Chapter 11

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Harry's POV "Please kiss me..again." i practically begged. Her eyes met mine, my heart literally attempting to rip from my chest. She simply nodded. Moving her body so her lips are inches from mine. She slightly brushed her lips against mine. I watched as her eyes moved from mine down to my lips. My breathing becomes deep and heavy. How can someone have so much affect on me after one day? "Please..." I whisper. Never once have I thought that i would be the one begging for a kiss. But right now I need it more than ever. Her lips brush against mine once more our noses touching. Finally are lips melted together like butter. They fit perfectly they are meant for each other. Is it possible..Possible that just maybe I have more feeling for her then before? Does she have the same feelings? I moan as her hips begin to move against mine once again. The feeling is unbearable. I need to stop before we take it to far, she isn't ready just yet. I pull away from the kiss as she pouts. "Don't pout baby..I Just want you to be ready okay?" I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She nods. "Okay." "I know its really late..but would you want to go grab some dinner?" It may not be a perfect date but its the thought that counts right. Her eyes immediately light up and the biggest smile forms on her lips causing me to smile as well. "That sounds wonderful Harry." She quickly climbed off of me and grabbed her bag from the floor. "I'm going to go change into something cleaner." I hadn't even noticed that her clothes were covered in dirt and ripped i some places. Probably from that bastard called her father. The anger began to rise at the thought of him hurting her like he did. f**k! If I would have just went after her...She wouldn't be in this mess..she would be bruise free. "Harry.. are you okay?" my fists are clenched and I'm sure my face looks like it could explode at anytime. Then I soften, hearing the sound of Savannah’s sweet voice, I took a deep breath Savys eyes were focused on mine. “Yeah I'm fine, Just go get ready babe” I said calmly, As Savy went upstairs to My room I decided to take this little time to get a hold on myself . Sadly images of Savannah’s father striking her cause me to pull on my curls, That bastard is lucky I didn't go over to his house and beat the f**k out of him. Beating his daughter like she is some rag doll, Savannah is more than that , He doesn't see that all he sees is a punching bag. I see someone different. Finally after calming myself down I walked upstairs to go change , I knocked on my door knowing that Savy was changing truly I would just walk right in, but I didn't. “Just a second “ She yelled, I groaned, women always take forever to get dressed. Then the door opened as well as my jaw, There she was I was taken back by the beautiful goddess in front of me. “Harry ?” My eyes scanned Savannah’s body she was wearing a nice v-neck Shirt which shows her curves perfectly, Skinny jeans that show off her nice hips, Hair natural,make up None. I took in every detail of her , wondering to myself how in the hell didn't I see this girl before . A smile appeared on Savy’s face , I couldn't help but to return one back . She was beautiful , And she doesn't even need five pounds of make up, fake nails , a fake tan or blonde hair no she is pure, and special. "You...Wow." I'm sure I'm drooling by now. She looks perfect and she doesn't even have to try. "Thank you..I didn't want to over do it. But I'm glad you approve." Oh i approve alright. f**k! My mind is far from just a simple dinner. I want to f*****g rip the thin cloth covering her banging body and take her right here. "Harry..." She giggles. "Umm, what are you thinking about?" blush covers her cheeks as she looks down and bites her lip. I follow her gaze to my d**k. I have a f*****g full blown boner. Great. "Uhhh.. Excuse me for a second." I brush past her, walking to the bathrrom and shut the door. My hands placed on either side of the sink, looking at my reflection as I did this morning. So do i fix my problem here or? God, Harry did you really have to go and get a boner right now. A knock on the door pulls me from my debate with my conscience. "Just a minute!" "Harry, could I possibly help..." What?! Did she just offer to help me with my...I shouldn't pass this is up but i must. She's not ready for that just yet. "Um, no its okay love I got him under control." I chuckled as she does the same. I stand up straight and gently pat my groin. "Down boy." I hear a giggle come from the other side of the door. I quickly open the door to reveal Savy leaning against the door frame. "Are you ready now?" Its taking everything in my body to not throw her on to the bed and pound her f*****g brains out. Stop. I really need to f*****g calm down this is honestly getting out of hand. "Yes." I simply say , grab her and and lead her to my car. ... "So do you know what you going to get?" I ask her. It took us over and hour to get a seat in this damn restaurant it better be f*****g good. "I was thinking about getting the salmon with motso cheese and veggies. How about you?" She lays the menu down to the side and pushes her hair back from her face. My eyes wander to her exposed chest, the top of her cleavage peaking from the top of her shirt. "Harry, eyes are up here." I look up, a smirk spread across her face. "I'm sorry your wearing a tight fitting shirt...kill me for being a guy." I roll my eyes and throw my hands in the air in defense. "Anyways what are you getting?" I dare not to look at her chest again and answer her question. I decided on the same as her instead of veggies I order stake fries. Savyspov I couldn't help but hide my excitement towards Harry and his expression towards me. Although it was very different towards me, It felt ..Different with him . I looked at the curly haired boy in front of me, and took in every feature of him. His ink tattoos covers his arms , which i must say are very built His tongue ring that shows up every once in awhile when Harry takes it between his teeth which is what he is doing now, I couldn't help but feel a bit hot and bothers. Finally Harry decided to pick what he wanted to eat, his eyes tried very hard not to stare at my chest which i must say right now its very exposed, Suddenly I felt exposed . “So what's on your mind ..Savy ?” Harry questioned taking a drink of water .I began to blush, Well I wasn't just thinking about your tongue , and your tone fit body. s**t stop Savy “Oh nothing, Just ..” I stopped Actually I'm thinking about the past events that has happened . “Well ?..” I sighed “I was thinking about us...and.. these past couple of days” I paused once more “What..are we “ I asked . Looking at Harry, he smirked . “What do you think ?” He questioned I shrugged my shoulders .Honestly I don't know, are we together..? friends..with benefits I cringed God anything but that especially the feelings i have towards Harry . I wouldn't want our relationship if we have one that is, to be based on just s****l needs for one another . I'm not even experienced, but I'm pretty sure Harry will show me a few tricks. “Well.. are we…” I pondered “Together..?” He raised his eyebrows , I nodded, looking down at my hands. Suddenly our conversation was interrupted when our waiter coming to our table placing our food down gently . “Will that be all Sir? “ He questioned Harry He nodded, then waving his hand. I couldn't help but smile . “Yes that will be all thank you .” I spoke, causing Harry to glare at me, then smirk . Oh my that smirk of his is quite beautiful and memorizing. “I hope this is all good for you” He spoke, I smiled “Harry, this is more than okay , I would've been okay with McDonalds .” He let out a chuckle “Well why didn't you tell me ! “ He playfully said “No, I wanted to take you here you..your worth it .” My eyes gazed at Harry, who was turning slightly red . My heart began to flutter, Although Harry may be some perverted bad boy, he has his romantic moments Which come to think of it , I'm the only one who has seen this side of him. And I want to be the only one, I want to be his… “Well thank you for this Harry, I'm sorry that my Pasta salad wasn't filling “ I giggled, taking a bite of my dinner, Oh my it was heavenly. “No it was great, I just thought … we should go on a nice .. you know Date “ His eyes landed on me, scanning my chest then quickly back to my face, I shook my head . “Sorry, Your just very beautiful and fit..” He said, causing a heat to run through my cheeks. “Thank you.. “ After about eating for a good twenty minutes Harry and I began to talk about things about one another, we got to know each others lives a bit more, mostly All i got from the convo was Harry's tattoo adventures and what not. I couldn't help but smile at the boy in front of me, laughing and showing a side of him no one has ever seen. I told him a little bit about my dancing and how long I've been doing it. Once of course Harry has to put his two cents in saying how dancers are very flexible and can bend very well. “You are such a perv!” I said , laughing taking a sip of wine that Harry has nicely asked for once we were done eating. “Hey , If you haven't noticEd by now then you are way behind “ I chuckled. My mind suddenly went blank, Returning back to that little conversation we had. I still didn't know if .. we were together. “Harry..” “Yeah Savy.” I sighed, taking a deep breath . “ know together?” I finally spit it out Hoping for the right answer. Yet my heart began to pound. Harry's POV Here we go, the question “Are we together ?” Those words rang into my head . I took another sip of wine that I so nicely bought for me and her . “Savannah.. “ I sighed, her face suddenly became sad, f**k no ! “Savannah, I .. like you Not just as well a f**k buddy .” Savy’s face suddenly became bright, causing me to laugh “But I don't do Labels.” “Oh..” She said, Taking a deep breath , I continued “Savannah, I don't like labels, Yes I do like you Alot.. Which is f*****g weird cause I've never felt.. this way towards anyone.” I bit my lip, causing my words to stop. Then it hit me.. Does she even feel the same way about me.? I would hope so, since she asked about “Us” “I want you to be mine.. “ I said, looking at her, I played with my tongue ring . Her eyes focused on my mouth, causing me to smirk, What is going on in the mind of hers ? My perverted mind is barging in, I quickly put it to a halt . “So you don’t do the whole Boyfriend , girlfriend thing?” She questioned. “Just the labels, I don't label . I want you to be mine. ..and I'll be yours “ Savannah began to bite her lip , a sign of being nervous . Yes it was very distracting , god her lips are so.. full , so plumped Oh stop it Harry, Jesus this girl will be the death of me. Honestly the whole “boyfriend “ and “Girlfriend “ thing is just not my thing, Yeah I want Savannah to be more than just a f**k buddy and friend her being mine is basically the same as well .. a girlfriend, But not I would be her’s and she would be mine. “Savy..” Her eyes focused back on mine, “So...would you..” I choked “Be mine.?” Savannah’s lips curved into a smile, nodding her head No that wont do, I want her to say it . I want to hear the words come out of that pretty mouth of hers.I want to hear her voice confirm that she will be mine and only mine . “Please.. say it “ . I said in raspy tone. Giving her a look,. “Yes, Harry .I ..will be yours.” She said, causing my heart to beat fast. Taking a deep sigh not even knowing I was holding my breath the entire time. Shes mine. Do I love her? That i can not answer at the moment. Love is a deeper feeling than most and as of now i"m not sure. ... Once we finished dinner i paid and of course she fought with me. Saying she would pay half the bill but i refused. I mean I've never done this whole dating thing. But the guy pays for everything right? I mean thats how it is in the movies right? Anyway. Right as we were about to make our way out of the resturant. Do you guys remeber Jessica? They slut from the party? Yeah well she was making her towards Savy and I. And of Course I had no time to run and hide. No one knows that Savy and I are "Dating" as some would put it. Do I want people to know? "Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Harry I really missed you the other night at the party. We could have had-" I watched as her eyes followed to mine and Savy's interlocked hands. Me being the dumb ass automaticlly let go of her hand. I watched as her face dropped at little but recovered quickly. "No..I saw that Harry. What the hell are you doing with this..this.. Virgin Mary." she pointed towards Savy. If she wasnt a girl i would probably have her on the ground right now. But instead me being the guy that i am scannded her body. And let me tell you it was nothing comparied to Savannah's. The clothes she is wearing looks like she pulled them out a trashbin. I have no idea what I saw in her but maybe just the sexy. I shudder when I feel her cold hand rest on mine. But i jerk it away immdietly. "First off, her name is Savannah.Maybe if you actually took the god damn time you would have known that. Second, I'm on a date..Which you arent a part of so take your fake hair and turn back around and leave us be." She laughs. "Harry Styles, On a date? Wow you must me be really desperate Harry." I felt a slight brush against my back and saw Savy march out of the restaurant. f**k. "God damn it Jessica, cant you f*****g see that I'm actually trying to grow up and have a future?" I wave my hands in her face. "But why her Harry? Out of all people her?" she flips her fake extensions over her shoulder exposing her freshly bruised neck. Most likely from the random guy she f****d last night. "Is that honestly any of your business why I'm on a date with her?" I scowled her pressing my lips in a thin line. "You know what no, don't even respond back to that your just f*****g jealous that its her and not you. After the countless times that i said no that we were only f**k buddies and only that. I was waiting for the right person and you are not her Jessica." and with that i turned on my heal not giving her another look and running out of the restaurant to find Savannah.
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