Chapter 16

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Savy'sPOV The cold air against my skin is hardly bearable. I should have grabbed my coat but i didn't. I had to leave. I made myself look stupid saying "I love you". How could he possibly love me back. Maybe he does. Is he scared of love? Being loved? I'm not going to stand here and say i don't love Harry because that would just be a total and utter lie. I do love Harry, every part of him, every flaw. But how come he can't see that. Oh, how i wish he would. The reason I'm running again is because he didn't say it back. He doesn't love me like I love him. The tears in my eyes are blinding now. I stop once I reach a little cafe just blocks away from ou- his house. I walk inside and find the corner booth and sit. Hidden from the world. I bring my knees up under my chin, and cry. The memories from minutes ago flood my mind. Replaying and replaying. I know I promised i wouldn't leave him. But what's the point of staying if he doesn't love me back. I feel my phone vibrate against my leg, and it doesn't stop. Its Harry. I ignore it and ignore it until finally it stops. I pull my phone out ten missed calls and three texts. * Baby, please come back we need to talk.* *Savy, its complicated.* *You promised.* I delete the texts. I don't want to be reminded of my stupid mistake. I scroll through my contacts and dial Cara's number. I need some place to stay until I can find a place of my own. I thought about just going back to my dads but if I did... I don't even want to think about it. Cara said she would be about ten minutes because she has to run her brother to his friends. I wait. My phone goes off, its Cara telling me she's outside. I gather up my things and leave. Cara's white VW is waiting as she said. I quickly wipe my eyes of any make up and climb into the car. It quite at first but then she speaks. "Why were you crying?" I can feel her gaze on me but i don't look up. "Savannah, I'm not stupid, i know when my best friend has been crying. What happened?" ... "And he didn't say it back?" We are now back at her place sitting on her bed. I shook my head not wanting to speak of this anymore. Cara looked at me, "Savannah hun, he may be scared ?" she said placing a hand on my leg for comfort. I jerked back from her hand, she noticed. For some odd reason, It just didn't feel right having someone else touch me and it not be Harry. I glanced at my phone , It read One New Message My finger ghosted over the lock button sliding it to the side and pressing my code. My heart froze. It was Harry . *I'm sorry you didn't hear what you wanted, Just know that ... Well never mind. I hope you are safe. -H oxox* Tears began to form in my eyes. "Was that Him?" Cara asked, I nodded in silence "Savannah, Listen Harry is the type of guy who doesn't show his emotions. and those guys are very rare" Cara said, opening a bag of chips, Yes comfort food. "I .. Know." I whispered, "You know after His Mum died, he's just-" "Wait, you knew about his mum,?" I questioned interrupting her. She nodded, "Everyone knew, Harry changed instantly once is mum got sick. Then he started acting out." I sat there in silence staring at Cara. She continued " But I knew, at that party.. the way he looked at you . You may have not noticed it, but I sure as hell did He just didn't want you for Well... you know." She paused taking a chip in her mouth "There is something special about you he saw " My eyes looked at Cara, she gave me a soft smile. There is something special about me, that Only Harry saw. That's why I love him, He see's me. I just want him to see what I see for him and that is .. He is what I want . Sadly he just... doesn't want me in that love and emotional way. Tonight I will lay on something other than Harry's soft bed, His arms wont be around me, his lips wont kiss my forehead, our legs not intertwine. No tonight, I will be sleeping alone . Harry's POV I'm standing in front of my bathroom mirror as I was a few days ago. School has been canceled the last few days due to snow. But today school has started back up and guess where i will be? Home. Its now Thursday. I trace my fingers over my now healed portrait tattoo of my mum. This women meant everything to me, shes gone, and she is never coming back. This is the closest i will ever get to her. The sound of breaking glass moves through out the small space, the red liquid covers the shattered mirror, the sink, and my fist. I don't even flinch, it doesn't even hurt. Pain right now, I'm numb to it. She left me and she promised. Maybe if you would have said it back you wouldn't be here gushing blood because your an i***t and can't control your anger. My conscience scolds me, shaking his head. I quickly clean up my hand, wrap it and leave the bathroom. Leaving the mess behind. So later i can come back and be reminded of how much a f**k-up I am. I find myself back in my music room staring at the picture of my mother. In two days it will be the two year anniversary of her passing. That also means I will be turning nineteen. Once again i will have no one. I will be at the bar drowning my sorrows with rum and cokes all night until I'm escorted from the bar by the bouncer. I'm not sure why they even dealt with my s**t for the past two years around this time but they do. My mind wonders to Savannah. What is she doing? Did she go to school? Does she really love me? I mean she wouldn't say it if she didn't mean it right? I pull at the ends of my hair and I want to scream. This feeling I have towards this women is driving me f*****g crazy! Why couldn't i just f*****g tell her that I love her back? Because your a f*****g p***y and a mama's boy. If i could f*****g choke my conscience I would. He's on my last f*****g nerve. "Harry? Will you promise me something?" my mothers weak body lay limp and almost lifeless on the damned hospital bed. I grab her hand in mine and squeeze it gently. "Yes, mum anything." She sighs deeply and closes her eyes and for a second I thought she was taking her last breath. "Please find someone who knows you better than you know yourself, find that someone who will love unconditionally no matter what." she squeezes my hand harder. "I love you so much Harry, your my beautiful piece of art." she lets go of my hand reaching over and wipes the tears I didn't know were being drawn from eyes. Her hand is cold against my cheek. Reaching up i place my hand over my cheek where her hand would be. My hand is over hers, holding on and not wanting to let go. The doctors earlier had given my mum some medicine to help her sleep and before I knew she was in a deep sleep. I sat here all night watching over her. I'm not ready for her to go Suddenly my mother opened her eyes, I jolted from my seat kneeling down at her, "Harry.. sweetheart. Its time." She said softly, I felt my heart stop. "No mum" I whispered, my mum gave me a small smile, "I love you Harold. Remember my promise. " Then slowly my mother eyes shut, The sound of beeping filled the air. "No.." I whispered "Mummy come back please..I need you " I cried into her hand "I need you !!" I screamed . "Promise me Harry "
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