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**ALEXANDER'S POV** I had only met Cynthia once in my life before now. We met at a ball that took place years ago. I was often told that her beauty was like none anyone had ever seen before, but I had to disagree. If I saw Cynthia two weeks ago, I would have easily said she was the most stunning woman I had ever laid my eyes on. But then I met Natasha, my enchantress. "Oh, thank the Moon Goddess, you're awake. I was so worried, Alexander. We came as soon as we heard about the incident," she said as she brought our connected hands to her heart. I pulled my hands out of her hold, not feeling comfortable at all. I didn't like her touch and certainly didn't want my hands anywhere near her chest. "Cynthia, what are you doing here?" I said with a frowned face. Her eyes narrowed. "Really? That's how you greet your wife? After I traveled a long distance to see you?" I sighed, massaging my temples. "I'm sorry, Cynthia, I'm just not myself right now." "Oh, my love, I know," she said with a smile. "But you don't have to worry now because I am here for you. I'll be here until you recover. I'll also nurse you. So, how are you feeling now?" I shook my head. "That won't be necessary, Cynthia. Desmond can take care of me, and I am already on the mend. You don't need to trouble yourself by coming to see me." She tucked a piece of her black hair behind her ears, attempting to flirt, but it only made me cringe. Looking at Cynthia, I couldn't understand how I could ever feel conflicted between her and Natasha. The two were nothing alike, which was a good thing. Everything about Cynthia made sense on paper, but in my chest, there was no fiery attraction like there was with Natasha. There was no need to reach out and touch her face. There was no pull. Natasha had completely ruined other women for me. There could be no other person to take her place in my heart. I couldn't breathe without her in my presence, and her trying to escape proved this to me. "But now, with Cynthia sitting beside me, I know by now she must know about Natasha, and the thought terrifies me. If Natasha finds out about Cynthia before I have a chance to tell her my side of the story, I might lose her because she might run away again." "I need to go and handle something. Excuse me," I said, attempting to get out of bed, but Cynthia pushed me down. "Are you crazy?" Her black eyes stared me down. "You're in no condition to walk. Whatever you need to handle, Jorge could handle it for you. And if he can't, then I'll do it for you. You just need to rest." Even though I hated to admit it, she was right. I was in no condition to go and find Natasha, but I needed to know she was still within my territory. I couldn't risk her leaving again while I was like this. I mind-linked Desmond silently. "Desmond, I need you to make sure that Natasha doesn't leave. I need her within at least a 90-yard radius of the healing center while I'm stuck here." "I got it. I promise she won't leave the kingdom," he gave me his word, and I closed the mind link. My vampire needed to hurry up and heal. I needed to talk to my mate before it's too late. I have to do it myself before anyone else does. ************** **NATASHA'S POV** I was staring out of my bedroom towards the healing center. He was in there, and I was out here. Desmond told me to go back to Lord Alexander's house, but I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to be as close to him as possible. I knew my closeness would help him heal fast, but I couldn't explain that to Desmond without revealing the truth about Lord Alexander and me. After much back-and-forth, I conceded and did as I was told. I was taking Desmond's time away from Lord Alexander, and he needed him more. I hadn't even been allowed to see him as I was leaving the center. I was going stir crazy in this house. I felt helpless and useless. Not to mention, only a few hours ago, I told Zoe everything. Did I regret telling her? No, I didn't regret it. In fact, it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. After I spoke the words out loud, now at least one person other than Alexander would understand my behavior. "I should be there by his side, taking good care of him. His vampire really needs me to heal fast," I complained to myself. "It will do you no good worrying. What you need right now is hope, and you need to pray to the Moon Goddess to grant him fast healing. Unless you plan to tell Desmond that you are his mate, you know he wouldn't let you see him otherwise. Whenever the Lord is ill or sick, the only people who are allowed to see him are his family and trusted special workers." I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I was caught between a rock and a hard place. Technically, I was high-ranking within this kingdom. I was his mate, and that meant I am the First Lady of this kingdom. So, that means I am ranked higher than any other vampire in this kingdom. The only person who ranked higher than me in this kingdom is Lord Alexander. But I couldn't tell anyone about that because it could tarnish Lord Alexander's image. Imagine a Vampire Lord being a mate to a white werewolf. How would other Vampires see that? He still had Cynthia, Lord Cyrus' daughter from the neighboring kingdom. I was only thankful that she wasn't here right now. She would only complicate the situation even more. I knew she was due in a few days, so I had a few days to have Lord Alexander to myself. I knew her presence would cause more problems and be a threat to the new relationship between me and Lord Alexander. I hope and pray that the Moon Goddess, who had made Lord Alexander my mate, would also help me win that battle.
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