Chapter 30: The Gift from Diana!

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"I'm somewhat puzzled by people who grow up in that kind of environment." "In his heart, the word 'mercy' might appear." "At least, his Shimei (junior female fellow disciple) has become a woman full of contradictions after enduring such torture!" Scar's smile was somewhat sinister as he said. "Moreover, all of this happened under his protection." "If it weren't for him, who knows what that woman would have turned into!" As Scar said this, his eyes drifted towards the waning moon hanging in the sky. "Even such a beautiful and perfect moon knows to restrain itself; being too outstanding isn't always a good thing. It causes envy in others, and Lucy is just such a case!" "I originally thought my only enemy was Lucy, but unfortunately, that's not the case anymore!" Scar stuffed a pair of earplugs into his ears and began to listen to music, his legs inadvertently started to move. He looked like a little thug, vigorously performing street dance to show off his skills. "This kind of expert—" "It's time for Black Blade to make a move!" "You seem to have guessed the outcome already, so why send the three of us to do it? You should know, I personally killed Eagle, my partner!" Old Fox clenched his teeth as he spoke sternly, his words clearly laced with anger. In their line of work— They are like snakes. Because... They really would, swallow their own partners or even their own kind. That's just how they are. To survive, even if it means being an unfeeling animal. From the moment he started in this profession, he was prepared to kill his own friends, although he never considered anyone his friend. But hearing what Scar said, knowing full well that the three of them could not possibly succeed, yet still sending them, what did it mean? "Partners? Friends?" Scar scoffed. "Doing our line of work, those two words shouldn't even be in your head. You should be more like Snow Cat!" "Snow Cat?" The mention of the name shocked Eagle and the others, as if it brought up something terrifying for them. Snow Cat? That's practically a master they look up to. Scar didn't say anything. He had his reasons for sending these three people. For Jack, the night was long. Even though he was with a beautiful woman looking at the scenery on the bridge, what mattered most was that no one watching the scenery was watching him. Besides, the scenery around wasn't worth much looking, and he couldn't do like Lucy, watch all night while maintaining his initial calm. This woman— Was not normal at all. Luckily, the night passed in that way. Lucy suddenly turned around, she didn't say a word, suddenly turned, and walked towards the distance, From Mehe River rushing back to Houston, Jack returned home. Today is a weekend. Eight o'clock and more. "Looks like sister has already left!" Jack opened the door, didn't find his sister, probably Mary had already gone to the clothing store. "Hmm?" Jack found a note left on a piece of white paper on the table. Beautifully written in cursive with a ballpoint pen. “There’s food left for you in the kitchen. If you come back at eight, the food should still be warm. If you come back between half past eight and nine, the food will be slightly cold, you can heat it up and eat. If you come back after ten, the food will be past its best, you might want to eat out," A message left below— Mary. His sister is still like before, caring for him in every possible way. Jack stood still as he read these lines. In his life, he only found the food cooked by his sister the most delicious. When he got to the kitchen, the food cooked by his sister was still hot. Jack picked up the chopsticks and quickly finished eating. After lying on his bed for a while and contemplating some things. If possible, he would like to live a quiet and unremarkable life. However— If there truly existed an end-point of happiness, who would need to go through the bumps and displacement towards that end-point of happiness? Whether it's changes in society or personal improvements, people are tired of their original lives, they want to live better, better yet. "Ding dong!" Just then, the doorbell at home rang. "Who is looking for me?" Jack thought to himself: "Probably a neighbor." With that thought, he got up from the bed, picked up the intercom corresponding to the door, and said, "Hello, who is it?" "Hello, Miss Diana asked me to deliver some gifts to you!" A voice came from outside the door. Jack was taken aback. Diana? Of the people he knows who are referred to as Miss Diana, the only person is Diana. Jack opened the door. Outside the door stood a middle-aged man in a black suit. The man had a square face and a friendly smile. At his feet was a large box, he didn't know what was inside. "Hello, this is something Miss Diana sent to Jack. I hope Jack can accept it!" the man in the suit said with a smile. Jack was a bit worried inside. This woman— She wouldn't be trying to play a trick on him, would she? He didn’t go to see her yesterday. Based on his understanding of Diana, this woman is indeed capable of such things. He glanced at the box at the feet of the man in the suit. Jack nodded, "Thanks for your efforts!" "Ha ha, no trouble at all. I'd better be off!” The man in the suit left the box where it was, then walked away with a hearty laugh. Diana's task for him was to deliver this thing accurately to Jack. He didn’t dare to delay, once he delivered it, he quickly left, fearing that something would go wrong and that Jack would return it. That boss lady is a prickly rose. Jack carried the box back into the room. "This woman, what did she give me?" Jack was a bit puzzled. With thoughts swirling in his mind, he opened the box. The first thing he saw was a cell phone. "What is this…” "A gold phone!" Jack took a deep breath, eyes locked on the gold phone. This phone, in the cellphone market, is considered high-end. It's said that the surface of this gold phone is inlaid with gold, and inside it includes many features that most cellphones on the market do not possess. The price of one phone is as high as twenty to thirty thousand! It's like burning money for fun. This woman, she actually gave this to him as a gift? "What is she doing?" Jack was totally baffled. He thought— He thought this woman was going to find a way to mess with him. But the reality is, not only did this woman not mess with him, she even gave him such an expensive gift. The phone was one thing. Such a big box, naturally, couldn't just contain a phone. Jack looked further down. "A laptop, a set of clothes, and—a watch, sunglasses, and…" Jack was utterly puzzled. The box was packed full, practically everything one could think of, all branded items from the market, many of which Jack couldn’t even name. Jack really wondered if he continued to look, whether he’d find baby diapers and underwear for his future son prepared by this woman. With this thought, he saw what he felt was the most terrifying scene of his life. He saw a pair of baby underwear. With stripes. Very cute. "This—" "What, what does this woman want to do?" When something is off, there must be a demon involved! Jack kept looking through the box. Soon, he found a letter at the bottom. Presumably, this was a letter left for him by Diana. Jack opened the envelope. "For the dad of the kid—" When Jack saw these words, he felt something was seriously wrong. "Dear Dad, how do you like the kid's underwear? I carefully selected it yesterday." "Also, are you surprised? Surprised why sister is sending you stuff?" "Whether it's that phone or the laptop, all are renowned items from the market. Today, come to Qing Shi Jewelry, someone will receive you and take you to my office, I want to talk to you about some matters. Remember, take a bath, and come clean! Bath until you’re squeaky clean. Sister is waiting for you!" Jack shuddered. What was said before was okay. But the last sentence… Why does it make one's thoughts wander? Take a bath? What needs to be done after taking a bath? Is this woman slaughtering a pig? However. Jack really didn’t understand why this woman sent him so many things. This woman seemed to perfectly capture his thoughts, what he was thinking, this woman understood clearly. Jack was hooked. If this woman used other methods, he wouldn't care much, but this woman gave him so many things, which really made him puzzled, what exactly is this woman trying to do, is it a disguised way of messing with him, or what exactly does she want to do? With these thoughts, Jack shook his head. He arranged the box a bit. Around nine o'clock, he left the house. "Taxi!" Jack hailed a taxi. "To Qing Shi Jewelry!" Jack got into the taxi and headed towards Qing Shi Jewelry Building.
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