chapter 9

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katelynn. the next morning I'm woke up when I hear the sound of knocking. trying to ignore it I snuggle back into bed only to turn and realize I'm snuggling further into luca and the memory of lasts night comes back. I've never felt so good and so sexy before, I smile. then I feel him wrap his arms around me tight and bury his head in my neck. " good morning gorgeous" he says in a sexy raspy morning voice that sends a shriver straight to my core. " good morning babe, any chance they'll go away?" he kisses my neck then leans up taking in the view and I blush realizing were still naked. " mm how I wish they would but probably not" his voice is deeper as he cups my breast and kisses me. then another knock. he drops his head " ugh! you go shower and use whatever of mine you need I'll go see who that is" " and coffee I need coffee before I can function" I say giggling because he's planting kisses all along my collar bone and he laughs " yes definitely coffee babygirl" he hops out of bed in all his glory and goes to throw on sweats. I just lay there admiring the view. " like what you see?" he asks and smirks at me " hm I guess it's alright" I say teasing him " as I get up to go start the shower and he smacks my butt as I pass I gasp in surprise " behave baby girl or we will ignore the door and I'll spank that little ass of yours" that makes me shiver and causes me to become wet. " well don't make promises you can't keep now" I say in a pout. he just laughs at me gives me a kiss and turns to walk out. I go into his bathroom and it's huge it has a massive shower and a beautiful bathtub. oh how I wish I could just stay here I think to myself. I quickly hop in the shower and enjoy the warm water. as I get out I borrow his toothbrush and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I walk but into his room and realize I have to wear my leggings again. but no panties because mine are dirty. I go to his closet and grab a t-shirt it says military across it. I make a knot in the side so it doesn't look like a dress. it's gonna be a long day until I can run home and grab some underwear I think to myself. damn it! I slowly make my way down the stairs where I hear him laughing with someone that makes me smile. hopefully he has my coffee ready luca. waking up with katelynn in my arms feels amazing. damn whoever is at the door because I would've liked to seen where this morning would've went. she looks so beautiful in the morning her crazy curls all over the place. ugh! I could kill whoever is at this door I think to myself as I make my way down the stairs when I open the door it's nate and I roll my eyes because I already know how this is gonna go. " come in asshole, training isn't until 10 and it's 7 what are you doing here?" I ask while making my way to the coffee pot. he wiggles his eyes brows and smiles " Soo whose red Jeep is that outside? wouldn't happen to be a certain sexy cheerleader would it?" " f**k off and don't scare her away when she comes down" I get the coffee started and when I turn around I see him standing by the bar with a s**t eating grin on his face then he pulls his hands up and says " well with clothes all over the living room I'd think you'd be in a better mood this morning" I hurry to get Katelynn's bra from his hands and pick up the rest of the clothes laying around " don't be touching her bra dude!" I say as I make my way up the stairs and lay it on the bed. I hear the shower running and for a second I stop to think if Nate wasn't here I could be in there with her! I shake my head and head back down. me and Nate make small talk over coffee and of course he bust my balls saying I'm in love and can't even see it. we're laughing when she comes into the kitchen wearing one of my shirts. f**k! can she get any hotter? she grabs the cup of coffee from my hands and snuggles into my side. I can't help but smile at the action. my ex wasn't ever one to actually want to be close to me. really shocks me because I'm still shirtless and she's cuddled into the side that my horrible scar is on like it's nothing. I look up from her and see nates eyes wide in shock because he knows how I feel about myself. " katelynn this is Nathan, Nathan katelynn" Katelynn sticks her hand out to shake and they greet each other nate says just call me nate basically this big goons brother so that makes you my sister now. she just laughs. we all start talking about our plans for the day and seems like she's gonna be just as busy as I am the next couple days. that really sucks but we will get it figured out. then nate brings up mud fest this weekend, I had already agreed I'd go with him Saturday but I don't want to miss the bbq with katelynn and make a bad impression on her dad. then katelynn speaks up " that's this weekend? how is it already gonna be October!" I nod my head and say " you'll have to go solo nate I'm going to s BBQ with Kate" but Katelynn once again surprised me " um no! we're definitely going! I just didn't realize it was this weekend also luna and me normally go. so we can go eat some food with my dad and then go" nate does his happy dance and I just laugh at the two of them " you had plans on going?" I ask " well yeah. we go most years" she shrugs. she really couldn't get anymore perfect. she then kisses my check " that's if you don't mind me crashing your guys day" nate butts in " oh no you've definitely gotta come with us now. gotta see what my future sister in law is all about." they laugh and I roll my eyes at him. " alrighty guys I've gotta get to class so I'm stealing this coffee mug" I take the mug from her hands and hand her a go mug " figured you'd need one for the road baby girl. I'll walk you out" I wrap my arm around her waist as she says goodbye to nate we make our way to her jeep when she turns to look at me " it's gonna be a long day" she pouts and I peck her lips " I know I'm sorry you didn't get much sleep but not sorry about how we spent our time" I smirk at her causing her to blush " me either but now I've gotta run around with no panties until I have time to run home" I groan and pull her into me and squeeze her ass " damn it baby you can't be saying things like that knowing you have to leave now that's all I'm gonna think about" she giggles and kisses me " I'll text you when I get the chance. thank you for last night" " any time sweetheart I'm always here" I help her into her vehicle and watch as she drives away. as I walk back into the house I know I have a stupid smile on my face. " damn it boy! I don't think I've ever seen you like this!" nate says " yeah she's for sure difference" " she's clearly just as into you! I'm so happy to see you not hiding under a shirt anymore" I just shake my head " honestly after we talked last night I didn't even think about it this morning then when I realized she was already cuddled into my body. just feels natural like she doesn't even realize it's there" he rolls his eyes " because bro your the only one that has a problem with it" I just look at him like really?? " she is a material b***h and her opinion on just about anything doesn't matter luca!" I give a heavy sigh " I know this but doesn't mean katelynn won't wake up and think the same way she did one day" he says " you've gotta give her more credit than that. I'm excited to see if she actually has fun at mud fest though" he laughs. I am too not many girls would and she's a cheerleader so who actually knows. I head up stairs to get ready for the day. katelynn. it's gonna be a long week. I can't believe I admitted to him I didn't have any underwear on! and I can't stop smiling when I think of last night. when I get to school I meet up with luna ' well well well look whose doing the walk of shame" she says hugging me " no walk of shame here" I say smiling " and just so you know we didn't have s*x" she just brushes me off and says " I want details this evening young lady!" I blush thinking about it then she sees my necklace " oh that's pretty!" I run my fingers over it and say " yeah we're officially a couple" we talk for a few before I head to class. I pull out my phone and see o have a message from Luca luca- baby girl I can't get it out of my head that you don't have any panties on. what I wouldn't do to have you back in my bed legs spread moaning my name again! have a good day, call me if you need me for anything. xo oh my goodness! how am I supposed to think properly when I'm all horny! damn him! pay back is in order katelynn- hmm daddy how am I supposed to think properly when you are talking like that? I left my panties by your pillow ( wink face) wash them please sir.. have a great day! I can't believe I just sent that!! I put my phone away and class starts but all I can think about is him
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