Chapter 9: Hey, Handsome!

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Diana was joking. Would Lucy make a move on Jack? That was simply preposterous -- Jack was becoming more convinced that Diana was a siren! No woman was quite like her. What kind of woman was seductive? The kind that would make you think of getting into bed with her at just one glance was extremely tempting, and Diana was exactly that kind of woman. You just need to look at her once, and you can't help but let your mind wander in inappropriate directions. Diana's allure was simply nosebleed-inducing. After the negotiation, Jack returned to the company. Jack had gotten a better grasp of his job as a bodyguard. Two incidents had happened in one day. The first was the bomb, the second was someone attempting to draw a gun! What on earth was happening! No wonder Lucy's requirements for her bodyguard were so strict. Jack would do the same if he were in her position. How else would you ensure your own safety without a skillful bodyguard? Lucy, however, did not head out again, and Jack spent the afternoon chatting with Anita and his other colleagues in the lobby. If Lucy was willing to sit idly by, life could be pretty enjoyable. Lucy was not too demanding with Anita or Jack, otherwise, Anita wouldn't dare to chat with Jack. Still, Anita was no slacker when it was time to work. Soon, it was 6 o'clock in the afternoon. 6 pm was the end of the workday. Anita tidied up some stuff and left first, and after resting for a while in the company, Jack prepared to go downstairs and head home. Just as he stepped out of the Autumn Goose Tower, a car pulled up in front of him after waiting for a while. Jack was slightly taken aback, the car was obviously here for him. While he didn't know much about what constituted a good or bad car, comparing this one with those on the streets made it clear that it was of a distinctly higher class. "Hi, handsome!" The car window rolled down, revealing that the person sitting inside wasn't someone else, but Anita. Inside the car, Anita, wearing sunglasses, was all smiles looking at him. Jack was a bit surprised, "You have a car?" "Why, can't I drive?" Anita smiled, "With your monthly salary, you can afford a car like this after a year or two, you know, my salary is even higher for now!" "That's true!" Jack was very hopeful in his heart. If he could drive and pick up Mary from his sister's clothing shop, his sister wouldn't have to take a taxi to and from work. Thinking of this, Jack clenched his fists secretly. This became another one of his goals. "By the way, where do you live?" Anita asked. Although Jack was curious why Anita asked him where he lived, he still told her truthfully. "Handsome, we really have good fate!" Anita laughed, "My home is farther than yours, but it's on the way!" After saying this, Anita winked at Jack. "Hi, handsome, are you interested in a ride?" "Well, only if it's free!" After Jack said this, he quickly got into the passenger seat. "Wait, don't sit in the passenger seat, sit in the back!" Anita suddenly said. The car started, and Anita drove him away from the company. On the road. Anita adjusted her sunglasses and said, "Did Miss hasn't told you about one thing!" "What is it?" Jack asked in confusion. Anita wrinkled her nose and said, "Well, I guess it's also part of my job as an assistant to tell you, get ready, you will receive an admission notice from the University of Houston tomorrow!" "Admission notice from the University of Houston!" Jack's eyes widened instantly, "What did you say?" A smile curled up the corners of Anita's lips, "You don't have to be so surprised, Miss is going to go to school in Houston, naturally, you'll have to follow. Otherwise, what do you think your responsibility as a personal bodyguard is?" "This - this!" Jack was somewhat slow to react. Even though he knew very little about it, he understood what the University of Houston was. There are many universities in the city of Houston, but when we refer to the University of Houston, it ranks top among all universities, a place desired by countless people. Many people have tried to get admission into this university but have failed. He, who hadn't even finished primary school and had been learning literature and martial arts from his master since the age of eight, was about to be admitted to the University of Houston. That was simply miraculous. "No, that's not right. Miss is the CEO of the company now. Is she out of her mind? Going to college?" Jack couldn't believe what Anita was saying. After spending a short time together, he knew how formidable Lucy was. This woman was a machine. For such an intelligent woman, described to the point of being mechanical, did she need to go to college? "You don't understand Miss!" Anita smiled. Today when she entered Lucy's office, she had already confirmed Jack's identity from Lucy and confirmed that Jack was safe, so she told Jack so much. Anita said, "Miss is not simply in control of the Autumn Goose Tower, she also has a business family behind her, a hugely large business family!" "What do you mean!" Jack was still confused. Anita patiently explained, "In fact, I don't know much about the inside story, but I know that Miss going to college seems to have something to do with the part of her family, Miss does not have a good relationship with her family members!" "I haven't been to college!" Jack laughed bitterly. "I know you haven't been to college!" "I haven't even been to high school!" "I can tell!" "In fact, I haven't even finished primary school..." Jack finally revealed his own background. Finally, Anita showed a shocked expression, widened her eyes and looked at Jack, "You didn't finish primary school?" "Yes!" Jack was helpless. A man who hadn't even finished primary school, going to college? Even if others weren't afraid of losing face, he was. Of course, even though he hadn't been to primary school, he did have some knowledge. According to his master, everything he taught him was useful and far better than what he could learn in school. Quality is better than quantity. "This doesn't conflict with you going to college. In fact, many students these days don't get into university based on their abilities. And your main task in college is to protect Miss, not what you learn!" Anita answered. "When am I supposed to go to college?" Jack asked in confusion. Anita did some calculations and said, "In the next few days!" "We're here!" At this moment, Jack suddenly spoke. "Is this the place?" Anita glanced at the neighborhood and parked the car. "Yes!" Jack opened the car door, smiled lightly, and said, "See you later, sis!" Bang Bang! Just as Jack got out of the car, there were two bangs from the car door. Jack turned around and saw Anita rolling down the window and suddenly said, "Hi, handsome! See you later!" As soon as she finished speaking, Anita drove off. Jack touched his nose. In the rooftop office of the company, the enchanting woman Diana sat, while beside her was a middle-aged woman dressed in ornate clothes and adorned with pearl jewelry. Diana, still as stunning as ever, smiled faintly, "Sister Ying, could you help me look up Lucy's bodyguard? I think his name is Jack!" "Oh, he is quite capable?" the older beauty teased. Diana flashed her beautiful eyes, "He can be considered handsome, and his instinctual and reflex abilities are good. I've only seen him once, so I'm not sure about his exact skills!" "So you want me to check on him?" the middle-aged woman said. Diana leaned back in her chair, revealing her beautifully clothed chest, making one wonder whether she was wearing a bra or not. "I'm asking you to check him because I don't know much about him. Most importantly, being able to serve as Lucy's personal bodyguard, he couldn't be lousy. Lucy is much more alert and clever than I am. I know without looking too close that the bodyguard she chooses will certainly not be subpar! That's the main reason I want you to check on him!" "What, do you plan to seduce him, to make him your lover and informant?" the middle-aged beauty chuckled, her twin mounds trembled in front of her. "Go away!" Diana waved her little hand. "What do you plan to do?" The middle-aged woman asked, no longer joking, but serious. "He did save my life, otherwise that man Whites would have certainly pointed his gun at me first. In a few days, send someone to his house with a gift, and subtly hint in the gift to see if he's interested in changing jobs to be my bodyguard! Lucy's bodyguard shouldn't be mediocre!" Diana stroked her long hair, then twisted it up. "Oh, would that work?" The middle-aged woman looked at Diana in surprise. Diana smiled enchantingly, "He's only been Lucy's bodyguard for a day, and changing jobs is quite normal, right?" "Alright, I'll help you check him out," said the middle-aged woman. "By the way!" Diana crossed her beautiful legs and touched her attractive chin, "Call Sally over! I have something to ask her!" Sally was her assistant. "Sure! Okay!" The middle-aged beauty said and then walked towards the door. In a short while, a woman in professional attire walked in from the outside, bent slightly towards Diana and said, "Ms. Ying, what can I do for you?" "Prepare a gift, not too expensive. How about this, get the most popular phone on the market, and also prepare...."
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