Out of control

1150 Words

ASTRO Pulling my knees even closer to my chest, I hesitantly surveyed my surroundings. I am sitting in a wooded clearing, the grass surrounding me is completely flattened, and the horseshoe of trees in front of me look like they have been stamped on by unseen giants. I felt a push against my mind, but reinforce the wall I have put up, they cannot find me, I am too much of a danger to those around me. Indi is cowering and shivering in the back of my mind. It's been three days since we were transported to the past, and our stupid ancestors gave me their powers, and I am no closer to being able to control the curse they put on me. I shudder as I remember losing control yesterday. I nearly killed them, nearly crushed them under the weight of my gravity power. I can still hear the cries of

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