Chapter 22

1521 Words
Savy'sPOV I'm warm, to warm. Harry warm. Harry's body is wrapped around mine, and is struggle to move out from under him without waking him. He wont budge. I take this time to examine this beautiful man sprawled out across my body. His mouth slightly parted, his lips so pink so full. He looks peaceful. It looks as if he is smiling, maybe he's dreaming. I carefully push his loose curls back from his face. Slowly running my fingers down the side of his cheek the tracing over his lips. He doesn't wake. Memories from last night after we got home from the party flood my mind, as my fingers run over the freshly made love bite on the side of his neck. Come to think of it my body is quite sore. Harry did do a few numbers on me last night. I cant help but giggle. Him struggling to get his jeans off because he was to drunk. How he tripped countless times over his feet trying to get up the stairs. Oh, I love this man. This man who claims he's a monster when really he is just and angel in disguise. Underneath his inked, pierced skin is a beautiful, loving, caring man. I wish he would see that. My eyes wandered as well as my fingers to the beautiful portrait of Harry's mother. My fingers trace over the inked skin, A smile formed on my lips. She was beautiful. I nuzzled my head into Harry's neck . When suddenly his arm pulled me closer wrapping itself around my waist . A giggle fell from my mouth, as I planted small kisses on his neck. "Mmm" Harry groaned I looked up at my beautiful angel "Good morning" I said softly kissing his lips. "Mmmm good morning to you too" Harry said in his morning voice, which is more raspy and oh so lovely. I placed my face back into his neck, still planting kisses here and there. "I could wake up like this every morning" I giggled at his morning voice, Honestly it was to beautiful and adorable not to laugh or in my defence giggle at. My eyes flickered against Harry's neck, causing him to smile, I could feel the veins of his neck, his hand swiftly began to rub my bare back up and down only causing goose bumps to rise. . "Last night was amazing." He said, leaning down kissing my hair. I smiled, "Yes ,Yes it was .. " I blushed "I'm ..pretty sore actually" Harry let out a chuckle then looked down at me which caused me to Blush even more . "Oh yeah ? your sore Huh ?" He questions. Oh no, I nodded my head . "Well then how about we take it easy today, besides Its sunday we have school tomorrow Lets just spend the day in bed." I smiled, a relieved dont get me wrong, I love us being intimate with each other ,but I just need some rest. I laughed at my thoughs which caused Harry to look down at me with a questionable look. "Whats so funny?" I shook my head,"Nothing." I jump from the bed and I hadn't even realized I was topless until Harry's eyes darkened and grew wider. I quickly grab a pillow and place it over my chest. "You know you don't have to cover yourself up in front of me right?" he questioned. "Yes, Harry I know this is just all so new to me, I'm sorry." I apologize and slowly place the pillow back on the bed. "That better. Now are you hungry? I was thinks of making pancakes and bacon." He rises up onto his elbows running his eyes looking back at me. "I'm famished actually." "Well then," Harry quickly moved of the bed and was soon swopping me up bridal style. "Harry!"I squealed. "Put me down, I'm still naked." I giggle like a school girl. "You weren't telling me that last night when I was f*****g you against the wall so why do it now?" Oh my. Him and his bluntness I swear. But I love it. I love him. That is what makes him, him. Once we reached the kitchen I picked up his t-shirt from last night and pulled it over my body. "You know I would prefer you naked, but that will do for now." "Why do you like me naked?" I ask before i can stop the words from exiting my mouth. "Savannah," He puts the pan down on the stove and moves in front of me. "You're beautiful, you're perfect. You're ot to skinny and you're not to big you just right. You have a perfect ass," he places his hand on my ass squeezing it. "Perfect curves," his hands slowly run up my sides, "and your breasts," he takes his bottom lip in between his teeth, "are just the perfect size for me to do this." I hadn't even noticed his hands trailing up my stomach and cupping my breasts with both his hands. So much for breakfast. I let a soft moan escape my lips as Harry continued his gentle assault on me. His callused hands feel amazing against my tingling skin. f**k, he’s turning me on. "Harry.." I manage to say thru my moans. "Breakfast please." I let out a slight scream as he takes my now swollen n*****s in between his fingers and pinches them. "Ahh!" My head falls on his shoulder. I start to feel that familiar burn in the pit of my stomach. I'm reaching closer and closer to the edge and then... "Did you just.." I panted out. "Oh, yes baby I sure did." His and travels down my stomach and he cups his hand over my s*x. I hear his sharp intake of breath as his fingers run up and down my panties cleaning up the wetness with his fingers. As he brings his finger to his mouth I stop him and grab his hand and pop his fingers into my mouth sucking. His taste and my taste put together is a fabulous taste, salty yet sweet. "You, Savannah Saunders amaze me more and more every day." He pulls his fingers from my mouth and I pout. He takes his finger into his mouth and sucks them clean just as I did. I’m so f*****g turned on. “Don’t look at me like that, or I won’t hesitate to take you on this damn counter.” “What look do you speak of Harry.” I glace up at him playing innocent, batting my eyes in the sexiest way. He groans, “Oh, the innocent card. I swear Savannah, one day, one day.” … “You know, I don’t think I’ve had pancakes in almost two years. It’s normally bread and water.” The memory of my father locking my door every night flooded my mind. It was only on special occasions that he would actually make a decent breakfast. When he was sober. I wonder what he is doing right now. Who am I kidding I know exactly what he’s doing. He’s drinking… Drinking his life away. Good. “Well eat as much as you like baby, there is enough to feed Africa. No I was not calling you fat don’t- Savannah are you listening to me.” I felt something land in my lap. I look down and there lies a pancake. “Earth to Savannah!!!!” I look up at Harry who is now smirking. “What’s on your mind?” he asks. “My father…” I placed the pancake on my plate. I’m no longer hungry. Just the thought of my father makes the bile in my stomach rise into my throat. “Baby it’s goi-“ Harry is cut off by the doorbell going off. My heart begins to race as the person on the other side of the door starts to bang on the door. What if it’s him? Did he find me? I think I’m going to be sick. Harry’s POV Savannah ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I really hope she is okay. The banging on the door gets louder and louder. “Harry. Open the damn door I know you’re in there.” I stop dead in my tracks when I recognize the familiar voice. It can’t be him. What is he doing here? My head begins to spin and my chest feels like it’s about to burst. I slowly walk to the door and look through the peep hole. This man standing in front of my house, green eyes, dark brown hair, and his beard looks as if it hasn’t been shaved in months. “God damn it Harry op-“ I swing the door open and I can already smell the alcohol on him. “Dad…”

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