Chapter 3

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Harry's POV Don't ask me how I know where her locker is it was just a wild guess. I stood there waiting for about five minutes looking down at my phone until I heard a deep sigh. Knowing it was her I looked up sending her a devilish smirk. "Hey Savy." She ignored me. She may be harder to get into bed than thought. "Are you ignoring me Savy?" "Yes" she answered flatly. "What do you want Styles?" I could hear the annoyance in her voice. Good. I laughed. "My offer Saunders?" She gave me a look of disgust. Which in her part is not the best look for her. "Come on, you know deep down you want me." I placed my hand on her hip teaching my thumb up and down. Which distracted her enough for me to grab her phone. But then she pulled away, slammed her locker and walked down the hall without other word. "Hey Savy, aren't you forgetting something?" I hold up her cell phone dangling it between my index finger and my thumb. She quickly whips her body around her eyes move directly to her phone. She walks back over and snatches her phone from my hand, turns on her heel and heads to the front doors. "I'll text you later babe." Smirking even tho she wasn't looking. I watched her as she rushed out the fronts doors not even giving me a second look. Why was she in such a hurry? "Styles just the person I wanted to see." rolling my eyes know exactly who it was. Jessica. She was considered the school slut. Typical, every school had one right? Dont get me wrong she was hot but I tend to go for the ones that haven't lost their innocence yet. Yes i've f****d her once or twice but thats when I couldn't find a virgin to f**k. That virgin being Savy. I just know it the way she tensed up when I touched her hip. Her breath hitching slightly. She was 18 and has never been touched. I'm going to change that. "Styles, are you in there?" Her annoying squeaky voice pulls me from my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry what did you say?" I shook my head. "I was wondering if you were going to the Frat party tonight down the road from your place?' "You already know the answer to that Jes." Without another word I walked out of the school not caring what else she had to say because honestly I already know what she was going to say and I'm not interested. I have my eyes set on someone else and I'm not going to give until i get her in my bed. ... Once I got home I stepped through my door taking my shoes off and placing them neatly in a line. I'm OCD. I don't know ever since i was a kid i tried to keep things organized and kept up. Never once when i was younger was my room a disaster. I moved straight to the kitchen getting a water bottle from the fridge. One thing that sucked about coming home...Was that there was nobody to come home to. It was just me. No mum, dad, brother or sister, Just me. The thought of her actually brought tears to my eyes. God I'm thinking a lot today. Stop. I pull my phone from my jeans pocket scrolling through the name when I come upon the one I'm searching for. Savy;) Hey Savy, Guess who;). I was honestly expecting her not to reply but when my phone buzzed and I saw her name on the screen I Actually smiled. The hell Styles. f**k and ditch remember? What do you want Styles really? Oh, you know what I want Savy dont play dumb;) No. She is difficult! Most of the virgins I've f****d practically jumped into my arms begging me to take their innocence . I loved it to be honest. It may have been painful for them but for me god they were so tight around my dick...I should probably stop. At least come to the party tonight I'm sure you heard about it? Maybe if she got drunk enough i could get her into her pants much faster. Yes i heard about it, my friend Cara asked me to go... that a yes then? I waited for her reply but it never came. Looks like we will just have to wait and see. Savy'sPOV I looked at my phone, Rolling my eyes “A party ? Is he serious !” I said placing a pillow on my face, suddenly a cloud of excitement ran through my veins, a smiled appeared on my face. A thought struck me, what if i go to the party get dressed up and sneak out I've done it before although the consequences were not so pleasant .Placing my phone on my nightstand walking to my closet looking at all my materials . “Savannah!” A voice boomed in the house, causing to jump a few inches off the ground. Quickly I found a nice black shirt deciding whether or not i should even change jeans. Suddenly I heard footsteps walking upstairs , My heart pace quickened . I through the Shirt into my bag along with a pair of skinny jeans,I rushed towards my window. “Savannah open this door !“ He requested shaking my door and turning the knob , I began to shake .Struggling opening the window my pulse began to rise, Finally a breeze of fresh air drifted on my face, I grabbed my bag throwing it out the window, grabbing my keys and phone I began to crawl out my window, Shutting it behind me I still hear my father screaming and Yelling . Jumping from the edge I rushed towards my car , Driving off leaving my father in a rage and me not there for him to pound on. * I decided to call Caroline, But i call her Cara . Remember how I said i don’t have any friends ? Well Cara is not considered a “Friend” so to speak but more of acquaintance She and I are in the same Dance level at school,She is well known for her partying and well her diverse towards Boys and Girls, Trust me I'm as shocked as you are .I dialed her number and of course no pickup. “Fuck.!” I yelled throwing my phone. Looking around my surroundings No One was in sight .Swiftly taking off my shirt , I luckily had a tank top on I put on my black shirt adjusting it properly. Then I quickly took off my pants switching them to my pair of Skinny jeans. Not going to lie for a girl who had to literally jump out her window the outfit didn't look that bad, The shirt shows off what little curve I have to my body .suddenly my phone buzzed Are you coming or not Saunders? -H I ignored the message and began to drive off heading towards the frat party , My heart began to beat the closer I got. This is honestly the first party I've been too. Suddenly the sound of music and teens laughter filled an area of a street, People were already there. I pulled my car over on the sidewalk, I sat there blankly “What are you doing Savannah? This isn't you .” I said to myself I shook my thoughts this is actually better than being at home and getting beaten , I sighed at the thought of my father . Finally as if my hand was possessed I opened the door stepping out of the car , I heard many people yelling and hollering which got my nerves a little. Walking up to the door i see many teens outside drinking and smoking. My feet picked up the pace ,stepping into the frat house The smell of alcohol and all sorts of different smells mixed the air,looking to my right I see the kitchen area, turning my body I head towards that direction, It was honestly much more quiet in there. I placed myself near the counter ,checking out the scene .So this is what I've been missing, Underage girls drinking , Boys smoking and hooking up with girls for one night then dumping them in the morning. My attention was drifted when I heard a familiar British voice, following the sound of the voice my eyes glanced at the one person I was hoping to avoid all night . Harry. Harry's POV There she was leaning against the kitchen island. She was just standing there, taking in her surroundings and then her eyes landed on mine. She glares at me and looked away. "Yo earth to Harry!" Okay I really need to stop spacing out I've done it like three times today. I look at Jordan telling him to continue his story about the last girl he drugged and f****d. But my mind was once again elsewhere. Savy. I walked over where she was standing completely leaving Jordan to talk to himself. She was talking to some blonde I think her name is Cara? "Uhh can we help you?" The blonde asks flipping her hair with her hand. "Your kidding. Do you ever give up?" I followed my eyes to the short petite girl looking her up and down. Damn did she look good. That shirt showed just enough cleavage causing me to bite down on my lip. "God your a f*****g pig Styles!" I feel a slight shove but I don't budge. I finally meet her gaze and smirk. "So I've been told. And to answer your Question no I don't give up until you give it up." I guess that was the wrong choice of words because next thing I knew I was cupping my face. Warm liquid dripped on my hand, "s**t !" I said Looking back at Savannah who's face is shocked. "Oh my God, Harry I'm.." She didn't finish her sentence , Savannah began to look around in the cabinets .I chuckled she is such a spaz. "Here lets go to the bathroom, Ill help you clean that up."She protested, I smirked the bathroom huh? Small space, me and Savannah . I bit my lip, Damn I need to f**k her . Her hand landed on mine pulling to the nearest bathroom,Shutting the door behind me Savannah grabs a washcloth and places it under the faucet ,Leaning against the sink watching her spazzing out, I check her body once more. My eyes slowly looks up and down at her, something about her body is just so different, She was Different. "Okay sit down," She instructed , "Yes Ma'am" I chuckled, She began to to gently press the wet cloth on my face, She has quite a hand. Her eyes focused on my face, And mine focused on her ,Then they wandered down to her chest, which was rising up and down. I knew i made Savannah nervous , But right now were both in a small space ,and i bet you anything she is thinking of me touching her . So I began to open my mouth. "Why are you breathing so hard Savy" I smirked . She rolled her eyes "Its hot in here " She said. Bingo! "Well why don't you take off your shirt ," I said still staring at her chest, I felt her eyes burning a hole into my face. "My eyes are up here styles." She stopped dabbing the washcloth on my cheek, "There I'm done. All better." She said, looking down at me leaning back against the door, Jesus its like she wants me to take her right here. "Thank you Doctor, Do i get a treat for being a good boy?" I said smirking, rising from the toilet, Savannah shakes her head in a "No" motion , What is it with this girl why doesn't she want me ? Why do I even care ? "Oh come on Savy." I said, more like practically begged. s**t did I just beg, No Harry styles does not beg! "Look, I'm sorry for slapping you, and cutting your face with my ring. " She said softly. "Its alright, can't say it wasn't the first time a girl has done that." I Chuckled . So did she, Did Savannah actually laugh? "Look why don't we go enjoy what's left of this party, " I suggested Savy looked at me with a look, surly I knew this look ,I rolled my eyes .She isn't worth it, There are many other girls on their knees for me begging to have s*x with me , I don't need savannah "You know , never mind" I said pushing her out of the way, opening the door storming out and walk into a crowd of bodies leaving Savannah alone in the bathroom. My eyes wandered around the room, Looking back I see Savannah walking out of the small room and running out the house , My mind wondered, Why does she always run away? What is she hiding ?
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