chapter 4

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luca. I wasn't ready for the night to be over so I looked over at Katelynn and asked if she was hungry. we decided on burgers and fries. we made small talk while headed to the drive thru. as I was ordering she says " Don't forget my chocolate milk shake!" smiling I added it to the order. we got our food and parked so we could eat. while eating I can't help but laugh,. Katelynn is eating like she hasn't eaten in days. she blushes when she sees me watching her. " I'm sorry, haven't eaten since before the game and honestly that's a long time for me. if you're around enough you'll learn that food is my favorite" " glad to see you eat, can't handle having to watch you eat a salad everyday" I say laughing " hm, yeah my ex thought it'd be a good way to try to control me so he'd constantly talk about my eating. I'm slowly learning to not think that way anymore" " well he's a bastard, I won't sit here and act like you ain't got curves but I'd be lying if I said I haven't been looking at them all night" brushing some hair behind her ear. she's really red now I can tell she's not comfortable with complements. hope I haven't over stepped " ha. um, wells you aren't bad to look at yourself" we finish eating and start heading back to her apartment. " I really hope they are done or at least aren't as annoying as the last guy she was with" rolling her eyes I can't help but laugh " I'll walk you to the door and if it sounds crazy we can always find something else to do" I'd offer to take her back to my place but I really don't think that'd sit well and to be honest her family clearly has money not that I don't have any but I got my house on a deal so I could slowly fix it up the way I wanted and so far I only have a few rooms done. I try to get out of my own head and help her out of the truck we continue to hold hands until we make it to her door. " yay! I get to sleep!" her smile is enough to make me smile " I guess so." not letting go of her hand " can I have your number? maybe an actual date" she looks shocked " umm yeah" she drops my hand to take the phone I have in my other hand. she puts her number in and smiles as she hands it back. as she looks up into my eyes I don't know what happened as if I wasn't in control one arm goes around her waist while the other hand goes to her cheek and I kiss her. she freezes for a moment then starts kissing back. wow! I had no idea it'd be this amazing. when we pull away we are both trying to catch our breath, she's blushing like crazy. " I'm sorry if that seemed sudden but i definitely don't regret it" I stroke her cheek and stare into her eyes " it's okay. thank you for the ride I've gotta get going now" she opens her door and waves goodbye katelynn. I leaned against the door trying to process what happened. my head was still spinning from the kiss, I touched my lips. I quickly went to shower and get in bed still can't get over that kiss when my phone chimes. luca- hey gorgeous, I had a great time getting to know you tonight. let me know when you are free for that date. I like what you put your name as by the way but I prefer babygirl (wink face) wow he actually texted!! I thought to myself katelnn- didn't actually think you'd use it. but figured crazy blonde was how you saw me lol! I kind of like the sound of babygirl though. not sure when I'll have free got some homework tomorrow but I'll let you know what my schedule is like luca- crazy sexy maybe. I wouldn't have asked for it if I wasn't gonna use it. I figured between the kiss and the offer of a date was enough for you to see that I'm into you baby girl Katelynn- I think you just like to make me blush luca- yes I really look absolutely beautiful when you do. is this dude real? why is he interested in me? my phone chimes again luca- I would like to clear the air about a few things though now I'm nervous. but reply katelynn- okay what is it? luca- well I want to make it clear that I'm interested in you but I haven't dated in a long time. really bad break up. also want to make sure the age difference doesn't bother you. but mostly the fact that I'm black, I know that you haven't brought it up but really don't want to get my heart crushed when you figure out the kind of looks you will end up getting really he's worried about his age and the color of his skin? I actually had even thought much about either. okay well maybe his skin but not for that reason, when he was holding my hand tonight his rough warn hands felt amazing katelynn- oh my! your black?? I didn't notice ( laughing face) your age or skin does bother me. not sure why either would. does it bother you I'm young? && if we are being really honest I don't have alot of experience with dating or other things. God why did I have to tell him that?? luca- oh so she's got a smart mouth. I'd like to tell you I have a good idea for that but you aren't ready for that side of me yet. I don't care about your age. your personality and looks have already drawn me in katelynn- now I'm curious? luca- I'm sure you are baby girl but I don't think you are ready for that yet. I'm going to take a cold shower just thinking about it sweet dreams gorgeous katelynn- ha! enjoy that then. sweet dreams I fell asleep with a smile on my lips and woke up the next morning from a very dirty dream about luca. blushing I go to get myself some coffee before I start my day. luna is in the living room when I pass and asks " hey how was your night?" I blush again thinking about luca " pretty good. he is a nice guy. dane go home?" " ohh so you like him?? yeah he went to help your lover boy with his house" rolling my eyes I tell her about our time together and about our possible date then I go grab my coffee and hop in the shower when she yells letting me know she's running to the store. I hop out of the shower and throw on some booty shorts and a tank with no bra because I'm just staying in to do work when my phone lets me know I have a message I see it's luca and can't help but smile. luca- good morning baby girl I hopefully you dreamed about me because I definitely couldn't get you off my mind. have a good day katelynn- good morning handsome. have a great day. luna said you guys are working in your house, don't work to hard. he doesn't reply right away so I'm assuming he's working. so I just start on my school work. luna let's me know she's back and goes to do her work also. around lunch time I'm starting to get hungry but I really need to finish this. my phone chimes luca- hope you aren't studying to hard. think I'm gonna find me some lunch think my free help is about to leave me lol katelynn- oh no! feed him and he will stay lol. I'm thankfully just about done because I'm starving but don't want to stop until it's done he doesn't reply so I just continue doing my work. I've got papers all over and I'm sure I look crazy when a little later I hear a knock on my door. I holler saying you never knock why start now playfully at Luna but to my surprise luca pops his head in grinning and says " well I always knock on a lady's door never know what you might find" oh my goodness! what is he doing here?! I know I'm blushing but I look down at myself because my hair is crazy curly every where right now and I'm in my lazy clothes and haven't even bothered with my make up
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