chapter 5

1301 Words
luca. when I open the door I see the shock on her face as she slowly turns red. then she looks down at herself. God she's beautiful. I walk in slowly and pull out the bag of mexican food. " dane was coming over to see luna so I figured I'd come along and bring you some brain food. she also said I can't go wrong with tacos" she laughs and stands up I was expecting for her to just take the food but to my surprise she wraps her arms around me for a hug. she feels so good in my arms. she pulls away and take the food and sits on the floor " no you can't go wrong with tacos they are my favorite! are you staying?" " of course. thought I'd interior with your learning a little" I smile as I sit beside her and we bring the food out " gosh I'm sorry I must look a mess I wasn't expecting anyone today" I kiss her cheek " gorgeous. I had no idea you had curly hair it was straight last night" blushing she says " uh yeah my curly hair isn't something I like so I tend to hide it" shaking my head I say " you look extremely sexy with it and I'm also sorry I didn't exactly clean up before coming over" I look down at myself dirty black cut off and ripped old jeans what was I thinking coming to see such a beautiful girl looking a mess. we continue to eat and make small talk when we finish I put it all in the trash and offer her a hand up she takes it and I wrap my arms around her waist i can't help it she's killing me in these shorts and shirt. she again starts blushing. so I lean down cup her face with one hand and kiss her, she wraps her arms around my neck. it was meant to be a small peck but we both seem to be enjoying this too much to back away suddenly there's a knock at her door and she jumps as luna and Dane both appear. "damn get it guys!" she winks at Katelynn who of course blushes and tries to hide her face in my chest " dane and I are going to the bar tonight y'all wanna join if so I need your help getting ready" Katelynn looks at me and I shrug because either way it means I get to spend longer with her she says " um yeah I can not sure if Luca wan.. I cut in " yeah that's fine but I've gotta go shower first" we all agree that Dane and I will leave soon and they walk away but not before telling us to wrap it up before we get in bed which makes Katelynn throw a pillow at her. Katelynn. I still can't believe he brought me food and didn't seem like it was a burden he just wanted to be around me. kissing him has proved to be dangerous because I get sucked into our own world I was so embarrassed getting caught by our friends and not really feeling like going to the bar but didn't want to seem like a boring person. so i finally leave him arms and feel cold I realize my n*****s are hard as rocks and can be seen poking through my tank since I'm not wearing a bra. I catch his face as he notices and his eyes seem to dilate before he looks back into my eyes smirking. I rush to pull a hoodie on then start cleaning up my homework mess. I don't understand how he doesn't have a girlfriend because he seems like he's sweet and he's drop dead gorgeous. " can I ask what happened between you and your ex?" most of my stuff is put away and he sits on my bed and looks out the window. okay maybe not the best question " she knew I was in the military when we started but I was home for about a year. when I deployed for the first time in our relationship everything seemed okay until I started getting messages from friends saying she was out with different guys." he looks at me to see if I'm listening then back out the window. " she told me it was true so we stayed together. that deployment was pretty rough, I ended up coming home early because I got hurt. after a few weeks in the hospital and some recovery time I was okay but still have a pretty nasty scare that goes from my stomach to my back" he breathes deep and I out my hand on his shoulder for comfort. " you don't have to tell me if you aren't ready" he shakes his head " no it's fine you should hear it from me first." I let him continue " she didn't come visit in the hospital which pissed my parents off because they already didn't like her and when I finally got out and went to my apartment she finally showed up acting like she didn't do anything wrong saying she just couldn't see me laid up. so I went along with it because I just needed support, when we finally decided to try to f**k she told me she couldn't look at me while we did so I had to keep my shirt on which whatever. anyways long story short we did it a few times and I always where protection not to long after I got deployed back out and got a letter from her saying she was pregnant. so we started planning a life and I was there for her just figured something happened with a condom. well 6 months later when I made it home she clearly wasn't pregnant. she apparently got an abortion because people started to talk about the timeline and she said it wasn't mine but some of dude she was f*****g on the side. broke me then I had to turn around and tell my parents and it broke them because they don't believe in that and we're excited about another grandchild. she called me everything under the moon and left when I told her I couldn't deal with her drama anymore. she's been in and out trying to get back with me when she doesn't have anyone else to warm her bed" stupid b***h how could she do that to this amazing guy?! I pull him into a hug" I'm so sorry" " it's fine I've gotten past it just haven't trusted my heart with anyone else. until I met you, you seem to have an effect on me that I can't explain" I'm at a lose for words because I completely understand because I feel the same way. " one day will you show me the scar?" " maybe one day, I don't want to scare you away just yet" I kiss him deep and suddenly I'm in his lap with his arms around my waist and my hands in his big bold shoulders. when we finally pull away to catch air I rest my forehead in his and smile. he says " as much as I don't want to let you go I've gotta run home and get ready" now I'm really irritated we have to go out but it's for the best before I end up letting him go to far with me I have to start thinking with my head and not my v****a. I've never been this way before!! " yeah probably best so we don't get to carried away" I get off his lap and he stands and kisses my forehead " I'll see you in a few gorgeous. thank you for listening and not running away" I smile that's what I'm here for.
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