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**NATASHA'S POV** If I had only that little time, then I needed to spend it as close to him as possible, not stuck in this room away from him. The rain calmed, and now it was just a gentle drizzle. The night had not gone according to plan at all. If everything had gone as planned, I would have been far out of this territory and on my way to finding a new place to start a new life. I would have been miles away from Lord Alexander, which I know my wolf won't be happy with. My place was by his side as his first lady, as the Moon Goddess has planned for us, but the problem is that I had been fighting against the bond. There were still so many things up in the air for me. One such thing was Damien; he was out there somewhere, looking for me and hunting me for some unknown reason. But tonight has shown me one important thing. It has shown me that the safest place for me now is the Kingdom of the White Vampires. They are called White Vampires because of their fair skin. Damien is an evil wolf who does not give up easily, so I know he must still be hunting for me. And if the Wolves who attacked me are truly sent by him, then I am right. If I was going to stay in Lord Alexander's land, then maybe it was worth seeing where the bond would go. I knew that Cynthia was still very much a factor, but I had a few days before her arrival to sort through everything with Alexander. Maybe there could be hope for us. Maybe our future didn't seem too bleak. I knew he cared so much about me. Him risking his life to fight for me against four extraordinary omegas proved me right. But what I don't know is if he would love to see where our bond will go. Mates have rejected each other before, so it wasn't a new thing, but it was rare. So, if it happens to me, then I am not the first person. "Natasha!" Zoe's voice brought me back to reality. I snapped my neck in her direction. Her eyes held concern as she stared at me. "What?" "I called you about seven times. Where is your head at?" I shook my head. "Somewhere far, far away from here." All I could think about at this moment was Lord Alexander. Nothing else mattered. "I wanted to tell you something a while ago, but you were crying then, and I thought that it wouldn't be the best time to tell you that kind of news, not even now." "Zoe," I exclaimed, "just tell me what you need to say." "I don't think you're going to like what I have to say." I felt my heart thud in my chest. "What?" "Cynthia is here." The words came out of her mouth like an electric shock, and I got shocked. Cynthia was here. For all intents and purposes, she was Lord Alexander's mate. My heart dropped down to my stomach. Everything I had just been talking myself into now seemed like nothing but a distant dream. "When did she arrive?" "She got here a few hours ago. She went right to Lord Alexander's when she first arrived; I believe she's still there. But Lord Alexander's mother is here." "What?" I was shocked. She was in the house? The same house that I was currently staying in? I was surprised at the little territorial side that I felt when I realized she was going to be in Lord Alexander's home. A home that I felt is mine. "Does Lord Alexander know this?" "Yes and No. Yes because we are all preparing for her arrival before this incident occurred, and No because Lord Alexander might still be unconscious, so there won't be any way he will be aware of her arrival." I nodded. So she was moving in, and I was living here too. How was that even going to work? Were they going to share a room? How long would it be until the wedding? Should I leave? Should I stay and speak to Lord Alexander first? So many questions flooded into my head. I was just planning to talk to Alexander about Cynthia, and now she has finally arrived. When Zoe saw my face, she knew exactly what I was thinking. "They are not going to sleep in the same room. The White Vampires' law prohibits unmarried couples from sleeping in the same room, irrespective of their rank in the kingdom." Her words calmed some of my worries down, but not all of it. Cynthia is still here, and that's the main problem. She just came now and was allowed to go into Lord Alexander's hospital room, but his mate wasn't allowed in. Dammit! I hated this. This is how my life always turns out to be. Whenever a good thing appears in my life, and I'm ready to grab it, then a bigger evil will take it away from me. "Your Highness—umm, I mean Natasha," Zoe corrected herself quickly, "may I speak freely?" I was sure I wasn't going to like what she was about to say, but I had no choice but to hear her out. "Sure, you can," I said. "Do you care for Lord Alexander?" I shrugged. "Of course I do. That's what the bond does. It makes you care for your mate." Zoe shook her head. "My mother always tells me that it is rare for mates to reject each other. And it is hard for obstacles or people to break the love between mates, as it is stronger than Zuma Rock in Abuja. But still, there are many situations when mates reject one another. So, regardless of the pull, I ask again - Do you care for Lord Alexander?" The easier thing would have been to say 'No'. To say that I did not care for Lord Alexander and not make the feelings I have inside real. Saying 'No' wouldn't have complicated anything. In fact, it would have simplified things for me. It would have been safer to lie and deny everything to her and myself. But I didn't want to lie. I wanted to be honest for once. Since I had been here, all I did was hide and lie. This was going to be my one truth, my one authentic thing. "Yes," I said confidently. Zoe remained silent, merely nodding in response. After a few minutes of awkward silence, I decided it was time to leave my room. If Lord Alexander's mother was in the house, then it was at least polite to greet her. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. "Could you please take me to Lord Alexander's mother, Zoe?" I asked, hoping she would comply. Zoe nodded and led us out the door. We had barely walked a few steps when we saw three individuals walking up the stairs towards my room. My back immediately straightened as I tried to appear taller than my actual height. Lord Alexander's mother was leading two others up the stairs. I could only assume this based on her piercing gaze directed at me, similar to Alexander's eyes. Unlike Alexander, she had stylishly done red hair that clearly showed her royal status. From her facial expression and the way she looked at me, I could tell she was displeased to see me in Lord Alexander's house, or rather, her son's house. As they approached Zoe and me, I could see fear in Zoe's eyes as she struggled to suppress her trembling. There was no reason for me to be afraid of her, as I had once been a Luna in my own pack. Finally, they reached us. "Your Majesty," I bowed my head respectfully to greet her. Although I was just a werewolf, my few days in this unfamiliar vampire land had taught me many things, including how to properly greet her. She did not respond to my greetings. When I lift my eyes to her again, I could see the disgust in her gaze. Behind her stood a man and a woman, whom I presumed to be Cynthia's parents based on their appearance and attire. "My Lord, your Majesty," I bowed once more as I greeted them too. They did not acknowledge my greetings, but I had not expected them to. They most likely saw me as a servant in the house. The Lord was a handsome, tall black man, unlike Lord Alexander, who had fair skin. His wife, also tall, had brown skin and was equally stunning. If this was how beautiful Cynthia looked, then I knew I had a problem. They both had black eyes and black hair, emanating a beauty that rivaled that of Africans. "What are you doing up here?" Lord Alexander's mother demanded to know. "Desmond sent me back to my room after Lord Alexander was transferred to the Lord's healing wing," I replied. "What do you mean by 'your room'?" Her nose wrinkled in disgust. "This is Cynthia's room. Your room is downstairs at the end of the hall. You should be in a cell, not in a room. If Alexander or his friend Desmond wanted you to have a room, it should be in the guest room downstairs." I didn't want to argue with her, so I simply nodded and remained silent. Even if I wanted to argue, it wouldn't be appropriate in front of Lord Cyrus and his wife. I had more important matters to attend to. "My apologies, your Majesty," I respectfully bowed my head. "It won't happen again." "It better not," she spat out. "Now gather all your belongings and leave this room. Go downstairs to the guest room where you belong." "Yes, your majesty," I nodded in agreement.
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