she didn't respond which means she definitely isn't interested in him. but why would I be upset with her? it pissed me off the way he talks about her. and makes me see red when he talks about f*****g her. I slam my hand in the bar top startling her. i brought out of my thoughts when I look at her. she's scared. of me? that I'll hurt her? or that I'm mad at her? I slowly stand up and set her phone down and turn her around on the barstool so she's facing me wrapped in my arms where she belongs. ' want me to kick his ass?" she laughs and that makes me laugh as she shakes her head " he's really not even worth it" " oh it's worth it if he thinks he can talk to my girl that way. no one is gonna disrespect you like that" my voice is deeper than I intend it to be but I'm trying to be calm I feel her shiver in my arms. damn. she looks into my eyes and in a small voice says " are you not pissed at the things he's said about you?" " baby girl it's nothing I haven't heard and to be honest i may have looked at some of your old f*******: post and I've seen pictures of the guy his opinion of me doesn't affect me. but I'd like to know if you want me to talk to him because I don't want this affecting us" " us? what are we?" she asks looking away " I grab her face gently between my hands and crash my lips into hers until we're both fighting for dominace. " I'm hoping you'll be my girlfriend" I say breathless from the kiss she doesn't respond just grabs the back of my neck and kisses me again. soon her legs are wrap around my waist and I prop her up in the bar as I stand between her legs. her hands start to wander across my body and my hands are squeezing her thighs. I'm definitely gonna need another cold shower tonight. all of a sudden the storm going on outside knocks the electric out and we pull away slowly my forehead resting on hers both of us breathless again " I'll take that as a yes" I say ? and she giggled " yes I'll be your girlfriend mr watts" I groan at the sound of my name coming out of her mouth and she shivers and wraps her legs back around me pulling my body close to hers. " how about I start a fire in the fireplace before it gets chilly and we cuddle up and decided how were gonna deal with your ex?" " sounds like a plan" I Carry her into the living room and her face lights up. " wow! even without electricity I can tell it's beautiful in here" I peck her lips and set her down. " get comfortable baby girl" I get the fire started and I can feel her watching me as I go back towards her I sit next to her with my arm around her pulling her close and throw a blanket over us. I could get used to this. then he phone chimes
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