Chapter 18

1404 Words
Harry's POV The sound of my damn alarm goes off as I stare awake at the the white and grey speckled ceiling of my bedroom. I reach over and turn it off. It reads 6:30 am. I haven't been able to sleep since she left. I've gotten maybe a total of three hours of sleep. Yesterday I fell asleep in the shower my naked body shivering from the cold water. I miss her. You know, I could have just went to school. I could have told her I love her. She would be here beside me. Cuddling, kissing, laughing. Oh, her laugh it's music to my ears. f**k. I need a drink. It may be early but right now I could care less. I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen and grab the bottle of brown liquor from on to of the fridge and a glass. And pour my poison. My sweet numbing poison. ... By noon I've drank myself into oblivion. The bottle of rum empty and broken against the living room floor. The couches, pictures on the wall are flipped over and broken. I could hardly make it up the stairs. My vision impaired from my consumption of rum. I stumble through my bed room door not bothering to shut it and collapse on the bed. I make my way up the steps of our home. Hearing the screams of my mother and dad. Great. I step through the door and place my bag on the ground. They are in the kitchen my mum leaning against the counter with her head down my dad doing the same but across from her. "Harry, son-" "No, what did you do to her?" I spat. "Harry.." My mums voice spoke. "Please listen to me..." I stood there looking back and forth between then. My mums cheeks stained with her make up. What's going on. What had he done this time? "Harry...I'm sick...very sick." She wipes the back of her hand across her cheek. Smearing her make-up even more. What is she saying? Sick? I knew she had been to the hospital a few times this week but i thought it was just a cold. "What are you saying mum?" i make my way over the the kitchen table and take a seat. I'm sure It will be needed. My mum pulls out the chair in front of me and sits. She searches for my face, maybe for a reaction. I was frozen. "Harry Honey, I -I have cancer " My mum said softly, placing her hand on mine. I was stone, my heart stopped. "Cancer....?" I whispered, My mother nodded. "Harry .." "Harry.." "Harry Man wake up !" I felt a hand hit my shoulder hard waking me up from my nightmare, fluttering my eyes I see a tall figure standing next to my bed, It was blurry. "Savannah.." I groaned wiping my face then rubbing my eyes clearing my vision, It most certainly wasn't Savannah, but god I wish it was . "Uh dude I don't remember ever changing my name to Savannah, And I don't look like a girl " my collage friend Liam said. What the hell is he doing here. Liam is a sophomore in collage, He was suppose to graduate from high school this year but he's a f*****g smart ass who got accepted into the best collage in town, Little did anyone know Liam actually lives in a frat house . The one that.. Savannah and I .. Gotten close.. No Harry stop talking about it .Liam is actually the big man on campus I should say, but he's good people. Not like one of those assholes, I'm lucky enough to have him as a friend really. "I'm sorry, I thought.-" I groaned, rising from the bed, f**k my head is pounding, Looking around the room I see its nothing but a dump, My god. "Dude you really need to clean, Is your OCD off or something?" Liam asked clearing off a chair that had beer bottles on it. "Yeah." I said "What are you doing here Liam ." I ruffled my curls. "Well Harry I came to tell you that the frat house is throwing this huge party in honor of your birthday " I shook my head, A party at Liam's frat house. My heart ached, The memories of Savannah run through my head . "Li, I don't know man." I said getting up from my bed, Jesus I f*****g need to take it easy , I feel I've been hit with a ton of bricks. "Oh come on Harry, all your friends will be there, Drinks will be there hot chicks, we all know how much you love hot girls ." He chuckled. I felt disgusted by his comment, Although he is right I do love hot girls, But I only have my eye on one and she left me, She left me ... "Harry , What is the matter with you, ? " Liam questioned, Oh well you see Liam I met this girl who I wanted to f**k and Dump and ended up falling head over f*****g heals for her , But I'm to big of a p***y to tell her How I feel about her. that is what the matter is with me. "Nothing man, Just let it go alright, I don't want to go to a f*****g party." Only if Savannah will be there. Liam furrowed his eyebrow , and eyes widen. He is shocked. I would be too if I was him . "Okay, I know.. that your birthday is.. also .." I gave him a look, don't do that Liam don't get f*****g sappy with me not now. "Sorry, But you deserve to have a good time." I shrugged my shoulders "I guess." "Okay the party starts at six, but I'm warning you Harry don't ditch out on this. I will hunt you down." He chuckled "Yeah yeah, I wont.. Look just don't try to hook me up with any chicks okay. I'm not in the mood for that" Liams face went blank, "Your serious ? no hook ups . What bout that one girl Jessica. you said she was a good-" he rambled on once he had brought up Jessica And me hooking up with her I lost it. "NO!" I yelled, causing Liam to jump, I ran my fingers through my hair and tugging at my curls. "Its that girl isn't it.." He asked quietly, I nodded my head not looking at him. "Savannah.. Her name is Savannah." I choked, Liam sat next to me on the bed,here we go. "Where is she.?" He questioned. I sat in silence . Closing my eyes I pictured her, I pictured her laying down next to me, looking at me with her beautiful eyes, and smiling up at me as I trace my fingers down her back, while she lays in my shirt her curving body, the smell of her . God I miss her ... "She left a few days ago..." I said. Pain rises in my voice. I really want her to come back "You love her ?" What is this twenty questions , I looked up at Liam , "I think I do.. Yeah." I don't think , I do I love Savannah. I want her and only her. . "You should invite her to the party." My eyes glanced at Liam "No." I said cold heartily. "I doubt she will come." Of course she wont come, You let her go you f*****g i***t when you know damn well you should have chased after her. Although something inside of me feels that I may see her today ..But I wont . But I want to so bad. "Liam If I say yes to going to this damn party will you leave me alone. " I groaned, please Liam just get out of here. "Deal, " He says getting up from my bed walking towards the door, the pauses looking back at me . "Words of advice? If you see her, tell her how you feel . Show her.. And never let her go ." With that He left, sadly he was right And I hate to admit when Liam is right. Tell her how you feel. Show her and never let her go. She slipped away from me once, and once is enough for me.
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