Chapter 21

1897 Words
Harry's POV My head is fuzzy and I can't find Savannah. Fuck...I haven't drank this much and actually had a good time. But right now my mind is set on finding Savannah and to leave. It has been more than a hour, But I couldn't help it, the alcohol ,the environment but mostly her. My eyes finally found the brown haired beauty smiling talking with Cara, my feet began to walk towards the goddess. "Hey birthday boy." Savannah said, I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her near me, I feel the blood in my veins run hot when I feel her ass rub against me. My god. A giggle left her sweet beautiful lips, causing me to smile as my lips attached to her neck. "Hey Baby" I kissed her neck softly up and down. "Harry." She laughed, a smile formed on my lips, "Can we go home please?" I whispered. Savannah gives Cara a I'm sorry i have to go look and she nods but before she leaves Cara whispers something in her ear causing her to giggle. "You're going to tell me what she said right?" Girls and their damn secrets I swear. "Hmm, it would be easier to show you. But lets get you home first birthday boy." Oh, what a tease. Savannah and i make our way through the crowd but of course being stopped by a drunk Liam. "Yo, man tonight was killer." he stumbles a little spilling his drink. "Sure was thank you man. I mean for this." I look at Savy who is smiling. "And if it wasn't for her i don't think i would have even came." i feel a pair of warm lips against my cheek. "I love you." She whispers into my ear taking it between her teeth. " guys need a room?" Liam jokes. "If so you can use mine." i can feel the blush forming on Savy's cheeks as she pulls away from my ear. "No thanks mate were going to head home. She has something she wants to show me." I lightly squeeze her ass and she gasps in return. "Well you two have fun, not to much tho and harry use protection." laughed, shaking my head and continued walking out the door Only hearing Liam shouting "Yo, Styles get some !!" Savannah laughed, causing me to smile more. This night was really something, It was the best All cause of Savannah. And Liam of course but mostly Savy. Finally we made our way to the car I grabbed the keys from my pocket when suddenly a hand swipe them from me. "No Babe, let me drive you've been drinking" Savannah said softly, I looked down at her my god. This women is something, I gently pushed her against the car kissing her with passion. "You are something " I whispered against her, she laughed. "Get in styles, before I change my mind on your last birthday gift " I chuckled walking around the car into the passenger seat. As Savy went into the drivers seat my eyes wandered down to her legs which are now exposed due to her dress rising. I must say this dress is stunning especially on her, I bit my lip taking my ring between my teeth. How was it possible to fall in love with a person in such a short amount of time? Was it fate? Every ones love is different. It can tainted, twisted even, What would i put our love under...Its honestly indescribable. She makes me feel, happy, feel like I'm actually worth something. When i opened the door to her standing there i thought "Wow this women, she came back for me this must mean something" But i was the one to make her run away. But she came back. We made love. We got lost in each other. Oh...My...God. No.No.No.No. Harry.... "f*****g s**t! Savannah stop the car i think I'm going to be sick." when the car comes to a stop i push the car door open and everything that was in me just seconds ago is now splattered on the pavement. My head is spinning and i"m freaking out. "Oh, Harry baby are you-" "No..I'm not Savannah." I snap. she sits back into the seat. "Sorry," she whispers. "Did i do something wrong?" No i did i f*****g forgot the damn condom when we had s*x. Stupid. Stupid Harry. How the hell did I forget. "I'm not ready for a baby." i blurt out and hide my face in my hands. "I'm way to young, and I'm no where near ready to be a damn f*****g father. " I smash my fist into the dashboard. "Harry...what are you talking about." I look up at her and she looks hurt, scared even. I sigh. "I forgot to wear a condom Savannah. I guess i got lost in the moment and forgot." her face is flat for a second and the she starts to laugh. Why the actual f**k is she laughing? This is no time for laughing. What the hell. I'm so confused. "Harry...hold on," she grabs her purse from the back seat. This is no time for show and tell. I groan. "This may sound crazy..but harry I'm on birth control..." WHAT! I stare at her in disbelief for a second until she pulls out a small packet of mini pink pills. "See..Harry my father is a very controlling man..He thought I was a w***e. While i was at dance he thought i was out f*****g around with guys. So he put me on these." she shoves them in my direction and sure enough there reads Saturday in small writing with the little slot empty. I felt the huge weight being lifted off my shoulder, But yet I'm still confused only because I am still not clear headed . "I don't... " I shook my curls, Savannah giggled. "Harry My dad is nuts, he made sure every other day I take them, Even tho I don't live with him anymore I still feel the need to. " I looked at Savy, giving her a apologetic stare. f**k , I snapped at her for no reason, I should've just given her time to explain . "I'm sorry Baby.." i said , Savannah smiled "It alright I should've told you . But I too was caught up in the moment." We both were. "I didnt mean to snap" I said placing my hand on her thigh, running my fingers softly up and down. I want to show my apologies to her, Savannah surprisingly leaned down pecking me on the lips, causing me to smile. "Its alright Harry " Her eyes locked onto mine, then my hands swiftly grab her waist pulling her over the passenger seat and on to my lap. Her dress is still bunched up to her thighs, slightly showing her panties. A giggle fell from her lips. "Harry " She yelped "Cant we wait until were home" I chuckled, I don't think I can make it. "Harry, someones going to see us, we are parked on the side of the road its bound to happen." "I have no shame baby. I will take you where I want you when I want you. Let them watch." I smirk. I cant feel the heat rise in the small space. I watch has her chest rises and falls. My hand move further up skimming the outside of her soaking panties. I hear her take a sharp breath as she lays her forehead on my shoulder. "Always so ready baby." I place kisses on her neck as i push her panties to the side and slowly move two fingers inside her. But she stops me before I can even begin. "Harry, please lets take this home i don't want to get caught." "Baby be daring, take risks." I grab her face with my other hand and kiss her forcing my tongue through her lips. my tongue winning the battle immediately. My hand moves in and out of her in a fast pace. Her moans being swallowed by the kiss. Savy's pov "Baby be daring ,take risks" My mind turned into mush once Harry's lips landed on mine hungerly dominating his tongue inside my mouth, suddenly I felt Harry's finger move in and out of me , with a fast pace. I really wish he would have waited until we got home, this isn't how i pictured giving my last gift to him. But I must say, the pleasure is amazing, and right now I wont argue with him . I don't have the words to other than my moans. "God you're so f*****g wet .." He whispers against my lips then runs his tongue down my neck, nipping at it. My hips began to to move against his long fingers. "Harry." falls from my lips, in a hoarse tone, He began to curl his fingers hitting that familiar spot as before, causing me to yell in profanities. "Oh f-f**k" Then suddenly, as if Harry knew I was about to explode he swiftly withdrawals his fingers from me, making me feel empty and very frustrated. He then took the two finger in between his lips sucking slightly. "Mmm." I blushed, yet I can still feel the tingle in the pit of my stomach, oh why did he have to stop. " didn't let me.." I began, "Finish?" He said with a smirk. I nodded, "Because, There is a car pulled over on the other side of the road. These windows may be tinted savannah. But the windows are not sound proof. " He chuckled. "And I want to get home to rip this dress off of you, we have alot of making up to do." He said leaning down , kissing me softly. I couldn't help but smile, "Well then lets get home Baby." I said, fixing my underwear and shifting back to the drivers seat. Harry looked out his window, looking at the car across the street then chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked turning on the car. Harry shook his head, "Nothing. don't worry about it" He smiled, placing his hand on my thigh "Just some perv Jacking off in the car next to us." He said with no filter. My mouth opened, I then buried my face into my hands .This is embarrassing. Harry can do nothing but laugh. "Harry this isn't funny!" I yelled pulling back onto the road, driving back to the house. "Oh come on Savannah Its kinda hot knowing someone watched us? " He questioned. I shook my head. "No Harold" I said, blushing pulling into the drive way. Finally. "Lets get inside Please. " I groaned still frustrated , sexually that is. Harry got out of the car, walking over to my side, opening my door and picking me up bridal style causing me to let out a laugh. "mmm I cant wait to get you out of this dress again." Harry says kicking the car door shut, then walking up to the front door. I pressed my forehead to his, kissing his nose then his lips "Happy birthday Harry.." I whispered looking up at him "I love you.." He smiled, opening the door, then shutting it "I love you too Baby.." He paused "And thank you.." With that Harry walked us upstairs to our room.
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