Chapter 10

1103 Words
Harry's POV As her ass grinds against my bulge my hands are kneading her breasts. My mind is going insane. My heart is racing. I like her no f*****g doubt about it. Not because she is practically humping me but because I feel protective over her. Yes, my intentions were to get her into my bed. f**k her and dump her. But now my intentions have changed..for the better for her. Savy'sPOV I began to move against him not knowing what I was actually doing . My body had a mind of its own, It took over, wanting to feel him . His hands touched my breast causing me to let out soft short moans his touch was better than I thought, yes I have wondered what it would be like for a boy like Harry to touch a simple nerd girl like me. Despite how much I dread him, right now I dont, right now his touch is sending nothing but pure electricity through my body. Harry's hands began to wander down my stomach, touching my scars carefully suddenly we stopped my eyes gazed into Harry's , searching for answers. Why? Harry then lifted both of us up not breaking our intense stare changing our position on the couch, I was under him . Words are not spoken only actions, I feel my nerves rising as Harry began to plant soft kisses on each of my breast then lowering kissing between them, My heart began to race, as well as the thoughts . Not knowing will he go .. far . Will I let him. Harry slid down to my stomach still planting kisses, I couldn't help but move my body not because I felt awkward but because .. I was nervous. Suddenly I glanced down at the curly headed boy his eyes met mine I believe asking for permission to go further then I shook my head.. “Im sorry .. I .cant Harry” I said , He nodded, then sliding back up his face met mine. “Im ..sorry im just-” I felt a finger on my lips silencing me . “I understand Savy, but I must say you know how to take a guys breath away. “ I giggled, looking up at the beautiful creature hovering over me. “We'll take it slow..” He said , putting a string of hair behind my ear, causing my heart to stop. “Slow..?” I asked. He nodded “Savy, . You're different , and not like other girls . “ He confessed. Not like other girls what does that mean? I dont give “it “ up easily. Is being “Different” a good thing in Harry’s eyes. Maybe its what he needs is someone Different someone who just doesnt want him for lust...Then it hit me, highschool females and me are quite different yes it may sound stupid but this is my brain working here and using clues from the past events thats happend. Harry needs someone who isnt easy, Harry needs someone who actually cares for him but not in a physical way but in a mental and ...Loving way . Then theres me your typical nerd I dont go out much I dont drink, I dont have s*x with every guy that walks in my path. But I'm someone who knows how to love someone even if they dont want to be loved, but everyone needs that someone .. Im that someone for Harry . All the pain Harry has been building up inside of him needs to be released, and all that sadness needs to be removed and replaced with Love . Love.. More questions revolved around that four letter word. Is what im feeling towards him love . A part of me wants him, as something more the other is frighted that its all to good to be true . Even if I had real feelings for him, I wont say .. I rather not make a fool of myself towards him. Harry leaned down pecking my lips, then shifted himself up from me. “No, .. Um .. just “ I said turning us over now me being on top, laying down on him , He chuckled “I like a girl who is dominate. '' I rolled my eyes at his remark. His hand began to rub my back, as we sat in silence . But suddenly my mouth began to move.. Questioning . “What is this….” I ask him meaning Us.. what are we. My heart beat began to quicken, he took a deep breath . “Im not sure .” Me either actually , “Harry ..?” I continued “Yeah Babe..” “Your job what… Is it ?” His body tensed under mine, “Its nothing Savy, Just a job . That keeps a roof over my … our heads “ I blushed when he said “Our “ As in.. this is my home, It struck me. Im living with Harry. I just nodded knowing that if I keep asking him he will get mad, But I would like to know. I felt my stomach sink, wondering if .. his job could be bad. I pushed my thoughts. tracing his chest I notice all of his tattoos , black printed on his skin , ..He was a work of art. I planted a small kiss on his chest, Feeling goosebumps rise on his skin, as my lips touched it. Harrys hand continued to stroke my back. “Your skin is so soft..”He said in a deep raspy voice . I smiled, Planting another kiss on his chest . “Savy..” “Yes” I replied in a whisper “Please Kiss me … again “ He begged . I looked up at the green eyed boy, knowing that his request was more like a cry, a cry for something. I nodded my head, sifting my body my face hovering over his. Gently I touched Harry’s lips staring down at them,They were perfect . Like him… His chest began to rise, deeply breathing . “Please…” He whispered, My heart ached at his emotion . I touched his face softly, Hovering my lips over his our noses touched, Then they collided softly and passionatly our lips moved perfectly as if they were made to . I knew then…. I .. have feelings for Harry . The question is.. does he feel the same .
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