Chapter 8:This Bodyguard of Yours is Really Interesting!

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Upon hearing Lucy speak, Jack suddenly realized something serious. Where was Anita? Why didn't Anita get out of the car? That's not right! He had clearly reminded Anita, and she should have been able to open the car door and escape! "Oh no!" Jack's brow furrowed instantly, and he ignored all else, rushing back where he came from. This time, he was running several times faster than before. "Judging by the time, there should be enough of it!" In the blink of an eye, he reached the vehicle. "Anita!" Jack yelled out. Anita was sitting in the car and didn't exit. It was not that Anita didn't want to get down, but her foot was somehow locked, and she couldn't open the car door next to her! Just as she was about to cry out for help, she heard Jack's shout. "Jack, the car door won't open!" Anita called from inside the car. Jack pulled the door handle and too felt that there was something wrong with the car. He abruptly retreated a couple of steps, gathered strength, and kicked the door rapidly, akin to lightning. There was a loud thud, followed by the car's automatic alarm ringing. Jack had no time to pay attention to that. When he pulled the handle, the car door opened in response. "Anita, quickly get out!" Jack said urgently. "The seat has been tampered with, my foot is locked here!" Anita was just as frantic, even though she was not very bright, she knew there was a bomb in the car. As Mary's assistant, she had encountered such a situation before, but this one was definitely the most perilous! Jack glanced at Anita's enchanting foot, indeed locked in place by a metal holder! Jack disregarded Anita's enticing soft foot and said, "Anita, brace yourself!" Not giving Anita time to respond, Jack put his hands on the metal holder. No one knew how he managed to open the lock, but they could see the sweat dripping off his face. Click! The metal holder was opened. Jack quickly picked Anita up and started running towards safety. The ticking inside the car got faster, something only Jack could sense. It was a race against time! One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Boom! A loud explosion, and the car immediately emitted a burst of flames, becoming ruins in an instant after the explosion. And Jack, clutching Anita, threw himself onto the roadside. Jack stood up and took a long sigh of relief. Ten minutes later, things had calmed down and the police arrived quickly. "Miss, could you please explain what happened here?" a police officer asked. However, this officer wore a reverential expression, as though he was a subordinate meeting his superior, not daring to show any dissatisfaction towards Lucy. Lucy remained expressionless as she said faintly, "Someone installed a bomb in my car!" The officer jotted this down and quickly replied with a smile, "We will get back to you as soon as possible, Miss!" "I sure hope so," Lucy said unchangingly. The officer was momentarily enraged but quickly suppressed it. He was well aware of the woman before him's identity. His Captain had warned him time and time again to be very careful when dealing with this woman. Enraging her could mean getting sacked the next day. "Jack, thank you!" Anita glanced at Jack and expressed her gratitude. Thinking back on what just happened, Anita was terrified. If not for Jack, she would have lost her life today. This was certainly no accident. Whether it was the bomb or the tampering inside the car, it was all premeditated. On normal days, when Lucy ordered the driver to stop, no one dared to argue. It was their job! What sort of driver would question 'why are we stopping?' That driver must have been in cahoots with the people who installed the bomb! Furthermore, the seat she was seated in had been tampered with, and once her feet were set in place, they were unknowingly locked by an iron bracelet, rendering her immobile. The car door couldn't even be opened! Even if they detected the bomb, they could only wait for death. Realizing this, she couldn't help but marvel at how strong Jack was despite his small stature. She had seen it most clearly. That iron bracelet was actually twisted off by Jack! The intended target of this premeditated murder wasn't her, Anita, but Lucy. Usually, the seat Anita occupied was Lucy's, but due to Jack's lack of judgement today, he had opened the car door for Lucy, so she had taken the passenger seat instead. What Jack was unaware of, was that his blunder had actually worked out. "Miss, this is really..." Jack said softly, "On the first day out and a bomb gets placed?" Anita smiled slightly and said, "You'll get used to it over time. There are more than just a few people wanting to kill Miss. When your business grows, it involves a lot of people's interests. Perhaps you're not aware, but among those people, some would resort to extreme measures!" "Get used to it?" Jack discovered, Anita had gotten used to it. Anita blinked and grinned, "Did you think someone without any danger would need a personal bodyguard?" "That's true!" Jack touched his nose. He understood one principle. Being a bodyguard was never secure. "Give me an explanation for what happened today!" Lucy stared at the man before her and spoke devoid of any expression. She needed an explanation. Explanation for what happened today! "Miss, this..." The man stammered for a while but couldn't form a coherent sentence. "You don't have to come to work tomorrow!" Lucy finished her sentence, turned around and paid no further attention to the man. The man's face flickered between different expressions. Suddenly, he bellowed, "Lucy, I've worked for you for two years, just because I overlooked one small detail, you want to kick me out?!" Frustration turned into rage. The man abruptly charged towards Lucy. Following closely behind Lucy, Jack simply shook his head and raised his knee to strike the man in the stomach. The man bent over in pain. Lucy suddenly turned around and stared at the man, saying calmly, "You overlooked a detail, but it was crucial. It's very normal for people to become careless when they feel too safe. But you also overlooked the fact that those working in our field are not ordinary. Hence, you're out." Lucy didn't show any mercy. Indeed, there's no room for leniency on such matters. If you make a small mistake, your boss might just blame you for it. But if you commit a fatal error, who would ever forgive you? Don't ever make a habit out of committing mistakes, everyone has to pay the price for their mistakes at some point, whether they were made in ignorance or with full knowledge. "Miss, what should we do now?" Anita followed Lucy and asked. "Stick to the original plan!" Lucy responded without turning her head back. "Err, Miss, there's something else!" Jack followed Lucy and suddenly called out. Lucy paused for a second without turning her head, giving Jack the chance to speak. "That, can my wages be restored?" Jack chuckled. Look, how smart Jack was, he knew this was the best time to ask for his deducted wage! However... With a bang, Lucy closed the car door. Despite the sudden bombing incident, Lucy didn't change her plans and chose to proceed with the market negotiations as planned. Those who understood Lucy knew she was very systematic, very meticulous not to overlook any detail. But sometimes, Lucy could be crazy. Crazy enough to send chills down one's spine. Jack followed Lucy into a building. There weren't many people inside the building, and as soon as Jack and his group entered, several people came forward to greet them. "Miss Lucy is here! Mr. Ying and Mr. Bai are upstairs!" the man who greeted them said with a smile. Shortly after, Jack and the group arrived at a room. The room was surrounded by men in suits acting as bodyguards, and Lucy's own team of about a dozen bodyguards had split and took up positions orderly as soon as they arrived. Even Anita stayed outside the room. "You go in with Miss!" Anita reminded Jack just in case he wasn't familiar with the work. Jack nodded. Then, he followed Lucy into the room. Thinking about it, he was filled with a sense of pride. This was prime bodyguard work. Didn't it have its own flair? Other bodyguards had to stand outside, even Anita had to do the same, but he could follow Lucy into the room unconditionally. It's apparent that personal bodyguards were a notch above regular ones. The room was quite large. Still, it seemed a little wasteful of space. There was a round table in the middle, and only two people were seated next to it. A middle-aged man and a young woman dressed in red. Though the woman was young, she exuded a mature air, especially her figure. At just one glance, Jack didn't want to look away. If Anita's figure was that of a devil, then this woman in red was the devil of devils. Her black hair was neatly coiled up, her tempting red lips glossed over with lipstick, and those seemingly sentient eyes of hers. "A witch!" "Turning the world upside down!" Jack felt that using the term 'fairy' to describe this woman in red was absolutely fitting, because the impression this woman gave was precisely that of a fairy. She was quite beautiful, although still not as much as Lucy, but certainly above Anita. Moreover, her nation-wrecking seductive allure was really hard for one to extricate themselves from. Jack was intently staring at this young woman in red. Instant kill. Yes, Jack was splendidly instant killed. Surprisingly, the woman in the red outfit seemed to have noticed Jack's gaze, turning her face to give him a light smile. Jack blushed. Lucy didn't pay any attention to Jack's reaction. Upon entering, she shook hands with the woman in red and said lightly, "Diana!" "Lucy!" Diana replied with a captivating smile. However, Lucy didn't shake hands with the other middle-aged man in the room. After shaking Diana's hand, she immediately took a seat at the table. "Let's start!" Diana said with a broad smile, "How do you think we should negotiate?" The middle-aged man, with a grim face, echoed in a deep voice, "I don't care about anything else, but one should always leave some leeway in life!" The beginning of this negotiation didn't seem optimistic. Regardless of how the two women and the man were negotiating, Jack couldn't understand a single word. He just occasionally glanced at Diana. For the most part, however, his attention was focused on the middle-aged man with a grim countenance. This middle-aged man was losing control over his emotions to a great extent and was very likely to take some overly drastic action. "Slam!" The man suddenly slapped the table and yelled, "One should always leave some leeway, you should never push me too far, otherwise, it won't end well for everyone!" Diana didn't flinch from the man's menacing demeanor. She giggled and said, "Mr. Bai, we did give you a chance!" "I admit you gave me a chance once, I was blinded by greed and didn't see the situation clearly. But you mustn't be too ruthless, don't push me to death!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, his words carried a subtle threat. "So what!" Diana's face also hardened. "I advise you not to put your hand in your pants!" Just then, Jack, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke out. Whether it was Lucy or Diana, a change came over their expressions. 'Don't put your hand in your pants.' What does that mean? They were no fools. The middle-aged man suddenly shivered. He had never paid attention to the young man standing next to Lucy, thinking Jack was just a young chap coming along with Lucy for experience. But to his surprise, this guy seemed to see through him! "Lucy, what's your answer?" The middle-aged man ignored Jack and growled. Without flicking a glance at the middle-aged man, Lucy calmly replied, "There's only one chance!" "Good!" "Lucy, Diana, you want to see me ruined and disgraced, you want me to lose everything! Then I will deliver you to death!" Never underestimate a desperate man. Because when they have nothing left, they won't care about life or death, and they will make extreme choices to reclaim everything that they deserve! The middle-aged man was suddenly furious and stuck his hand into his pants despite Jack's warning. A pale-gray pistol was revealed. However, before the man could draw the gun, Jack dashed, leaped onto the table. The instant that the man touched the gun, a hand abruptly grabbed the man's right arm, and the next moment, a fist hit the man's body. Diana was slightly taken aback. This young lad has some good moves! She has many bodyguards outside the door, proving that she is a woman who has seen trouble. She can tell who has good skills and who has poor ones. But the whole process from when Jack started to when he hit the man in the stomach only took one second! Fast! The middle-aged man didn't have time to react. If only he had been given a blink of an eye, he could have pointed the gun at Lucy's head. But before he could get the gun out, he felt a darkness envelop him, and he lost all sense. "There are cameras in the room!" Diana pointed to a corner of the room. There were cameras, indicating that everything had been filmed. Lucy nodded without surprise. Diana looked at Jack and suddenly gave a flirtatious smile, "Little brother, you've got good moves!" Jack's face turned red again. Seeing Jack's face flush, Diana laughed even harder and said, "Lucy, your bodyguard is really interesting!" Lucy didn't respond. "Lucy, when did you change your taste?" Diana giggled. Lucy still didn't speak. Her taste had not changed. In her eyes, only the best was what she needed. Diana suddenly laughed holding her belly and said, "Lucy, you should make a move on him some day!"
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