chapter 11

2009 Words
katelynn. I wake up and enjoy my coffee when Luca calls. " good morning handsome" " morning beautiful, I wasn't sure you'd be up yet" " yeah just enjoying some coffee before I get started on these pies" " oh so she can bake huh? what kind of pies?" I laugh. " I can do lots of things you don't know about. making hershey pie and lemon" "mmm I'm definitely trying that hershey pie! you want me to meet you there or pick you up baby girl?" " I'll just meet you there, luna and I are going early to help dad out" " need me to help?" " no that's okay. kind of want to talk to my dad before you get there" I say laughing he laughs " okay baby girl. remember I want to get to know him and hear all your embarrassing stories so don't tell him not to tell me" I laugh " that's exactly what I'm telling him!" "I'll let you enjoy you coffee see you in a few" " bye handsome!" " goodbye gorgeous" I'm so content. just enjoying my happy moment when luna walks in and says " stop smiling so much it's creepy! did you get paid last night?" I laugh at her " no I didn't get laid but we did enjoy the evening." she rolls her eyes you sound so old! I can't wait to get you drunk at mud fest then you won't be acting like such a lady" we laugh " yeah he better hold on because he's about to meet the real me." she just laughs and says " joe let me know last night hes got the land ready so it's gonna be amazing!" I get up and get started in the pies while she sneaks some every now and then. it's our thing. after I'm done we decide to go get ready. I decided on jeans and a nice too with my nice boots. I'll grab my mud boots and a t-shirt from dad's house. once luna is ready we make our way to dad's. as we pull up I see just dad's truck in the driveway which is good I really need to talk to him before people arrive. we run inside and run to the back yard where he's starting the grill and we both jump on him. he hugs us and spins us and we squeal " hey dad! I missed you!" he sets us down " missed my girls too." he looks behind me " I thought you said the new dude was coming?" I roll my eyes " yes luca will be here soon but I wanted to talk to you first. he laughs at me " okay talk princess" so I tell him how I'm feeling about luca minus all the steamy parts and he nods his head and says " okay princess but I still have to talk to him. you said he's 36?!" I see he's a little worried " yes dad he's 36 but does that really matter?" he shakes his head " no I guess not. when does he go back over seas?" yikes I haven't even thought of that. I look down " I'm not sure I haven't actually asked that" he nods " okay we will get to know each other and I'll let you know" I smile and then Luna says " they were sucking face on the couch last night dad!" I turn red and push her " shut up" she laughs and dad laughs. ugh! I don't like either of them. I turn to go start the sides. soon people start making their way a few business partners of dad that I know and one couple has a newborn. so I'm currently holding their newborn talking to the guys wife, amber I've known them for a couple years and they are nice people aren't snobs like some of the wives can be. as we're talking my dad and a guy wearing tan pants and a polo shirt with the collar popped walks in. I'm assuming he's the new business partner. dad looks at the tiny baby and smiles then says " no grandbabies until a see a ring" I roll my eyes " I know dad but isn't she beautiful" we awe over the baby for a minute then he introduces me to the guy. " steven this is my princess katelynn, katelynn this is steven" I say hello and the normal greetings when I notice he's looking me up and down. really dude? he sticks his hand out so I shake his and he kisses the back of my hand. ew. out of the corner of my eye I see luca enter the kitchen I instantly smile towards him. steven doesn't notice and says " well you surely didn't tell me your daughter was this beautiful, I would have made the trip alot sooner" my dad notices luca and laughs as luca makes his way to me he kisses the side of my head and shakes my dad's hand. luca. as I walk into the kitchen I see the dude basically eye f*****g katelynn. damn now I've got to keep my eye on some rich prick that is gonna be working with her dad. Katelynn smiles at me which makes me smile and i hear the dude call her beautiful. ugh. I walk over to them and kiss her on the side of her head and reach out to shake her dad's hand " nice to see you again mr charles" he nods " you too luca I hear we've got a lot of talking to do" I knew that was coming " yes sir, when ever you would like." the other guy speaks up and says " hey I'm steven hopefully gonna be working closely with Charles here" he pats her dad on the back and sticks his hand out for me to shake " I'm luca, Katelynn's boyfriend" I smirk at him. he nods his head " of course a beautiful girl like this would be taken" I just nod my head and look down at katelynn " and whose this little thing?" I say looking at the baby " oh this is ambers baby, her name is jane" I smile and ask her mom of I can hold her everyone's eyes go wide as she agrees. I carefully take jane into my arms " she's perfect so tiny" I say katelynn is smiling at me and her dad laughs and says" like I told princess no babies till there's a ring on her finger" we all laugh " I completed understand sir" " good deal. I've gotta make my rounds and check on the food y'all come join everyone" I hand the baby back to her mom and everyone makes their way outside. I wrap my arm around Katelynn's waist as we walk and I feel her cuddle into me. I'm introduced to a few people then kate leaves to check on the food leaving me with her dad and the rest of the men. he says " so katelynn says y'all are headed to mud fest after this" I notice stevens face scrunch up and I nod my head " yes sir we are good you don't mind us leaving a little early" " of course not. knowing my daughter it was her idea" we laugh and I shake my head then steven speaks up " what kind of date is that? the girl clearly needs a night out on the town" I try my hardest not to be a d**k but thankfully her dad steps in " from what I hear they did just that yesterday. katelynn is a spunky girl she goes to the fest thrown by her God father just about every year. I don't think she went last year because her ex thought lady's shouldn't go" I see him roll his eyes and I say " yeah we're all pretty excited" steven just rolls his eyes and the conversation changes. after I few I see Katelynn walking out with some dishes and I go over to help " hey pretty lady care for a hand" she laughs " if I can trust you you can grab the pies" I laugh " I'll try my best." I kiss her check and go off to grab the dessert. everything is served and I take a seat by luna and kate I can see steven eyeing her from across the table but she seems to not notice of ignore it. we all eat and enjoy conversation minus steven who seems pissed. get over it dude I was here first. the lunch wasn't as bad as I thought it's be and once we are all finished were making plans to load up the four wheelers when he dad comes over and asks to speak to me we make our way inside to the kitchen. " so she tells me you are 36 and I already know you are in the military anything else I should know?" he asks " I know I've known your daughter for a short time but in that short time I'm almost positive I've fallen in love with her. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. not saying we won't fight because all couple do but I promise to always try to make it right" he nods his head " I have to ask even though something tells me I don't need to. you aren't with her trying to get to her money are you? because even though she's going to be a teacher all of this will one day be hers" I shake my head " I don't have as much as you I'm sure but I've invested in a few things that have made me enough money to last me. after the military I'll have a place at the sheriff office because of my skills. I can promise you sir her money has absolutely nothing to do with it and without it I could provide a good life for her when the time comes" he smiles and seems pleased with my answer. " one more question. when if ever do you have to go back over seas?" " honestly I'm not sure they are thinking they may have to send us towards the end of next some for a few months. but if things go the way I hope with your daughter after that deployment I'll be out. I don't think even now I can take being away from her." he pats my back " just treat her right and we will be alright she deserves the world" I shake his hand and steven walks in " couldn't help but over hear you are a solider and have a deployment coming up?" I square my shoulders because I can't stand this dude " yes proud military sergeant been in for 18 years. nothing is set in stone yet about deployment" he nods " hm okay" and walks away. seems like he got the answer he wanted. her dad says" don't worry about him if I'm being honest I have my eye on him not sure if he will do in the business world being a spoiled brat he is. and I can tell katelynn has no interest" I nod my head and thank him we make our way towards his shed where kate and luna are waiting and load up the four wheelers on my truck. " luna you riding?" " no I'm driving my car because I may stay longer" I nod and her dad says " katelynn sue you be careful!" she rolls her eyes " really dad the middle name" he laughs and hugs her and we get in the truck " so katelynn sue huh?" she laughs " oh hush I hate it! what's yours? " I think it's beautiful" I grab her hand " and to answer your question mine is a secret" she makes a cute pout face " but you have to tell me!" I laugh at her " luca daniel" she seems to think about it for a moment then moves her hand and runs her fingers down the side of my face " luca daniel watts. I love it" I smile and lean over and give her a peck " glad you like it baby girl because your stuck with it"
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