Chapter 4

2316 Words
Savy’s POV After Harry stormed out of the bathroom I decided it was time to leave, walking out the bathroom I see Harry in a crowd of people, I headed to the front door, checking my phone It read it was 7:30 Oh no, Dad! I picked up my pace walking to my car, I see a tow truck lifting my car on its hook. “What the hell is going on!” I spoke, not caring what my attitude was. “Sorry Miss you parked in a no parking zone.“ The man said, writing on a notepad, Then ripping it off handing it to me “Have a nice night.” He said with a grin on his face, I crumpled the ticket . “At Least let me get my stuff !” I protested, He nodded I quickly grabbed my bag with my old clothes in them, Putting the bag over my shoulder I watched as the tow truck drive away with my car, leaving me on the street . “Just my f*****g luck.” I said kicking a rock my feet began to walk down the dark street. The sound of the party echoes the silent street, probably bothering neighbors . I took out my ear buds , plugin them in my phone ,letting the sound of the music through my ear buds take over my mind. About a few minutes later, I see bright lights heading my direction, I covered my eyes in hopes i can see the car and hoping it was someone i knew. “Savy!” Yelled a deep voice from a window, I knew exactly who it was and I was not pleased. A black range rover began to slow down next to me, stalking me. Turning my head I see Harry with a big ass smirk on his face. “Having car troubles Saunders?” He said, slowing the car more, I began to walk faster not paying attention to him. “Come on Savy, I know your feet must be killing you." He was right, my feet were killing me. My eyes looked at the green eyed boy, the reflection of his stereo system reflected off of him,I looked around the small area we were in, When all of a sudden the range rover came to a stop, Harry reached over the passenger seat opening the door. At least he has a little bit of class. “Well are you gonna get in ?” He asked Harry's POV Before I got the chance to go make sure Savy was okay. Wait what? Never mind. Jessica blocked my view from were Savy was standing. "Hey Styles." She wrapped her and around my neck but I quickly pulled them away. Her eyebrows knitted together and her bottom lip stuck out bit. "No. You know I'm not interested." I said sternly. "But Harry I'm horny and drunk pwease!" She whined. She palmed my d**k in her hands causing me to shiver. No Harry you want Savannah. My conscience told me. It was right as much as I wanted to take Jessica upstairs I couldn't and I can't. I pushed Jessica to the side and ran out the front door. Looking around, there was no sign of her. Stupid Harry. "Shut up!" I scream. I made a few people jump that were just arriving to the party. I ignored their stares and headed to my car. I notice a familiar figure walking down the street. Savannah! I smiled getting in to my car and driving onto the street. What has gotten into me. I slowly pull up beside her rolling down my window. "Savy!" I yelled causing her to turn and look at me. I sent her a huge smirk. "Having car troubles Saunders?" I began to slow down the car but she wicked her pace and ignore me. I swear to God she is a master at playing hard to get which makes me want her even more. "Come on Savy, I know your feet must be killing you?" She looked right into my eye I leaned across the passenger seat and opened the door. "Well are you going to get in?" She let out a deep sigh and moved towards my car getting in and shutting the door. "So to mine or yours?" I asked already knowing she was going to say hers. "Yours." She whispered. Huh? "I'm sorry what?" I glanced over at her and back at the road. "I said yours Harry." This was easier than I thought. Without another word I took the route to my place. Honestly the most quite ten minutes of my life. She just kept her head against the window watching everything go by In her view. I lightly tapped her on the shoulder. She lifted her head from the window looking at me. I smiled "We're here." Savy'sPOV I looked out the window watching everything go by, I cannot believe I'm in Harry’s car. Not that I'm happy, he asked me if we should go to my house of his, sadly but truthfully I said his house, I don't want to go back home. Suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder which interrupted my thoughts . “We’re here “ Harry said smiling exposing his dimples , I nodded getting out of the car , I can hear Harry give a small sigh. Harry’s shadow appeared next to me, “Right this way Savy.” He said guiding me to the front door, He opened it gently .I walked in looking around checking out the place, I must say it was quite not like how I pictured it. Harry placed his bag on a rack , He began to walk into the kitchen, Should I follow him ? I did, my feet had a mind of their own heading towards the kitchen , I see harry looking in his fridge staring intensely ,I couldn't help but notice him, The way his face scrunches his jaw lock, green eyes that can pierce into your soul, I shook my head of the thoughts . “Savy. Did you hear me?” Harry asked , “What?” I said looking at Him, giving me a smirk of a smile. “Thinking about me are you ? “ He chuckled “I asked what’s your poison?” I stared at him, Is he serious ? He did not just quote a line from “The breakfast Club” I giggled , causing Harry to smile, a real smile I believe. “What ?” He said “You just quoted a line from the breakfast club.” His eyes went wide, then grabs two water bottles throwing one to me, “Its a classic, I think of myself as John Bender. “ He laughed opening his water bottle and taking a sip, again I couldn't help but notice the way he drinks, His neck has veins popping out, my eyes gazed towards his collar bone, Showing his inked skin. I had to change the subject, a distraction “So do you live alone ?” I asked Harry’s eyes turned from playful to sadness , he bowed his head looking down at the ground “Yeah I do actually.” I looked at him, He actually looks hurt. Harry styles .. Hurt is it possible ? “Excuse me for a moment..” Harry said, walking upstairs .I felt a sudden tug at my heart, What happened? With a strike of courage , I began to walk to the stairs ,picking my feet up walking silently up. Harry’s voice kept growing louder and louder as I get closer words began to sound clearer “I wish you were here Mum, …” Peaking through the door, I see Harry in a music room looking at a picture , He began to talk. “Mum, I want to make you proud… “ He choked “She isn't like the others..” I couldn't help but feel that pain in my heart once again, I opened the door all the way, catching Harry’s attention, I could see tears forming in his green eyes,”How long have been standing there ?” He asked with pain rising in his throat. “Not long..” I said walking towards him, He pulled away. “Harry..” He shook his head looking back at the picture of his mother, touching it softly I've never seen Harry like this before,So hurt and broken . I brings me...heartache . “She died last year, ..” He said. I stand silently, and listening “On my birthday, “ I looked down, then back at Harry ,He chuckled “You know.. I brought you here so I can f**k you.” He shook his head , “But ...You're Different Savannah.” He said softly looking up at me, His eyes met mine. “Something about you Savy, ...Something about you.” He began to walk towards me, I felt as if my feet were glued to the floor. Suddenly Harry’s hands wrapped around my waist causing me to whimper Softly hoping he wouldn't notice. . “Harry…” I said, softly looking at his eyes then his lips. What is the matter with you Savannah, get a f*****g grip ! He only wants you for s*x, Or.. maybe there's more to it ? No there isn't he only wants you for s*x. I looked at a clock behind Harry. “No…” I whispered pulling away, from Harry. I didn't realized how late it was. My dad. Harry looked at me, I believed he saw the fear in my eyes. “Savy, do I scare you?” He asked, pulling away, I shook my head “No… I just.“ I began.”I'm scared…to.” I couldn't spit it out. “Savannah, What is it ?” He said walking towards me, “ I'm scared to go home Harry..” I said. Why all the sudden a change of heart towards him, A hour ago I hated him Now I'm about to have a heart to heart conversation with him.. “Why are you scared to go home?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows , I didn't reply. “Savannah answer me!” Harry's POV The fear behind her eyes when I wrapped my arms around her...It scared me. But I wanted to kiss her I actually wanted to feel her lips against mine. "No.." She pulled away and I didn't stop her. You scared her you dumbass. "Savy, did I scare you?" I took a step back she shook her head. "No..I just." She paused. "I'm" I just stared at her. What was she so scared of ? "Savannah, what is it?" I asked walking towards her. I want to comfort her. "I don't want to go home Harry..." My heart literally fell to my stomach. I could see tears brimming in her eyes. She was scared of her own home...But why? "Why are you scared of going home?" Silence. Nothing. I watched her search as if she was looking for an outlet but I'm not going to let her leave until she tells me what's going on. "Savannah answer me!" I couldn't help but raise my voice to get her attention." dad Harry." She sighed sitting down on the coffee table. "He gets angry..." She looked down at her hands.,Tears streamed down her face Harry you f*****g dumb ass you made her cry. “Shhh no no Savy, please don’t cry “ I said walking to her wiping her tears with my thumb . “He….Hits me…” She choked on her words as well as her tears . My eyes widen, Jaw clenched What sick bastard hits their daughter, let alone a beautiful girl like Savannah .I could hear the sound of her heart beat rise, I knew it wasn't from me but from the fright ,”I have to go…” She said turning , I grabbed her wrist preventing her from leaving .”No, I'm not letting you go back there.” I protested, she sighed “Harry, I have too if I don’t it will be worse ,” Her pulse rises,I wont let her go back to that hell house , Where she can be beaten who knows how far her father.. No I can’t think that now. “Harry, Please I have to go, “ Looking in her eyes I can see her begging , “Stay here..” I said. “What?” She said with a sniffle. “Stay here with me, “ I whispered, “Please…” She shook her head,”I can’t ...Harry .” I sighed, Savy escaped my grip, walking out of the room. Go after her Harry. I picked up my feet running down the stairs to seeing my front door opened, Looking out I see Savannah’s silhouette running down the street. “f**k!” I screamed, slamming the door behind me I run my hands through my curls tugging at them. “What the f**k Styles!” I whispered to myself, pulling out my phone I quickly texted Savannah Savy Are you okay ? No reply, I began to panic Savannah answer me Please.. Nothing, “s**t s**t s**t!” Many thoughts were running through my head, What if he is beating her now, Why did I let her go, Why! I decided to text again. Savannah, please answer ..I'm worried No reply I knew then, that something could possibly be wrong ...
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