Chapter 2

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Harry's POV Of f*****g course I would get sent to the damn office for my so called rude gesture. I couldn't help myself honestly even though Savannah was a nerd. She was a hot nerd no doubt about that. When she walked into that class room I couldn't help but scan her body. She wasn't wearing the normal school uniform. Just some sweat pants that i must say did show her ass very well,also have you seen her upper body I bit my lip of the thought . What does it take for a girl like her to get in my bed. You know its the silent ones who are freaks in bed, Or maybe she is a virgin. Christ Easy Styles don't wanna have a boner in the middle of the Principals office "Are you even paying attention Mr styles!" Rolling my eyes I took a deep breath. "Yeah yeah Detention for a week, Blah blah blah." I lifted myself from the small ass chair that sat in front of my b***h of a principal opening the door with force. The final bell rang which meant it was the end of the day. Honestly I could leave right now to go look for some hot chick to f**k, but before that I have one stop to make . Savy's POV Finally the day was over, weekend here I come honestly I'm not much of a weekend girl cause I really can't do anything, I don't have any friends Well I have my dance group but even they don't like me. "Don't forget class your math homework is due on Monday when you walk in have a great weekend Oh and Ms Saunders could you please come here for a moment." Fuck, are you kidding me I don't have a moment , I nodded and smiled walking to her desk "Is everything alright?" I asked looking at the clock, Damn it! "Yes I just wanted to see if you were alright after what Mr. Styles said earlier." I nearly rolled my eyes at the thought of him. "I'm fine Really." I said God i hope she doesn't want to keep talking. "Alright dear if there's anything you need Let me know." I nodded and quickly walked out the classroom door The hallways were empty, Except for one body I see at my locker. You have really got to be kidding me, walking up to the locker there he was Harry Styles himself smirking at my arrival. "Hey Savy" I ignored him, turning my lock trying to to open it as fast as possible. "Are you ignoring me Savy?" "Yes," I said in a stern voice opening my locker placing my books in ."What do you want Styles?" He laughed "My offer Saunders" I looked at him with a disgust look "Come on, you know deep down you want me." Suddenly I felt a his hand on my side tracing his finger up and down. Pulling away I slammed my locker walking past him, my feet picked up the pace. "Hey Savy, Are you missing something?" His voice echoed in the hall, turning my body i see Harry holding my cellphone walking furiously snatching the phone from his hand, walking back to the doors. "Ill text you later babe." He said, I could feel his smirk through his voice. Finally opening the doors walking out the building a breeze of fresh air hit my face, I checked my watch "s**t" I cursed under my breath, my feet picked up walking quickly towards my car chucking my bags into the backseat I began to drive out of the parking lot, finally pulling up into my driveway leaving my bags into the car i ran up the steps leading towards the front door slowly opening it "Dad, I'm home!" No response, I let out a sigh of relief If he found out that I was late- "Savannah Saunders Where the Hell have you been !?" Spoke too soon, I dropped my bag walking into the living room to see my father sitting on the couch ,watching some old western movie, His eyes were focused on the moving picture . "Sorry ,dad I was with my math teacher she wanted me to -" "Don't lie to me Savannah." He spoke with a cold tone in his voice, He picked up his tin can filled with alcohol bringing it to his mouth taking a huge sip. I watched his movements carefully knowing that any moment he can snap . "Now tell me why you were really late ." He said placing the can on the table in the middle of the room, "My math teacher wanted to talk to me .." "You f*****g liar !" He said rising from the couch , His voice had a deep bass tone to it that frighten me to my core, My own father frightens me "No dad , I promise you " I said softly, looking down at the ground .I already know from previous interactions with him not to talk back. "Look at me when I'm talking to you Savannah !" He screamed getting in my face, I could smell the alcohol on him . Slowly I looked up at my father, holding back my tears . Suddenly I felt a hand connect to my face slapping me hard,Causing me to whimper I quickly silenced myself. "Go up to your room, ! I will bring you your dinner when i think you deserve it !" I nodded grabbing my bags running upstairs , I turned back hearing my father talking under his breath . "f*****g slut." Shutting my door behind , I landed on my bed staring at my ceiling, a tear began to form in my eye then runs down my cheek ,I closed my eyes to prevent more tears to come . When suddenly I felt my phone buzz , unlocking it i see its a text from a number I don't recognize, I opened it . Hey Savy ,Guess who ;) I rolled my eyes , I knew exactly who it was . Harry
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