Chapter 31: I Don't Want to Be Someone's Fourth

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Arriving at Qing Shi Jewelry. As soon as he entered, after hearing the sweet reception voices of two receptionists, a woman in uniform appeared. She smiled slightly and said, "You must be Jack, Miss Diana is waiting for you upstairs, please follow me!" "Thank you!" Jack smiled. The woman chuckled and said, "Jack, you have a very nice smile!" With that, the woman led Jack to the top floor of Qing Shi Jewelry. This top floor was very spacious, resembling a large living room. She then stopped and knocked on the door. Knock knock. "Miss Diana, Jack is here!" "Let him in," came Diana's voice from inside. Her voice was gentle and melodious. It is said that one can discern the beauty or ugliness of a person by their voice. Although there are occasional exceptions, hearing this voice always leads one to – Fantasize. If Jack were to give his opinion, Then indeed, Diana is a woman who inspires fantasies. Yes, what a fitting use of the word fantasize. Upon entering the room, the woman who had led Jack up retired and left. Diana lived here. Jack glanced around the room, which was predominantly red – red curtains, red bed sheets, and even the sofa and TV were red. Jack wondered, how much must this woman love the color red to decorate her entire room in it? The room was fully furnished, almost like a home. Sofas, beds – Wait, beds! "You're here!" Diana was sitting on the sofa, watching TV. She was dressed in red. It seemed like she had just taken a shower; her hair was damp, wearing a red slip dress with her legs clad in black stockings, the brand of which was unknown. Her delicate feet were in high heels, which weren't snugly fitted against her soft feet, making it seem like she was seducing others without saying or doing anything. Jack gulped down his saliva. This woman – How could she dress so enticingly today? Especially those long legs sheathed in black stockings. Transparent – Doesn't she know, that's the death of who knows how many men? "What brand are this woman's stockings?" Jack stood at the door, thinking carefully. "What would happen if those brand stockings were worn by his sister?" Jack swallowed again. Shaking his head, it's impossible to imagine his sister wearing stockings. Remembering the woman's instruction to take a bath before coming had Jack's heart pounding. "Did you take a bath?" Diana laughed while playing with her hair strands, looking at Jack. Jack's eyes widened. Why is she asking this? Could it be, she wants to set a trap for him right here? Jack's face turned red. Red as an apple. If this woman wanted to seduce him, should he comply or resist? It's said that the fruit that doesn’t want to be plucked isn't sweet, so should he not resist and just go with the flow? Maybe give this woman some face. Well, alright. Jack took a deep breath. He had given up struggling and closed his eyes. But after waiting for a while, Diana hadn’t approached him. He opened his eyes. Diana was standing next to him, her large eyes full of laughter, "Why are you closing your eyes?" "Ah!" Jack quickly shook his head, "I was feeling the air!" "I just sprayed insecticide, does it smell good?" Diana looked at Jack with a teasing smile, appearing like a femme fatale. "I was feeling life!" Jack hurriedly corrected himself. But when he sniffed, he realized her room had air conditioning, there was no scent of insecticide. He was being played by this woman. Indeed, Diana's smile had an additional hint of something else. "Did you take a bath for me, then?" Diana asked again. "No!" Jack took a deep breath, shook his head, and said, "What do I need a bath for?" "What do you need a bath for?" Diana blinked and laughed, "Are you dumb, taking a bath makes you clean. Didn’t you text me last night saying you were busy? I guessed you didn’t have time to take a bath, so I just reminded you. Where did your mind go?" Jack didn’t say anything. Seeing Jack blush, Diana caught on to something and then giggled, "Handsome boy, tell your sister, where did your mind go?" Jack remained silent. "To each their own, you didn’t add my QQ number, you didn’t come here last night, don’t you know, making a woman wait so long is a sin?" Diana spoke with a slight anger. Indeed, making a woman wait so long is a sin. At least, no man had ever refused her over and over again. She hates being refused. Yet I've never tried the taste of being refused. And it's from a man. If it were someone else, after her continuous invitations, that man would definitely come running to her. But Jack isn't like that. "This—" Jack said with a wry smile, "This is indeed my fault, I really had something last night!" Jack didn't dare to talk about Diana's situation. If he said Diana called him at three in the morning, who knows what Diana would do to him. "Why didn't you add my QQ number last night?" Diana's anger surged up. "I—" Jack was about to cry. Whose fault is this anyway? Do you have to force a man to get up at three in the morning to add your QQ? "Do you know what happens when you offend a woman?" Diana looked at Jack with a stern face, without her usual playfulness. Jack was stunned. "Little brother, I've taken a lot of effort yesterday, specifically thinking of a few ways to get back at you, do you want to listen up?" Diana's voice was sultry, like a cat in heat at night. Jack didn't speak. What, you take revenge on me, and it's for me that you thought of these revenge schemes. "I've thought about it for a long time, see if this works. Tomorrow, I'll go to your school and wait in the classroom until you finish class. Once you're out, I'll hang out with you, bring you food when you're hungry, and pick you up after school to go home. Though over time my stomach might get bigger, you know, feelings grow over time." "That 'day' is crucial, you know. But these might not be enough. Maybe I'll cry loudly in your school. Some heartless guy got the mother of his child pregnant and then abandoned her. This guy looks presentable, but he's ruthless inside. Maybe in a few days, you'll even receive a pregnancy notice. Daddy-to-be, how do you feel about this revenge plan?" "Oh right, I'm craving something sour, and, well, I'm feeling a bit nauseous now!" As she said this, Diana clutched her stomach and took another bite of the apple, "This apple is sour and really tasty—daddy-to-be, do you want a bite?" If Jack really didn't care about his reputation like this woman, he would surely kneel down and call out. Madam, please spare me. I was blind with my 24k gold Rolls-Royce eyes. How terrifying can a woman be who has discarded even her reputation? "Okay, this is indeed my fault," Jack reasoned and said. After all, he had read the number wrong. One day, when he woke up in the morning and glanced at the faded number on his hand, he could barely make out that the Arabic number was 7 and definitely not a one. He had not kept his promise. "But—" Jack said with a bitter smile, "Can you not find another way?" "Another way?" Diana put a finger to her lips, "How about you try this apple and tell me if it's sour?" Why do we keep returning to apples? Jack felt this apple was the most terrifying orange in the world. "Let me think, what if I went to your school and shouted out loud, 'Jack is my man.' How about that?" "Actually, saying it at your home works too!" "Can't you, find another way—" Jack took a deep breath and said. "Pfft!" Diana suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Alright, you admit it's your fault, how do you plan to compensate me? You should know, it's not easy for me to want you to come over. I had to give gifts and write love letters. So, tell me, how do you plan to make it up to me?" "How to compensate?" Jack thought for a moment and said, "You tell me how!" "I say—" Diana chuckled sweetly: "How about being my little lover?" Jack trembled. Diana immediately burst into a giggly laughter, her body trembling with mirth, the tender flesh on her chest utterly irresistible. There was an impulse to rush up and bury one's face in them. "Alright, let's talk serious. How much does Lucy pay you to be her bodyguard?" Diana asked out loud. Jack thought carefully and said, "Fifty thousand!" After all, he had now entered formal employment. But why was this woman asking these things? "Interested in a job switch?" Diana blinked her beautiful eyes and chuckled. "A job switch?" Jack was confused. "Eighty thousand!" Diana stretched out her finger and said, "I'll pay you eighty thousand a month to be my bodyguard! You should know that being close to the water tower gets the moon first. Lucy is so robotic, being her bodyguard is no good. Being my bodyguard, maybe we can have some exciting times!" "Exciting times..." Jack touched his nose. "No!" He was very decisive in his refusal, almost without thought. This question didn't require thinking. Although, he indeed felt a bit stirred inside. "Why?" Diana asked quickly. "One should see things through!" Jack said slowly: "This is the principle my sister taught me!" "Your sister?" Diana asked in surprise: "It seems that your sister holds a high place in your eyes." "Did you sleep with her?" Towards the end, Diana added another sentence. The ultimate level of hooliganism is to reach the pinnacle, using the term hooligan to describe Diana is actually a compliment to hooligans. Perhaps, at that time, hooligans themselves would sigh in admiration, what an exalted honor? That's just Diana for you. It was only at this moment that Jack realized. It turns out Diana was getting close to him for all these reasons. Although there was some slight disappointment, this was also normal, after all, no woman is born belonging to any man. If Diana approached him without reason and was nice to him, it would only make him wary. It turns out— It turns out she just wanted me to be her bodyguard. Looks like I'm still somewhat in demand. At least, I've earned the recognition of another woman. "Why, aren't you happy?" Diana's red lips parted slightly, her eyes shimmering like autumn waters as she looked at Jack and said, "I know why you're unhappy, but please, the one who should be unhappy here is me!" "Do you know?" "This is the third time you've rejected me!" Diana sighed softly, looking very dejected as she turned her head away and said, "The flower has intentions, but the water is heartless, handsome guy. No one has ever rejected me three times in a row, you're the first!" "I've rejected you three times?" Jack expressed confusion. When did that happen? And it seems like he wronged her somehow with this refusal. "You forgot? The first time, I let you add me online, you refused. The second time, I asked you to come find me, and you refused again. The third time, I wanted you to be my bodyguard, and you still refused! Tell me, if these aren't three rejections, what are they?" Diana chuckled. "Alright!" Jack touched his nose. Diana laughed, "Right, the gift I gave you, don't bother returning it!" "Why!" Jack was suddenly startled. How did this woman know what he was thinking? He indeed planned to return the gifts Diana had given him, after all, he had refused Diana's offer to be her bodyguard, so accepting those gifts naturally didn’t seem right. Hearing Jack's question, Diana's smile disappeared. Her expression turned serious, those beautiful eyes unblinking as she looked at Jack. She stepped forward in her high heels, coming right up to Jack. Raising her knee, she placed it directly on Jack's thigh, staring at him intently, like a female predator. "You ask why?" Her laughter was charming and pleasant. "I certainly don’t want—" "To be rejected for the fourth time!"
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