Chapter 32: The Naked Temptation!

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"I certainly don’t want—" "To be rejected for the fourth time!" Diana's pair of alabaster arms reached over Jack's head, resting on the sofa, while her knee settled onto Jack's thigh. She was like the girls in movies who push the boys against the wall, then block their escape with their arms. And finally, pass them a love letter. That was Diana at this moment. The two were enacting a real-life version of those movie scenes. Only, the prop was a sofa instead of a wall. The scent was intoxicating. This woman had sprayed on perfume. The fragrance was not overpowering; unlike some women whose perfume can be overwhelming, she had just spritzed a bit to mix with her natural scent. Exquisitely delightful. But none of these were important. With her body so openly displayed, such brazen movements—Jack couldn’t help but glance at Diana's chest, the protruding curves were tempting in every way, and those knees encased in stockings were just— Jack felt he was losing his grip on self-control. His face reddened even more. How could this woman be like this? Although he knew in this era, it was not much for a woman to make seductive gestures towards men, but to do this to a guy who hasn't yet transitioned from boy to man was borderline sinful. "Could you—please get up!" Jack's heart raced. "Giggle, giggle!" Diana burst into laughter. Her laughter caused her to shake all over. The more Jack was like this, the more amusement she found in it. Unable to help himself, Jack took a furtive glance at Diana's chest and cautiously commented: "You're laughing so hard, your chest is showing a bit..." "Mmm!" Diana apparently hadn't noticed, and after a brief moment of surprise, she returned to her previous demeanor. She didn't react with feigned shyness as other women might when revealing a hint of skin, with exclamations of "oh, you’re such a hooligan." Instead, her enchanting lips parted, resembling a female predator, not only refraining from such remarks but escalating the tease. She looked at Jack, smacked his arm, and said: "Oh giggle, now you dare to tease your sister, huh? But what you said—only a bit is showing. Do you want to see even more?" Jack swallowed hard. This was— This was blatant temptation! He immediately shook his head. He knew that even if he agreed, Diana wouldn't let him see. This woman often teases you until you're at your wit's end, unable to resist, then gives a flirtatious glance, and the matter ends there. Diana got up from off Jack, saying, "Okay, accompany me to have a meal, this time, you won't reject me, will you?" Jack thought and said, "Okay!" He felt if he rejected this woman again, he'd really become a joke. "Come on, little brother, big sister is treating you to a feast!" Diana said this and walked out of the penthouse. Just out of Qing Shi Jewelry. Jack glanced at the road ahead. "Honk honk!" There was heavy traffic. Diana clearly wanted to take Jack across the street to the bar located opposite of Qing Shi Jewelry Tower, the same place where Diana first invited him for a drink. Just after they entered. "Yo yo yo, the handsome boy is back!" "Look, our handsome boy is glowing, must've been well nurtured, giggle!" Just as they walked in, a group of wealthy middle-aged women drinking together started catcalling. These women saw Jack as their darling, their eyes lighting up, giggling and teasing him. "Ai, our handsome boy's virginity is taken by Diana!" "Little brother, is Diana tight?" Jack was breathing fast. "Wow, our handsome boy is blushing again!" "Look at him, come with me, I'll take care of your meals, lodging and satiate all your desires, as long as you can say 'sister, I want it', I'll give you an allowance of fifty thousand a month. Whatever games you want to play, I'll top up the money for you, we play together, giggle!" "Get lost, it's not your turn, handsome boy, I've been waiting for you for so long!" "Diana must've devoured our handsome boy until nothing's left of him!" Jack didn't dare to speak. He was afraid that if he uttered a word, these wealthy women might immediately pounce on him and implement the death penalty. "Of course, aiyo, my waist still aches today, these young boys, they keep calling 'sister, sister, I want it' all day long. Ai, you know, you can't refuse. After all, he keeps saying 'sister, sister, I want it', you can't bear to refuse. But giving him what he wants can harm your health. My old bones can hardly bear it, how about I lend him to you guys for a few days to experience it? When he says 'sister, I want it', it sounds so sweet! Makes my bones go soft." At this, Diana pretended to massage her waist, blinked, and gestured towards several wealthy women. "..." Jack himself didn't know when he'd ever done these things. "Diana, you're blatantly showing off!" "You know we love these things!" "Show off all you want, but someday a man will get a hold of you, you siren!" "Diana, lend me that handsome boy to taste the sweetness. You snatched him from me last time; this time you have to let me have my turn!" a wealthy woman complained with a petulant voice. Diana covered her mouth and laughed, saying, "That's easy, but you have to promise that all your jewelry business will go through my Qing Shi Jewelry!" "Don't worry, didn't I just place an order for four hundred thousand with Qing Shi Jewelry last time?" the rich woman replied. "But, saying all this is useless!" Diana glanced at Jack and added, "The most important thing is what the handsome boy thinks!" All the rich women turned their gaze to Jack. Jack looked around and found that everyone's eyes were on him. This— Is this what they call 'an innocent bystander getting shot'? He really wanted to say, I'm innocent. I just came out to get some soy sauce, can I go back now that I'm done? "Handsome boy, what do you say?" the wealthy woman asked with sultry eyes. Jack shook his head; he absolutely couldn't agree. Though, a part of him was tempted. "Look how selfish you are. I propose we sisters get the handsome boy drunk, then take turns settling things with him, how about that!" Diana giggled. "Good!" "Diana, that's a great idea!" "Look, even Diana, who devours with no remorse, is so generous. What are we waiting for, pour the drink!" "Pour it into the handsome boy's mouth!" "No way!" Jack immediately shook his head and said, "I don't drink!" Diana didn't force Jack. "Our little handsome boy is a proper man, no smoking, no drinking, no prostitution, a three-good citizen! Don't lead him astray," Diana said, laughing. As she spoke, Jack's phone suddenly vibrated. It was ringing. "Hmm?" Jack was puzzled about who could be calling him. He took out his phone and saw it was Tracy, his sister Mary's good friend. "Tracy!" Jack answered the call. "Jack!" An urgent voice came from the other side of the phone. "Your sister has been taken by the police. They say she's selling counterfeits and have taken her to the police station. I'm rushing there now, and you need to come quickly. Your sister has been framed somehow; there was a slip-up in the store, and they're arresting her without question. They... they said they will detain her for several days, and also—" The hurried voice of Tracy came through the phone. Jack stiffened. His sister taken by the police? How could that be possible? His sister would never do something like sell counterfeit goods. He believed that anyone in the world could do such a thing, but he would never believe his sister would. "I got it," Jack said. "I'll be right there!" Jack took a deep breath and then hung up the phone. Such an accusation. How could he allow it? "What's wrong?" Diana noticed the change in Jack's expression after he received the call; his demeanor seemed to transform, and she asked in confusion. This man, when serious, also looked quite cute. "My sister has been arrested by the police!" Jack didn't think much, he just blurted it out. "Sorry, I have to leave for a bit!" "Your sister was arrested by the police? Are you planning to go to the police station?" Diana asked. "Yes!" Jack nodded. Diana, surprised, said, "What for?" "To save my sister!" Jack said sternly. "I mean, do you really think so? If your sister has been taken to the police station, then she definitely must have done something..." Diana hadn't finished speaking. Jack suddenly frowned and said, "My sister didn’t do anything wrong!" Diana raised her eyebrows. She had never— Never seen this young man show such an expression; it seemed he was angry. In her eyes, Jack was always a little boy. But now his aura had changed. Diana became serious and said, "You're too naive. Your sister not doing anything doesn't mean others won't accuse her of doing something. You need to understand what I'm saying. If the police arrested her, then they definitely have sufficient evidence to prove she did something wrong. Otherwise, they wouldn't have so decisively taken your sister back to the station, and remember, it is an 'arrest', not just 'taken in' as even you said!" Indeed, 'arrest' and 'taken in' are not the same. If there isn't solid evidence and it’s not a major crime, the police usually just take the person in for questioning. Not arrest! Jack didn't respond. "Some things are not as you claim they are!" Diana's eyebrows furrowed as she said, "What do you plan to do by going there? Break into the police station? Knock out all the police? Acting that way will only make matters worse, put your sister in an irreversible position, do you understand?" Jack stood still. Indeed— What use would it be to go there so aimlessly. But he still had to go to see his sister. "I'll go with you!" Diana slowly said.
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