chapter 3

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Katelynn. once the game was over I was making my way to meet with luna and my dad. I was actually kind of nervous to meet the handsome stranger. before I made it to them dylan and a few of the other players were in front of me. dylan picked me up excited they had won the game, once he set me back down he asked if I was going to the bonfire I smiled and agreed I'd be there. he kissed my cheek then him and the guys ran off to get changed. I looked up to find the eyes of the handsome stranger on me, luna and dad came up to me and I jumped in my dad's arms it's been about two weeks since I'd seen him. we talked for a few then Luna turned to me and introduced me to Dane, I smiled and greet him. then they introduced me to the handsome stranger. luca. he smiled and I blushed. I finally spoke up. " so guys are we going to the bonfire or are there other plans I'm not aware of?" luna said " no we're going to the bonfire! the boys here haven't ever been and I think it'll be fun to show them some country" I laughed because unlike me she didn't own a pair of boots. we said our goodbyes to my dad and Luca shook his hand and my dad said something in his ear. hm wonder what that could be. we made our way to the parking lot when I asked whose vehicle we were taking since I'd walked to college this morning luca spoke up. " I followed dane here, so if you wanna catch a ride with me you can" rubbing the back of his neck like he wasn't actually sure. I didn't understand this dude was hot why was he nervous. I smiled " yes! let's go!" we came up to a nice lifted truck " maybe I'll talk you into letting me drive" I joked. he laughed and opened my door " I'm not sure you could handle it sweetheart" my stomach had butterflies from his deep voice. I smirked " don't underestimate me" he laughed and hopped in the drive seat. I gave him directions then finally asked " so the army?" " military, what are you in college for?" " teaching, I know boring but I just love the kids and watching them learn" God I sounded so dumb, this guy was clearly not interested. I probably needed to set the record straight before this night goes to far because no matter how hot he was he wasn't getting in my pants. he went to respond but I cut him off. "okay just a heads up, I'm not sure what you were told to have to hangout with me but I'm not having s*x with you, I'm not that kind of girl." he looked over at me shocked and laughed, like a deep belly laugh. I'm now blushing because I have no idea what's so funny or if he thought this was supposed to be an easy lay. he claimed and said " I'm sorry, honestly most girls here military and jump at it. it's refreshing to see you have some self respect, honestly all I was told was danes girlfriend if the week had a friend I needed to meet. I didn't want to come, nothing against you just not really comfortable with being set up. bad break up a few years back" I relaxed after hearing that. " no I'm sorry, most people look at me and think they can easily get me in bed then they find out who my dad is and it's like super speed in trying to get me to be with them. " well I'm not most men. though honestly I'd like to get to know you" " I'd like that too. so how old are you? brothers or sisters? how long have you been in the military?" he laughed again " um I'm 36. one younger brother who is soon to be married and he has an adorable 2 year old boy, lane. I've been in the military since I was 18. if you don't mind me asking how old are you?" I smiled " I'm 21" the rest of the drive we spoke about ourselves. I honestly can't believe he's real. when we got to the bonfire he got out and opened my door and offered me a hand to help me out. we made our way to the crowd of rowdy people and he still hasn't let go of my hand not that I minded, it felt nice Luca. it felt nice getting to know Katelynn. after the football player picked her up then spoke to her he kissed her Cheek and I surprised myself at being jealous of him. he's definitely got a thing for her and I'm sure he's her type. after we were introduced and her dad told me to take care of her we made our way to my truck she joked about driving it. I really didn't mean to sound s****l when I told her I didn't think she could handle it but she didn't seem weird she actually had a come back which was nice. we made our way to our friends in the crowd hand in hand I'm not sure why I hadn't let go but it felt nice. walking up I saw both friends eyes on us and Dane winked at me. luna handed Katelynn a beer which surprised me since most girl like fruity drinks then it surprised me even more when the jock walked up and said something about shot gunning shots to which she said something about him losing. I watched as they walked to a table and each set up 6 shots. luna stood beside me and said " she wins everytime, I know he has a crush on her but she doesn't see it so if you like her just keep eye on him. " yeah I kind of already figured as much, she doesn't see how beautiful she is does she?" " let's just say the ex did a real number on her self esteem" that pissed me off, how could anyone make her think less of herself I wondered. I watched with wide eyes as she downed the shots with no problem, winning if course. she did a cute little happy dance then her and her friends made their way to an open area and started line dancing to the music. I stood back with Dane drinking a beer just watching her. " so you like her huh?" dane said pulling me out if my thoughts. " yeah I think I do. she seems different, good different. but I'm not sure if she's okay with the age difference." I said honestly " if she's anything like luna she will let you know." then a half dressed girl walked up to us " hi I'm rachel, you must be new around here hit stuff care to dance?" she said while trying to poke her flat chest out to look hot. " no thanks I'm here with someone" I nodded towards where Katelynn was dancing. " ugh! she's not gonna out if your looking for some fun you know where to find me" she says while rubbing up my arm. I just nodded trying not to get into it with the chick. then the song ended and Katelynn starts making her way towards us but her eyes look said when she sees the chick next to me. I try to put some distance " oh hi Katelynn I was just talking to your new friends here" Katelynn just rolls her eyes " well boys like I said you know where to find me if you want to have some fun" she sends a wink and throws her hair as she turns to leave. I look over at Katelynn not sure what to say it clear they two girls don't like each other. dane notices and says he's going to dance with Luna. Katelynn looks down at the ground. " if you want to go with her it's fine I understood" I'm shocked. I'm not interested in someone so fake. I grab her chin to lift her eyes to look at me " pretty sure I have a date tonight. besides I'm not interested" her eyes look at me like I'm crazy " you sure? I mean it'd be a sure thing, as with me I can't offer much" she shrugs. wow. ex really did do a number on her. and I intend to show her just how wonderful she truly is. I smile at her. A slower morgan wallen song come on " would you like to dance?" blushing she shakes her head and takes my hand. we go to where others are dancing and I take her in my arms, it feels right. she's so small in my arms but seems to fit perfectly. I can smell her perfume,it's intoxicating I love it. Katelynn. dancing with him feels right. I haven't slow danced with anyone but my dad, Zach didn't exactly do dancing. his strong arms around me making me feel safe and needed. his manly smell mixed with some kind of cologne, is sending me head spinning. I really need to get myself together before I end up hurt again but the butterflies in my stomach tell me something different. I look up at him smiling, he's softly humming the song, I take a moment to admire the tattoos on his neck. I never knew they could be so sexy. I finally look up from his neck and see him smiling down at me, I blushed being caught eyeing him. " did they hurt?" " nah nothing to bad, kind of addicting after you get started" " I have one but nothing compared to yours" not many know besides my belly ring I have a string of magnolias going from my rib cage down to my thigh. my clothes keep it covered. " hm now I didn't see that coming, what is it?" I tell him and his eyes seem to dilate thinking about it. I shrive at the thought of him actually seeing it. I really need to get my mind right. as the song ends we start to make our way back to luna and Dane. they let us know they are headed back to our apartment, so I know exactly where this night is going. they ask if I need a ride when Luca asked me if I'd like a lift back with him. honestly I'm nervous because of the the way he makes me feel but I'm not ready to part ways who knows when I'll see him again so I agree. luna sends me a wink as we say our goodbyes and we make our way to our vehicles. luna hollers over to Luca. " take care of my girl, you hurt her I will hunt you down!" I laugh at her " promise to be a perfect gentleman! can't say the same for Dane" he opens the door and helps me in then gets in. I'm curious to see how this night will end.
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