Chapter 7: Bomb in the Car!

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Tracy was already impatient in her heart and knew that this matter needed to be resolved quickly. She said, "Since the gentleman is saying that, then I will give the gentleman a solution. The clothes purchased in our clothing store are recorded by CCTV, so sir should have bought his clothes from this counter, right?" "Yes! So what!" The man was already getting cold feet. This woman seemed to have endless ways to handle this. Tracy turned around and as she walked she said, "In that case, I will take down all the clothes from this counter, and then compare them with the gentleman's clothes, and finally hand them over to the friends watching for them to check personally." "I wonder what does that the gentleman thinks about this solution!" The man's face suddenly changed. He knew that if this was done, he would definitely be exposed. "Gentleman, what do you think of this solution!" Tracy blinked her eyes and looked at the man. Knowing that he had no way out, the man was immediately angry and slapped Tracy, shouting, "You b***h, go to hell!" The crowd that was watching suddenly gasped. This man was actually hitting someone. At this time, they finally figured out who was the victim and who was the perpetrator! Tracy reacted quickly, stepping back to avoid the man's slap! But she didn't expect that the man's target was not her from the start, but it was Mary who was standing behind Tracy. At this moment Tracy dodged, the man accidently dodged it, and it looked like he had been planning it for a long time, he threw another punch, going straight towards Mary's lovely face. The man's target was not Tracy, so Tracy was able to dodge it. But the man's target was Mary from the beginning to the end, and in the rush, Mary couldn't dodge it at all! Just as the man's arm was about to go down, Tracy and the female employee next to her let out a scream! "Snap!" But just as the man's arm was about to fall, a sudden arm appeared. A young man about nineteen or twenty years old was frowning and blocking in front of Mary, his hand caught the man's arm. "Jack!" As soon as Mary saw the boy in front of her, she immediately felt relieved and shouted. Jack stared at the man in front of him and growled, "You want to hit my sister's face?" Get angry! Jack rarely got angry! Without waiting for the man to react, Jack threw a punch, just hitting the man's nose on the bridge. The punch made the man's nose hurt, and blood spurted out。 Jack wouldn't let him fall so quickly! Without stopping, Jack swiftly kicked him in the stomach, and the man instantly fell to the ground. Jack grabbed his clothes and launched another punch towards the man's face. "Jack, don't hit him…" Mary was about to shout not to hit him too hard, but reconsidered that wasn't right to say, and said: "Jack, stop it!" Instead, Tracy was jubilant on the side, looking eager to get a kick in as well. Jack's anger was hard to dissipate, his brows were tightly knitted without any relief, but hearing Mary telling him to stop, Jack held back his punch, snorted coldly, and let go of the man's collar. Just two moves. The man had already passed out. "So it turns out this guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing!" "He looks so kind, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of person. He dares not let people check, probably because he's guilty, and he even hits women, what kind of skill is that!" "Good job, young man!" "Young man, you have good moves!" Discussions arose from the crowd. Some were praising Jack, while others were mocking the fallen man. After the incident subsided, Jack, his sister Mary, and Tracy sat in a room in the store. "Jack, you arrived just in time. This kind of man deserves to be beaten hard. It's the only thing that makes me feel better!" Tracy chuckled and then took out a cup and poured some juice for Jack. "Come on, have a glass of fruit juice!" Tracy and Jack had known each other a long time ago. She and Mary were of the same age. When Mary became the boss, Tracy worked in this store. Tracy was very capable at work and had a great relationship with Mary. The two of them ran the store together, which was quite effective. Usually, problems that Mary couldn't solve were passed on to Tracy. So naturally, Tracy knew Jack. The acquaintance has lasted a long time. From the time when Jack was just a little boy to the present. Jack took the juice, took a sip, and asked, "Sister, what exactly happened today?" Mary smiled kindly, thought for a moment, and said, "It should be the work of some of our competitors!" "I bet it's Yibu Clothing Store that played dirty. We reduced their sales some time ago, and they are bound to stir up trouble during this period. That old guy is never up to any good, he's full of bad intentions!” Tracy said indignantly. "Yibu Clothing Store?" Jack furrowed his brows. "Jack, don't concern yourself with this!" Mary said quietly. "Sister, I understand!" Jack was not foolish. Such business competition is full of pitfalls; though he felt satisfied beating someone up, his sisterly relationship with Mary would inevitably affect Baiye Clothing Store's development. "Oh, forget about this!" Tracy seemed to have remembered something and laughed, "Jack, do you have some free time today? Would you like to hang out with me?” "Another day!" Jack laughed. "You've said 'another day' multiple times now!" Tracy pretended to be angry. Jack and Mary left Baiye Clothing Store together. After dinner at home, Jack sat on the bed reading the bodyguard handbook. According to his interpretation of a bodyguard, they should be wearing a black suit, sunglasses, and carry a nonchalant air of authority. He flipped open the first page. "Bring a sense of security to the employer!" Jack mumbled out loud reading the first line. He continued reading till he felt sleepy, then put the handbook on the table. The next day, Jack arrived at Qiuyan Pavillion in the morning. Yesterday, Anita had expressly told him that Lucy had a business negotiation at the mall that day and he had to be there on time. Having to say it, Jack looked significantly different in his uniform than before. At least that's what Jack thought. Before leaving the house, he even took several extra glances at himself in the mirror, and he liked what he saw each time. "Jack!" As he made his way to the third floor, Jack greeted his colleagues at Qiuyan Pavilion. "Oh, Jack, Anita is waiting for you upstairs!" A female colleague greeted him with a smile. "Alright!" Jack nodded. Taking the elevator, he soon reached the third floor of Qiuyan Pavilion. "Jack!" Anita was sitting on the sofa, sorting out several documents. When she saw Jack arrive, she immediately greeted him, "Miss Lucy is about to leave. You've read through the bodyguard Handbook, haven't you?" Jack laughed and replied, "I've read it!" He had read through the bodyguard handbook carefully yesterday and summarized everything it said. The responsibility of a bodyguard was not about how capable he was in fighting, but how capable he was in protecting the employer. The first thing a bodyguard should do was make the employer feel safe! "Bang!" Just as he finished speaking, Lucy stepped out of the room. She had just washed her hair, and droplets of water clung to the dark strands. "Let's go!" As Lucy finished saying this, she headed towards the elevator. This time, Jack had learned a lot. He dared not say more than necessary, only quietly following behind Lucy. Just as they walked out of Qiuyan Pavilion, Jack saw seven or eight cars parked in front of the building, all of which were high-end brand cars. Unfortunately, Jack was car illiterate; good or bad, he couldn't tell them apart. As Lucy, Jack, and Anita emerged from Qiuyan Pavilion, a dozen or so men dressed in black suits also somehow materialized. This was Lucy's group of bodyguards. Jack recognized them, and among them was Guo Hao, with whom he had a confrontation yesterday. Of course, Jack was also dressed in a black suit, but his small stature made him less noticeable. Lucy paid no mind to all this and walked straight to the first car. However, Lucy didn't open the car door herself. This puzzled Jack, it wasn't until Anita nudged him with her finger that he realized why. He had forgotten a crucial part. He had forgotten to open the door for Lucy. By the time he realized it, it was too late for Jack to open the car door. Lucy looked at him expressionlessly, opened the door herself, and took the passenger seat. "Stop messing around, or else the Miss will dock your pay again!" Anita rolled her eyes at him. Jack was caught between laughter and tears; he had forgotten about this matter on his first day of work. He quickly opened the back door and sat at the back with Anita. Bang! Bang! The car doors closed. The other cars were filled with bodyguards. Several cars drove off, not knowing where they were heading. Jack sighed inwardly; this was what status was about, a simple trip felt like a mafia boss leading the charge. But… He felt uneasy. Regarding why he felt uneasy, he didn't know either. Ever since he got in this car, he had a bad feeling. He glanced at Anita and Lucy sitting beside him, both of them seemed normal. Jack furrowed his brows and asked, "Sister Wang, do you feel something's off?" "What's off?" Anita looked puzzled. Jack didn't reply. All of a sudden, he waved his hand, motioning Anita to quiet down. His ears tilted slightly, an almost imperceptible sound faded in and out of his hearing. "Beep…" "Beep!!" This sound resonated every three to five seconds. The car was still on the road, speeding along, and the beeping sound was subtle. Amid the rushing sounds of the car, it was challenging to discern this faint noise. However, Jack's ears, different from ordinary people, sensed something wrong. He had honed his intuition with his master. What is intuition? The arrival of intuition is not baseless but born out of an indefinable feeling from one's senses. Jack wasn't mistaken. "Beep…" " ......beep!" There was indeed a beeping sound. Suddenly, Jack thought of a terrifying possibility. He hurriedly shouted, "Stop the car!" Unfortunately, the driver did not listen to Jack at all. Lucy's expression remained unchanged. However, hearing Jack say to stop the car, she paused for a second or two, ordered the driver next to her, "Stop the car!" "Miss, why are we stopping?" the driver asked with doubt. As the driver spoke, whether it was Lucy, Anita, or Jack, all of them knew there was something wrong with the driver. And it was not a small issue. A normal driver would have stopped immediately! Anita signaled Jack with a look, and in a flash, Jack punched out, directly knocking the driver unconscious. As the driver fainted, Lucy stepped on the brakes, and the car came to a halt. "Get out!" Jack felt the beeping sound speed up and urgently shouted. Lucy in this kind of situation still managed to remain calm, as if she was used to this kind of event. She opened the car door and dashed towards the roadside. Jack looked at Anita again and said, "Sister Wang, get out of the car quickly, there might be a bomb!" Anita nodded promptly. Without considering much, Jack opened his car door and ran towards the roadside as well. Oh my god. Who on earth was Lucy? They had just left Qiuyan Pavillion and there could potentially be a bomb in the car. Lucy had already run to a safer place, looking at Jack who had come as well. Her stoic face didn’t show any emotions, her flawless eyes glanced at Jack. “Where’s Anita?"
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