Chapter 1

1106 Words
Harry's POV Getting out of bed and going to school was the last f*****g thing I wanted to do. But thank the supposed God above that its Friday. I let out a deep sigh and threw the duvet off of my naked body and climbed out of the bed. The floor beneath my feet sent shivers up my body. f**k it was cold. I quickly walked to my bathroom turning on the shower. I waited a minute to let the water heat up. I looked in the mirror admiring the newly fresh ink on the inside of my bicep. I finally gained the courage after almost a year to actually get it. No I wasn't scared I have tattoos all over my body I'm pretty numb to the pain now. This piece of art as she called it is now a permanent part of my life and this would mean so much to her that i got it. The steam from the shower pulled me from my thoughts as the reflection of myself began to disappear. Since i was already naked i jumped into the shower letting the hot water hit my back sending goose bumps down my body. I just stood there closing my eyes thinking about my plans for tonight. Since it was Friday I normally go to one of the frat parties down the street from my house get drunk and f**k some random girl i will end up ditching the next morning. Sounds like a plan. I quickly wash my hair and body and jump out of the shower and get dressed. When I finally reached the school I was late of course. I parked my Range Rover in my normal parking spot. I never took anything to my classes because most of the time I was either on my phone or sleeping. The worst thing about this school is that they make you wear this god awful uniform. I'm used to wearing my black skinny jeans and black t-shirts. But no I have to wear a blazer , white t-shirt, and these baggy ass khakis. I walk into the school with nobody in the halls and head to my first class. I walk in and all eyes are on me then I hear the door swing open and close once more revealing a girl. Savy'sPOV Fuck! I'm going to be late. I sprung out of my bed so fast I fell to the floor but quickly recovered. You would think for being a dancer I would have a lot of balance. I quickly pulled on some sweats and a band t-shirt on and left my hair in its knotted mess. I didn't even bother to brush my teeth before i grabbed my dance bag and car keys and rushed down the stairs to my car. I'm never late to school ever. And when my father finds out...Never mind. I pulled into the parking lot and parked next to a black range rover. Not just any Range Rover but his Range Rover. I rolled my eyes getting out of my car and running into the school. s**t! I totally forgot my uniform. Great! I continue my way down the hall finally reaching my first period i twist the door knob and enter the room and thank god no one is looking at me. I followed everyone's gaze to where they were looking and low and behold there he was. None other than Harry styles . He scanned my body from head to toe and when his eyes met mine I immediately looked down. That was the wrong thing to do in my case as I was making my way to the back of the class I bumped his shoulder sending me back a little. "Watch it Nerd!" He spat . I just huffed and walked to the back taking a seat . But once again I made another mistake . I heard someone clear their throat. I rolled my eyes and looked to be met his green ones. "Your in my seat nerd!" I didn't want to make a scene so quickly I grabbed my things and moved to the seat right next to him. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he sat down and pulled his phone out. Typical harry. He must have noticed me looking at him because he snapped his gaze right at me. I quickly looked back to my notebook. Maybe he didn't see me, " I saw you." He whispers Ignore him I tell myself. "I know you can hear me Nerd" If he calls me nerd one more time I swear I will snap. "Whatever Nerd" that's it "You know I have a name right !" I snapped my head in his direction. "And? does it look like i give two shits?" He didn't even bother to look up from his phone. I don't know where I gained the courage to say what I said next but it must've gotten his attention . "You Harry Styles are an ass!" I whisper yelled. I turned my head and continued listening to the teacher. Jotting down today's notes that were on the board. I heard Harry sigh deeply before he spoke. "I guess since you know my name I might as well know yours." he spoke bearly above a whisper he is annoying . "And why the sudden change in mind.?" I asking not giving him a second look and continue to write down the notes. "Normally nerd like you don't have the courage to call me a name to my face that's why. So your name please." I roll my eyes and look up from my notebook and turn to him. "If i tell you my name will you stop calling me a nerd?" I give him an annoyed look. he thinks for a second and then nods. "Its Savannah Saunders." I watch his lip curve into a smirk. Why is he smirking he looks stupid. I just shake my head and turn my attention back to the teacher. "I think I will call you Savy Savanna is to long for my liking." I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. and that caused a few students to turn around and glare. "So Savy wanna meet after school and f**k behind the bleachers?" he said way to loud. "Mr styles!" the teacher screeched "Office Now!" by now my face had to be red as a tomato. I heard Harry stand to his feet but before he left he leaned down and whispered something in my ear. "See you after class."
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