Chapter 12

3032 Words
Savy'sPOV Once again I ran, I ran from the embarrassment of everything that is Harry and that low life tramp. “what the hell are you doing with with Virgin Mary.” Jessica’s voice rang in my head, as i finally ran out into the cold air outside the restaurant, What does it matter to her, If me and Harry are ..shit together. Why does she care when she has been f*****g the entire football team that's probably where she got that hideous hickey from, Those long blond extensions couldn't hide it. I groaned Looking both ways on the street running across from it. Where was I going? Where do i go from here ? I took a deep breath exhaling loudly seeing my breath in the air . Suddenly I jerked my head seeing a curly haired boy running out the door of the restaurant. “Savannah!” He yelled, I watched him as he searched, Harry tugged on his curls then yelling loudly causing a couple walking past him to jump at least two inches off the ground. Then he saw me. “Saunders!” He yelled, I looked at him . Then away walking down the road I ignored him. Harry ran across the road, causing a car to press it breaks and honk at him, Harry gracefully gave the driver the middle finger causing a little scene . I rolled my eyes walking down a dark road. “Savy.. wait!” Harry said, his voice was getting closer which only meant he was too . My feet began to quicken . “Savy don't you f*****g walk away from me!” He yelled causing me to stop and turn my heals . “I can do whatever I want Harry , Why don't you go back to your blonde Barbie !” I yelled walking towards him Harry's first began to tighten into a ball. “She doesn't mean anything to me Savannah." I rolled my eyes, bullshit I bet he has had s*x with her at least three times . I'm the “Virgin Mary” I looked at Harry, holding back everything I can not to show me crying. “Savannah, Jessica doesn't mean anything to me." He repeated , walking towards me, only causing my feet to reach moving back away from him. He frowned, I saw pain struck his face . “You’ve had experience with her Harry, you have history !” I yelled. “I know..” He sighed. “I'm sorry that I'm not her, I'm sorry I don't have fake extensions or fake boobs. I'm…” I choked on my own words “I'm Not her.” Harry ran his finger through his curls, gripping them once more. “Ahh!” He yelled, causing me to finch and step back Harry punched a wooden gate,. Harry then proceeded “Jessica doesn't mean s**t to me Savannah! I don't care if you don't have blonde fake hair or fake boobs!" He yelled holding his hand in pain “ I don't want her, None of her ! don't you see I only want you I want all of you ! “ He cried. My heart began to ache, Harry's words seemed so real and true, I couldn't help but notice tears form in his eyes, Not knowing if punching the wooden gate had caused that or me running away . I slowly walked over to Harry, standing in front of his tall figure. “Here” I whispered , taking his now bruised and slightly blooded knuckle wiping off the small bit of blood, Luckily Harry did not hurt it as bad as I thought. I could feel his eyes looking down at me, taking care of his time in need, My eyes gazed at his . “Its only you Savannah..” He whispered breathing heavily , A small lump began to form in my throat, my heart began to pound. I leaned down gently placing a kiss his knuckle , then looked back at his gorgeous face . I must say, Harry does look extremely sexy when he mad, his neck vein pops out , Then his biceps extend and are tight, Collarbone and chest are red from the anger . It was hot, yet very frightening And of course my eyes scan his body. Angel I think this guy in front of me must be some sort of angel, or at least carved by one . My eyes gazed up at Harry I notice something , something that I have never seen in his eyes. Yet I could not figure out “Why do you stare at me?” He asked “I...I..” I began to stutter, Oh come on Savannah don't be shy now, you practically yelled at him. . “What Savy, Cat got your tongue.?” He said leaning in, I could feel his hot minty breath on me. Causing my knees to tremble . “No..” I whispered, “You know your sexy when your mad.” He said with a slight smirk, My eyes gazed at his lips then his eyes. Oh dear. “Shut up ..” I said softly, biting my lip . Harry's hands slid down my side pushing me gently to the wooden gate that he attacked moment ago. Pressing me against it luckily for me, no one was around. “But you are, It kinda..turned me on “ Harry's eyes turned from a bright green to a dark green in a matter of seconds , I licked my lips as my chest began to rise up and down, I notice Harry glancing at them. Placing my finger on his chin , I felt the little stubble on it Lifting his head up . “My eyes are right here.” I said softly, and well..seductively .I had not notice my action towards Harry for the past few hours, Basically from the time he got home to when he had.. well you know a ...male problem and I asked to help with it. Honestly what Has happened to me, I've become like some crazy horny teenage girl, My subconscious laughed, shaking her head. Of course I am some horny teenage girl no guy has ever shown much affection towards me, As much as Harry has shown . But honestly, every girl has had a piece of Harry Styles. Now their just gonna have to realize that he's all mine. Harry's hands began to wander my body, getting more familiar with it, then he leaned down placing a gentle kiss upon my lips, then moving towards my neck,I let out a gasp, once I felt him kissing and sucking on my soft stop. Which he now knows where. “So Beautiful.. “ He whispered, Still planting long wet kisses down my neck, that same feeling in my stomach ,from when he first touched me then the second time he touched me and well get the idea. “Harry ..” I whispered, “Hmm..” He hummed against my neck, his lips trailed it nibbling it causing me to gasp once more. Harry chuckled at my response to his touch, which I must say I'm weak at the knees for now . Harry's POV Yes I'm highly aware that I have Savannah pinned up against a wooden gate near the restaurant. I'm sure it may look like I'm assaulting by the way my hands are moving on her body exploring every inch of it. But the moans leaving her mouth are from pleasure. "Harry.." she breaths out with a whisper. I Couldn't tell if it was a question or just her moaning my name so I just nipped at the freshly made love bite on her neck causing her to gasp and grip the back of my neck. I just chuckled. "Harry..we are still outside lets take this back home." I liked where this was going and with that i threw her over my shoulder and made my way to the car. "Harry! Put me down i can walk!: she laughed playfully punching my back. "We are almost to the car. Two seconds." the smile plastered on my face must be at least a mile long once we reach my car and open the passenger door setting her in her seat. I scan her body once more and her shirt had rode up when I slid her off my shoulder now exposing her stomach. "When did you get that?" i said pointing at her bellybutton ring. How come I didn't notice it before. I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth memorize but the anchor shape piece of jewelry hanging down her stomach. "Oh that, well my friend and I actually did each others a while back. Hers got infected and well mine...Harry.." My eyes have moved up to her chest as I bit my lip even harder. Its more exposed than it was earlier and I swear if she were to move just a bit more... She giggles "Harry, once again my eyes are up here." she shakes her head and sits back in the seat pulling her shirt down. I close her door and get in on my side and leave the parking lot. Every now and again i catch her looking at me from the corner of my eye. I cant help but smile when i would go to look back at her she would turn her head like a little girl who had a crush. It was cute. God I sound sappy. The rest of the ride consisted of small talk and the quite music playing in the background. All in all this "date" actually went pretty well. ... "I had a lovely time tonight Harry." She said Looking at me with her green eyes hell even in the dark they are beautiful . She is beautiful . "Your welcome Baby, . And I'm sorry about Jessica .." I said causing a lump to form in my throat s**t I hope I didn't just ruined the night . Savannah smile faded, yeah I f*****g killed it . "Its alright, She didn't bother me .." She said, But i knew she was lying it did bother her. "I ..Have nothing .. anything " I said my words becoming mumbles. Savannah let out a laugh. "Harry, I believe you ." She said leaning over and kissing me. causing me to cup her face our small little kiss turned into a heated make out session . She was now on my side of the car with her straddling my lap. My seat was slightly reclined just so her head wasnt hitting the ceiling of the car. My hands are resting on her bum as she rocks her hips against my lap. For being a virgin she knows how to make my d**k hard. Just saying. "Are you sure your a virgin baby?" she giggles stopping her movements. "I'm positive Harry, no other guy or person has touched me like this before." I will be the only one who will touch her like this. Possessive I know. But I'm not letting some other perv other than me kiss her, touch her, nothing simple as that. If anyone else does so help me.. "Harry...You're frowning. Was it something I said?" No, it was me just f*****g thinking the worse. "No, baby i was just thinking about other guys touching yeah I guess it was something you said. I'm sorry." Her mouth molded with mine and within seconds those thoughts I had faded. Her mouth tasted of sweet wine. It was intoxicating, invigorating. My lips pressed harder into hers as my tongue slid into her mouth. My tongue dominating hers. Her hands tangling in my hair and her hips rock against mine once again. I recline the seat back more causing a small giggle to escape her lips. I'm not sure how far this will go with her being a virgin and all but as of right now we want each other more than ever. Her hands grips the hem of my shirt and slowly lifts it over my head tossing it in the back window. Her fingers trace over the work of art across my chest and it send a shock of electricity through my veins. What is this feeling? What is she doing to me? I have never had this kind of affection towards anyone, intimately I mean. Her fingers run over the lettering just right above my swallow tattoos. "Every Saint Has A Past Every Sinner Has A Future." The words flow out of her mouth in a whisper and its music to my ears. She leans forward placing a kiss on every word etched into my skin. My blood begins to heat up and my hearts starts to race. "I like this tattoo." she moves her wet lips up my neck. "It describes you in such a beautiful way." then my jaw. Where did the shy innocent Savannah go? Savy's POV The letters on his chest made my heart ache . "Every Saint Has a Past Every Sinner Has A Future." The words stick in my mind like glue, It describes Harry perfectly. My lips began to kiss his jaw, causing Harry to let out a soft moan. My subconscious is smiling at me and my actions towards Harry, I guess I'm not so innocent anymore Right? I guess after what happened with Jessica I'm a bit jealous that she has had history with Harry. Yet I know that History is the past and right now .. well right now is the present. I began to move my lips down on Harry's neck, kissing to his chest where is heart is located causing more goose bumps to rise on his inked skin. Tonight my feelings for Harry has grown, grown much bigger . Is it possible ? What im feeling is true .. “Let’s take this inside yeah?” he whispers in my ear causing the hair on the back of my neck stand. I nodded, opening the car door getting out first then Harry, then he proceeded to pick me up wrapping my legs around his waist shutting the car door with his feet. Quite frankly , I found that very … attractive . A giggle left my lips like a school girl when Harry started whispering in my ear, The wine from dinner of course has set in causing me to be slightly tipsy and naughty. Harry opened the front door leading both of us in, Harry's feet moved towards the couch same stop as early , I didn't want that.. “No..” I whispered . “ Lets go upstairs .” Harry's green eyes widen . “Savannah.. are you..?” He questioned then stop. I began to laugh knowing what he was asking , His concern for my virginity is quite cute in a sense, to answer his question Yes i am ready. But no not now, not when I have wine in my system. I just want to spend time with Him in his .. well our bed. “I just… want us to go up there.” I said, Harry gave a smile, kissing my forehead “Of course baby, lets go to our room.” My heart fluttered at the sound of “Our” , I was then lifted off the couch, back around Harry's torso walking towards the stairs. * Finally walking into the bedroom Harry and I began laughing at each other , talking . “Your so cute when your drunk baby” He said kissing my nose then setting me down on the floor . I kept my hands wrapped around his neck , Harry's hands stayed on my waist. “Come on lets get you out of those clothes, Although you look sexy as f**k in that shirt I much rather have you topless.” He said, with a smirk . Playfully I punched Harry in the shoulder “Your a pig." I said . Harry let out a laugh, Which was a beautiful sound . “Alright, then how about one of my shirts?" He asked , I nodded, swiftly taking off my shirt leaving me only in a bra. I heard Harry take a sharp inhale . “Christ “ He mumbles under his breath. I giggled at his response. “Please Put this on, before I try to .. do anything." He said throwing me a shirt of his. I quickly began to undo my Bra , looking the other way from Harry. “Oh dear f*****g lord” He said, plopping himself on the bed covering his eyes. I threw my bra with my other clothes putting Harry's shirt on. Which I must say is pretty comfy. “Okay you can look now” Harry uncovered his eyes letting them scan my body in his shirt, His jaw dropped causing me to chuckle. “Come here…” He said, I walked over slowly to him He was placed at the edge of the bed, sitting up Harry's hands reached for me, pulling me closer to him. A pair of cold hands were placed on my stomach lifting the shirt up a little revealing my scars on my stomach and the belly button piercing he was so intrigued about . Harry then began to lean down gently planting a kiss on my scars, my hands rested in his messy curls massaging his head . Then the familiar pair of cold hands began to rise up my stomach towards my breast giving it a gentle squeeze causing me to let out a breathy moan. Harry ran his thumb across my n****e gently My eyes landed on his, they were not leaving mine. Slowly Harry's hand slid down my stomach and back from under the shirt. He pulled me closer to him, causing me to straddle him, not breaking eye contact. “Mine..” He whispered. “Yours….” I said. And I meant it. I'm his.
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