Chapter 20

2763 Words
Songs for this chapter: Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran Harry's POV. Ugh, what do I f*****g wear. I searched my messy closet looking for a decent outfit all I could find is a black button up shirt, I groaned in frustration. I hate button ups, swiftly I put on the shirt buttoning it only leaving three buttons undone showing my inked chest To top it off some black skinny jeans. "This will f*****g do." I said to myself looking at my reflection. My Mind is running wild. What's going to happen? Will she be there? My heart is seriously about to jump out from my chest and jump off the nearest cliff. Why am i so nervous? I run my fingers through my tousled hair and stare into the now fixed mirror. I miss her, i want to see her, its my birthday. Did she forget? f**k! I need to stop thinking and just go and see what happens. I walk out of my room and down the stairs and as I'm passing the door the bell rings. Its probably Liam. But i was wrong. Its her. I'm in complete shock i thought...but..She's here. "Savannah?" No dip s**t its casper. "Hi, Harry" She quietly says. Just that alone makes my heart skip a beat. "I..umm...Made you a cake." she holds up a small round chocolate cake with "Happy Birthday Harry" on it. She made me a cake. I smile. "Thanks. Do you want to come in?" "I thought you would never ask. Of course." I step aside and let her in and as she passes me her sent of something sweet fills my nostrils. I miss this, I miss her. "Come, we can put that in the kitchen." I lead her into the kitchen and she places the cake on the counter. She turns and opens her mouth but I stop her by placing my index finger over lips. "Savannah, I love you, I don't know why i didn't say it before. Maybe because I was scared. But you leaving me for a second time made me realize how much i really do love you. Yes its only been what a week? And you've left me twice within that time period and I'm not letting that happen again." I grab her waist and lift her up onto the counter stepping between her legs. " You, Savannah are the best thing that's happened to me, you make me feel things I've never felt. For gods sake Savy i was just planning on bringing you home last Friday and f*****g you. But now I'm completely and madly in love with you." I look straight into her beautiful big hazel eyes and i can tell she fighting back tears. This women, this girl, is the sunshine in my life. She helps me find my way through the dark. She's my other half. I lean in and place a soft kiss on her trembling lips. She's now full on sobbing. "H-harry, I love you, I want to come back, I want you." She cups my face in her tiny hands and kisses me ..Hard, with passion. Its filled with so many emotions and its driving me crazy. I want her, I need to be as close to her as i possibly can. "Harry." she whispers into my lips. "Please...Please make love to me." And there's my answer. I rest my forehead against hers and place a sweet kiss on the tip of her nose. "I love you, Harry." she smiles. I'm messing with the hem of her dress. "I love you, Savannah." her smile grows. "Is this dress new?" I ask and she nods. "I love it baby." I peck her lips quickly and wrap her legs around her waist. I carry her to the living room and set her down in front of the glowing fire place. I grab the blanket from the couch and lay it on on the floor. She giggles. "What?" I ask. "What about our bed?" I love the way she uses our. This is her house to and I'm glad she's back. My baby, my love. "Savy I've had dreams of making love to you in front of this fire place and I'm making it come true." I can't tell if she is blushing or if its just from the heat of the fire. I quickly stand up and grab her waist and pull her against my body. Her breathing can be heard, she nervous. "Baby, It going to be okay, I'm going to take this slow." she slowly nods. "Turn around." she does. I slowly run my finger tips over her shoulders and i can feel the goose bumps rise under my fingers. I lean down and place warm wet kisses on the back of her neck and she slightly rolls her head back. My hand finds the zipper of her dress and soon enough its pooling down by her feet. f**k! I take in a sharp breath and now she turned back facing me. "You are so beautiful Savannah. Your skin is so soft." She looks up at me through her lashes in an innocent way. I'm hard. "f*****g Christ Savy don't look at me like that." I pull her body against mine again and slide my hands down her back squeezing her bum lightly. "Harry!" she giggles. I love that sound. "Sorry." I smirk. I reach up and unclasp her bra, slowly sliding it down and letting it meet the floor with her dress. She bites her lip and quickly covers herself. "Baby," i grab her arms and move them to her sides. "Please do not hide from me, your body is beautiful." she blushes. "Harry, can i...undress you?" I chuckle, I love that she's so inexperienced. I have so many things to teach her. "Yes, you may" i send her a smile. She slowly reaches for my belt but i stop her. "Shirt first, baby." she shyly nods and begins to unbutton the rest of my shirt. "I like this shirt, you should wear it more often." her fingers skim across my stomach and i feel the fire ignite in my body. She reaches up and slowly pushes the shirt off my shoulders meeting my gaze. She's biting her lip. My pants are surely bursting at the seems. My shirt falls to the floor, her gaze still hasn't left mine. Her fingers trace over the tattoo across my chest. Then down my sternum, over my butterfly tattoo. I watch her every movement. My goose bumps sending shivers over every inch of my body. Her hand fumbles with my belt but she finally gets it off, tossing it on the floor. She leans forward placing kisses all over my chest. I can't help but close my eyes and take this moment in. I feel her tug at my jeans and she laughs. "You need jeans that aren't so tight Harry." She seems less nervous now. Good. "Um, may I?" She loops her fingers around the hem of my boxers. The fire in my body is on full blast. I want her and I f*****g want her now. "Right now I want you to lay back on the blanket okay baby." her eyes are dark and glossy and I know she wants me just as bad. I watch as she steps back a bit further so i can get a better veiw of her perfectly curved body. Her breasts are full and her panties hug her hips just right. to think minutes from now i will be buried inside the women I love. And i will be her first and hopefully her last. The fire place is hot, very hot and its causing a small mist to form on her body and it makes me crave her more. She lowers herself on to the floor laying on her back with her knees propped up. Her dark hair spread out behind her shoulders, the reflection of the flames glowing on her skin makes her look like as if she is an angel. My angel sent to pull me from this deep dark hole. I love her. I lay down beside her propping up on one elbow. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles that breath taking smile that i have grown to love. "I love you" i lean down and kiss her slowly. "I love you Harry." she breaths against my lips. My hand moves down her damp stomach as the kiss deepens. I feel her place her hand on mine following my movement as i slip the tips of my fingers into her panties. But her hand pushes mine in further and i cup her s*x. "Touch me Harry." she pants. "Please." f*****g hell this is so sexy. I kiss down her neck as my hands slowly move in between her folds. Up and down, up and down. Her back lifts off the ground but i push her back down lightly. "So f*****g ready baby." my index and middle finger squeeze her clit and she moans her other hand attaching to the nape of my neck. "Should I make you come like this Savannah?" "Oh, please Harry." she begs pushing her s*x against my hand. "But baby, i wanna feel all of you." I move so I'm now hovering over her my fingers still moving between her wet lips. "Harry...Please." her chest rising and falling faster now. Her eyes burning into mine. I'm done waiting and so is she. I grab her panties and pull them down her glistening thighs and toss them. I use my knees to part her legs further. I quickly tug my boxers off my hips and kick out of them. Her eyes move down the where we will soon be connected. I laugh. "Like what you see?" "Very, much Harry. I can't wait to feel you." her hands wrap around my back and her brown eyes meet mine. My heart begins to quicken more, Savannah gave me a smile then leans up kissing me softly once more on the lips. "Baby.. I'm gonna." I began Savannah nodded "I know baby.. I'm ready " So am I. Savy's POV "I'm ready.." Yes I am, finally. I've been wanting this since I met Harry despite my first impression of him, now I'm in love with him and ready to give my all to him. to give myself to him. Suddenly I felt something rub against me, causing me to gasp, "Sorry.." Harry whispered. "No don't be," I said smiling, then all of a sudden Harry slowly enters me, causing me to bite my lip. Oh my he is big, I blushed at my thought. Harry took a pause causing me to look up at him. "I want to let you adjust" He said leaning down kissing my neck, then down to my breasts peppering them with kisses, then sucking on them slightly. Oh his lips. Oh him. Finally Harry began to move slowly, In and out, In and out. I felt tears prickle my eyes and let out a whimper, Harry must have noticed "Baby, am.. I " He began to question. I shook my head "No.. I'm crying because I'm happy.." Its true I am happy. I'm happy with someone who I love and loves me back, I'm happy I'm with this beautiful man. Harry balanced himself with his arms on both sides of my head, moving in and out slowly, stretching me, filling me. Every inch of me, suddenly the pain turned into pure pleasure causing to me to let out soft moans, as he goes slow but deep. This is something I have dreamt about being with the man I love and giving myself to him. My eyes gazed up at Harry's, which were on mine. "You feel so good Savannah." He said in a raspy tone, I ran my hand through his now sweaty curls bringing his head lower to mine kissing his lips, I suddenly raised my legs up spreading them more . "Oh." I moan, Harry began to speed up his pace, hitting a sensitive spot inside of me. "f**k!" He whispered against my lips. I felt my stomach tighten, what is this feeling. My moans grew louder. "Faster" I whispered, "Please.. Oh .. please.." I begged, Harry nodded, and lifting me up from the floor wrapping my legs around his torso, going into me fast. "Harry..." I moaned. "Oh Baby..I'm.. So close.." He said. My heart began to pound faster, my blood began to boil sweat dripping down my body and as well as Harry's. "Harry..." I said then with that I screamed in pleasure. Arching my back, my body fell back against the hard wooden floor, Harry's head landed on my chest. Both our sweaty bodies together, panting and taking in the comfortable silence. Looking down at the angel laying on my chest , he peppers kisses on it where my heart is located. "That was..." He began "Amazing." I finished. Harry chuckled Kissing me softly "I love you." I smiled " I love you too.. baby." I ran my hand down his back tracing over his inked skin,"Happy birthday Harry." I whispered." "Savannah...?" "Hmm" I said with my eyes closed. "Tonight .. My friend Liam. he..." "He is throwing you a party." Harry nodded, looking up at me "I know Cara told me, everyone whose everyone is gonna be there" I giggled. Harry smiled "Not everyone, not one of the most important person in my life." I blushed. "Oh and who might that be?" I questioned looking down at him. "You." He said tracing his finger on my breast, s**t were still naked! Oh well. "So will you come with me tonight?" He asked. What? To a party like this one the way Cara was talking about it made it sounds like it was the party of the year, Maybe it was Harry is very known. Do I want to go to the party, hell yes I do, But what will others think does Harry want people to know that we are.. whatever we are . "Yes I will go." I said softly. Harry swiftly got up picking me up with him causing me to giggle . "God I've missed that " He said, referring to my girlish sound. "I've missed.. you " He said picking up my dress and bra handing it to me. My heart aches, I've missed him. "We will only stop by for a hour, " He said putting on his skinny jeans, which i must say I do like alot , along with his black button up shirt, only leaving three buttons undone oh he will be the death of m . I began to put my clothes back on, sliding into the dress . "Here I want to.." Harry said walking over to me starting from the bottom of my dress zipper rising it to the top, then gently placing a kiss on my shoulder. "Beautiful as ever." I blushed, turning around looking up at him. "What made you come back..?" he asked looking down at me with with soft green eyes. Moving a strand of hair out of my face. "You.." I said softly and that was true he was the reason I came back, Because I'm truly, deeply madly in love with Him, that it pained me to be away from him and because someone needs to take care of him , someone needs to show him true love and meaning of it. And that is me, Harry wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug, it was warm and perfect. "I've been a mess without you.. savannah" He breathlessly said. My heart skipped a beat, closing my eyes I reminisce on last week leaving Harry in his bedroom crying, His scream was heard from down the street as I walked away from him. Knowing now what I should've known then was walking away from Harry is a huge mistake, it was a huge mistake but now we are here. holding each other, kissing each other. making love. "Now lets go to that party birthday boy" I said with a smile, intertwining my fingers with his. "And then we will come back home and eat that cake?" Harry asked then smirked Oh boy. "Or I can eat something else?" He chuckled I playfully slapped him on his arm. "Only Kidding baby, Unless.." he trailed I rolled my eyes. "Come on Styles." With that, we walked out of the house. Our House.
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