Chapter 17

966 Words
Savy'sPOV I was tired, worried, mostly tired. It was Thursday s**t, cant Friday hurry I want to sleep, that's all I want to do . The teacher began to talk about some boring war Which cause my mind to slow down even more. The only thing keeping me up was, Him. Harry . My heart stops . I miss Harry so much, he hasn't been in school . No texts no calls nothing. At this time my head is pounding Cara looks at me "Savy, you okay?" She whispers I nod. "Yeah just tired and I have a headache." I said laying my head down the teacher still rambled on about the dumb war, I payed no attention towards it as my eyes slowly shut , It filled with darkness and Silence. I was suddenly trapped in my own thoughts, all I could see was . Harry he was there, as if it was real but it wasn't real. Then my mind wandered into my past.. "Now Honey Mommy's gonna go to the store, stay in here and don't leave do you understand me ?" My mommy said, kissing my forehead then handing me two small dolly's . I began to play with the dolls, pretending to have a tea party with them , My mommy then shut the closet door leaving me in it with only the dark, I was afraid of the dark I was afraid of Him. I hugged my dolls close to my chest, Oh mommy please hurry home. I don't know why I have to stay in a closet , Is it so the dark cant get me,? But it is already dark in here. I began to moved against the back of the closet ,As footsteps creep from beneath me. It was him, I brought my knees to my chest. "Savannah..." A female voice said Mommy . A flash of light over casted the dark of the small closet. My mommy rushed towards me picking me up in her arms, "Oh sweetheart " She said, "I missed you mommy ." I said hugging her with my small arms, "Come on sweetie were going for a drive" She said picking her feet up running out of the room and towards the stairs "Will Wanda and Josy come too ?" I questioned holding my dolls . "Yes baby they will -" She stopped, her eyes widen looking at a tall man standing in a doorway, Him . "Where are you taking her ?" He questioned, looking at my mummy, I don't know what he is asking for me or my dolls? "She needs to get away from this John!" My mommy spoke loudly, I pressed my head into her chest her hand caressed my hair . "You are not going any f*****g where with my god damn daughter !!" He yelled. I felt my mother jump, "Please John not in front of her ." She cried, "Give her to me ." He said lowering his hard loud voice,Mommy began to walk backwards . "Joy, give her to me now!! or so help me I will f*****g -" With that mommy ran, putting me down on the floor. "Honey were gonna play hide and seek okay , I want you to hide somewhere good! I know you know how to hide Okay baby ! Now go please.." She said with tears pouring in her eyes, My little legs began to run upstairs, "John Please! your drunk." I heard my mommy yell, I quickly ran into a little crawl space that I only knew about, I pressed my ear against the floor hearing the loudness from under. "You will not take my daughter away from me!!" He yelled again. Then I heard a hard slap, along with a women voice crying. "Your f*****g crazy " My mommy yelled, Then all of a sudden it was silence. I pressed my ear closer, hearing the cry of my mommy. "John No, No John put it down !!! " she yelled, then all of a sudden -Bang- -Bang- I jumped slightly, holding my dolly's close to me. Water began to fall from my eyes. Then footsteps from below began to rise up the stairs the creaking sounds of the steps echoed . "Savannah darling..."Its now a male voice. Where's my mommy ? I need her.. "Savannah ...Ready for not here I come." No daddy "No !!!!" I said screaming out loud my eyes still close, "Savannah ..Savannah wake up" I was shaking, by someone "Savannah please wake up !" It was Cara. "He's coming to get me...!" I yelled I then opened eyes blinking them rapidly, "Savannah you were having a bad dream" Cara said, I looked around the room and it was empty, No one was here but me a Cara. "I .. Need to go .I'll see you later" I said walking out of the class room leaving Cara by herself. I ran out of the building into the fresh air I, I picked up my feet running towards the cemetery . I started looking down at each grave stone looking for her. I then did . My knees gave out , falling on the dead snowy ground I swiftly brushed the snow off of the stone plate relieving her . "Mommy" I said Horsley "I'm .. so sorry ." Silence. "I Know.. I haven't visited you mom, And I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for all you have been through . I'm sorry -" I choked "I'm sorry I didn't stop him.. " I touched the cold stone, and the engravings of her name . Joy Saunders. "I met someone Mom, You would Love him.. he's beautiful . and he took me away from dad, I.. I fell in love with him Mommy ."
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