chapter 10

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katelynn. it has been a long week between school and work. and even longer since I haven't had the chance to see luca since the other day. we've been texting and calling but it's not the same. I'm becoming attached already and I'm not sure how I feel about that. luna says I need to just go with the flow and she's super excited to be going to mud fest with the guys. dane won't be coming because he doesn't like it. I think they are starting to drift apart. luca and I were supposed to have lunch yesterday but I ended up having to help teach a class so that didn't happen since I'm a student teacher I don't choose my class times yet. it's finally Friday and I'm sitting in class when someone walks in interrupting the professor. he walks up to the professor with a single Lilly and a cup of coffee. the professor nods and takes it then calls my name. I blush like crazy because all eyes turn to me he walks over and hands it to me and I see a note. katelynn, hope this makes your day brighter. lunch today meet me in the quad. xoxo luca aww! he's so freaking perfect. I drink my coffee and enjoy my moment then dylan walks up " seems someone is trying to apologise for someone" I roll my eyes at him " actually no he was asking me to lunch since we've been pretty busy this week" " humph whatever. you need to be careful dude is to old for you" he says and walks away. what's his deal? when class ends I hurry and go to meet with Luca. when I see him sitting there I can't help but smile. I walk up to him and he's smiling just as big and wraps his arms around me and pulls me in kisses my forehead. " gosh I've missed you baby girl" I kiss his lips " I've missed you!" someone clears their throat it's luna and I blush. " you joining us for lunch?" I ask and she says " well of course lover boy here said he had enough for me too" we dig into our food and just enjoy each other's company then I say " so dad's bbq is at 12 so we can have lunch there then head out" they both agree and luna is hoping to find a hot rich dude I'm guessing her and Dane are over? she says her goodbye and thanks luca for lunch. I turn to luca " you didn't have to do all this you know" he smiles and wraps an arm around my waist " you deserve it baby girl stop over thinking it and enjoy" I peck his lips " so would you go to dinner with me tonight?" he asks kind of looking away rubbing the back of his neck. I wonder why he's nervous all of a sudden " of course! what time?" " about 7 gotta get this training done first" " well I will see you then" I smile at him " everything okay? I can tell you are deep in thought" he nods his head at me " just trying to figure out how I got so lucky. you sure you are okay with this? with us?" is he having second thoughts about us? I slowly pull away " are you having second thoughts about us? because I'm sure that I want to be with you but if you aren't ready please don't lead me on" he pulls me back to him " it's not that katelynn. you just don't see how beautiful you are and you could have anyone out here but yet you are with me. just makes me wonder I guess" he shrugs. " how about we finish this conversation later. I've gotta get back and I feel like you aren't telling me something" he agrees and kisses me. I thank him for lunch and we say our goodbyes the rest of the day Im excited for our date. it feel like I've known him for longer. when I finally make it home I finish up the homework I have a and clean up around the apartment. I decided to relax in the tub for a few because it's been a long week. luna won't be off until late to but I wish she was home so I could talk to her. I know luca is feeling this way because my dad has money. everyone does this is why I hate when people find out. luna is the only person who has never tested me any difference. I relax for a few before I get out to start getting ready I decide to wear a long sleeve black flowy dress that stops above my knees with my red heels. it maybe chilly tonight. I do light make up and leave my hair curly since he said he likes it. now just have to wait for him to arrive. I start getting a little nervous. what if he stands me up? luca. it has been such a long week with training and not being able to see katelynn. I'm glad she enjoyed my surprise lunch and didn't think it was to forward. I know tonight she's gonna want to talk but how do you explain to someone that they could do much better than you? I get home shower and change into jeans, a black button up and my boots. as I'm driving over I start thinking of ways to explain this to her and how I'm feeling about her. when I get there I ring the doorbell and wait. I should have brought her flowers! damn it too late now. when she opens the door she leaves me speechless, I let my eyes take her in she looks amazing! I notice her eyes doing the same. I lean in and kiss her it was supposed to be a sweet kiss but it turn hot quick. when I pull away she's blushing and we're both breathless. " you look absolutely amazing" I say my voice is low since I'm still trying to catch my breath. she smiles " you don't look so bad yourself" I smirk at her and we make our way to my truck hand in hand. on the way to the restaurant we make small talk about our week and she lights up telling me about the little students she's spent her week with, I can tell she really enjoys the kids. once we get to the restaurant and seated I can't help but smile at her. we put our order in steak for me and chicken for her I find out steak is the one thing she doesn't like. then she speaks up surprising me " if you are feeling different about me just because my dad has money that's not fair because you met him before we even started this thing officially" I look deep in her eyes and I can see the hurt I reach over and take her hand in my " I have my own money. not to brag but I've invested in a few things that have done pretty well on top of my military benefits. it has nothing to do with who your dad is baby girl and I'm not having doubts about us" I say and she shakes her head and tried to pull her hand away " then what is it? am I not what you were expecting" I laugh at this but quickly stop once I see the hurt and confusion on her face " you are actually nothing I expected when I was first meeting you. I heard cheerleader and I assumed you'd be a snob looking to warm my bed. but you aren't you are down to earth and your heart is just as beautiful as your face and body. but you don't see that and I don't see why. you deserve so much better than some broken solider with scars on his body. but I'm to selfish to let you go. in all honesty I don't think I could now that I know you" she has tears in her eyes and says " you don't see yourself the way I see you. sexy, strong and brave. I can't help how your ex's thought of you but just because they saw you that way doesn't mean I do. I'm my own person and I get to decide if I want to be with you not you. so please don't push me away" she looks away. damn. didn't even realize that's what I was starting to do but she obviously is so smart. " just be patient with me baby girl and I'll be patient with you. we will figure this out" we both smile and the food arrives. we enjoy our meal and I pay. " I'm not ready to drop you at home yet. care for a walk?" she nods and I grab her hand leading her down the side walk. we take in the night life people are starting to decorate their stores for halloween. I throw my jacket around her shoulders and pull her to me with one hand on her waist as we walk. then I hear the one voice I've hated for many years and stiffen up katelynn picks up on it and smiles at me letting me know it'll be okay. we turn our bodies and there's my ex standing there with hardly an clothes covering her body with her two friends dressed the same " what are you doing in this town luca? don't tell me you went ahead with that stupid idea to buy that old house?!" really she's just gonna be a b***h. I just nod my head " yes I did a few years back. enjoy your night" I say trying to end the conversation but of course she isn't done " really? enjoy my night. you expect me to just walk away when I see you out with some new chick what happened to loving me?!" I laugh at this. did she hit her head and forget everything she has put me through " I haven't loved you in a long time and really don't think I ever did. yes I've moved on with my life and considering you moved on before we were ever broken up you'd think you could be happy for me" she rolls her eyes and looks katelynn up and down " well I can tell this won't last long when she finds out who you really are. how dominating you can be behind closed doors all those years of service didn't make you that way it's kink that only certain people can handle and miss prim and proper here won't cut it. not to mention your messes up body" I'm seeing red. I would never dominate kate if she wasn't into it I can live without that but her words cut through me before I can speak katelynn does " well since you're a good for nothing b***h I can see why he thinks the way he does. trust me when I say this I know all of it and we're both extremely happy now if you'll excuse us we have to be some where. but don't miss think my prim and proper ass because I will not hesitate to kick your ass" with that she grabs my hand and we turn to leave I hear my ex yelling something but I'm in such shock of what just happened I don't hear a word of it. when we make it back to my truck katelynn bust out laughing and I can't help but join in we laugh for a few then I kiss her " I'm sorry about that" she smiles at me " don't be I know all about stupid ex's" I help her in the truck and get in. damn my girl is fiesty and I like it! katelynn. we're on the ride back to my apartment and I have so much running through my head. dominating? like 50 shades of gray or beating my ass. I want to ask but I don't even know what to say. we pull in the driveway and he put the truck in park. I turn towards him " I had a wonderful first date with you finally" I say laughing. " me too glad we were able to do it. hopefully many more" he hops out and opens my door helping me out and walks me to my apartment " want to come in for some tea or coffee?" I'm still trying to find the courage to ask the questions I want. he nods his head and I lead him in. after I fix me a cup of coffee and tea for him we make our way to the couch " I can drink coffee all day it makes me happy" I say with a smile smelling my coffee. he puts his arm around my shoulder and sits a little closer to me and says " just ask baby girl I promise to be honest as long as you promise not to run" I nod my head " okay like what did she mean dominating?" he takes a deep breath " I'm into spanking, occasionally being bossy and restraining. when you call me sir, and daddy it makes my head go to those places but it's nothing I can't keep under control I swear it and absolutely none of those things has to happen when we have s*x. just watching you come undone beneath me the other night was enough for me baby" I blush at his words and squeeze my thighs together the thought of these things makes me excited in way I didn't even know it could! I straddle him and kiss him hard trying to show him how I feel because I honestly don't have any words. his kiss sends my head spinning as we're fighting for dominace my hands wrap around his neck and his make their way under my dress in my thighs. I moan into the kiss. the next thing I know he moves one hand up and cups my neck as he starts kissing and sucking down my jaw. I can't help the moans coming from my mouth but his lips are setting me in fire. I grind my hips into him and he uses his other hand to squeeze my bare ass since I'm wearing a thong and the one around my neck has a little pressure but not to much. he groans as I continue to grind on him. then all of a sudden luna walks through the door and screams " oh my God! I'm so sorry! don't mind me continue ALL of that I'm just going to my room" I blush at being caught and hide my fave in his neck he chuckles and says " see you tomorrow luna!" we catch our breath and he says " I had an amazing night with you but I think I should get going I want this to be a proper first date no matter how bad I want to take you into your room and do dirty things to you" I nod my head and peck his lips before I get off his lap I notice he's rock hard and I giggle " thank you for an amazing night and being you" he fixes himself and I lead him to the door. " I'll see you tomorrow baby girl sweet dreams" I peck his lips " sweet dreams" when I close the door I lean against it and squeal and do a happy dance. I'm definitely falling in love!!! I make my way to my room avoiding luna and her 21 questions I strip off my clothes and jump in bed extremely happy and a little sad she came home and stopped us from doing anything more. as I'm laying there trying to sleep when Luca texts to say goodnight. I respond and slowly drift off to sleep but I end up having an extremely dirty dream about us
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