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**NATASHA'S POV** Zoe brought some boxes to help me pack all the clothes in the drawer and wardrobe. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to take them since they were already there before I entered the room, but Zoe assured me that all the clothes are mine because Lord Alexander bought them for me. We had been packing in silence for the past half an hour. Zoe occasionally glanced at me, but didn't say anything. Her stares were unsettling, especially given the current tense atmosphere. When I couldn't take it anymore, I dropped the pile of shirts I was packing and stared at her. "What is it, Zoe? You keep looking at me as if I've turned into a wolf or something. It's unnerving and only adding to my stress, not relieving it." "I'm sorry," she squeaked and then busied herself with packing the shoes from the shoe bag into the boxes. Instantly, I felt guilty. Zoe was a low-ranked Vampire who had suffered a lot at the hands of higher-ranked Vampires like Jorge. Judging from the healed wounds on her body, I could confirm this. The worst part was that she worked in the palace, which meant she must endure Jorge's cruelty and wickedness. I truly felt sorry for her. Come to think of it, where is Jorge? I haven't seen him since the last encounter I had with him. I hope he isn't up to something now. I sighed. "I'm sorry, Zoe. I'm not upset with you. I just have a lot on my mind and am overwhelmed. Please forgive me." From her facial expression, I could tell how shocked she was to see me apologize to her. She simply offered me a smile and said nothing. I went back to what I was doing, and so did she. She suddenly stopped again and turned to face me. "I know how you're feeling now, Natasha, but I want to assure you that everything will be okay soon. You just have to endure. I know it will take a lot of courage and strength for you to stay." But was I going to stay? Was I really going to continue living in this pack while I watched Lord Alexander mate with someone else? Could I really do that? I knew the answer, and just thinking about it pained my wolf. I couldn't live through something like this. I couldn't bear to watch him mate with another woman. It's much easier for Lord Alexander to reject me than to reject Cynthia. Rejecting me wouldn't cost him anything, but rejecting Cynthia might cause him a lot of problems. The Black Vampires are very interested in the marriage, so they will do anything possible for Lord Alexander to marry Cynthia. I know there is no way Lord Alexander will go through with the marriage with Cynthia without rejecting me. "May I ask something?" Zoe suddenly spoke. I nodded. "Go ahead." "Will you allow Cynthia to snatch away your mate from you?" This question caught me off guard. I opened my mouth to respond, but immediately shut it. I didn't even know how to answer her. Of course, I didn't want my mate to marry Cynthia, but it wasn't in my hands to stop. Lord Alexander could, but it would be a very difficult decision for him. He would have to choose between marrying a lone wolf, or should I say rogue like me, and marrying a royal Vampire like Cynthia, whom I assume to have brown skin based on her parents. "Zoe, I really don't know what I would do. Of course, I don't want Cynthia to get married to him, but... um... I..." I held back my tears from falling. "I don't have any power to stop the marriage. After all, I'm just a wolf who should be in a cell, not a room. And..." I paused to hold back my tears from Zoe's notice. "And what?" "And he made a vow to Cynthia and his Kingdom. You know what it means for a lord to give his word. He must keep his word as a lord or risk losing respect from his kingdom." Zoe bit down on her lip in thought. "But you are his true mate. Surely the vow can be overlooked. It's not right for him to mate with someone whom the Moon Goddess has not chosen for him. You are our true 'first lady'." At that moment, the tears I had been holding back for a long time tried to escape, so I had to turn my face away from Zoe's sight to wipe them away. As I turned away, facing towards the door, I noticed a shadow moving past the door as if someone was sneaking in on us. I wasn't able to see who it was, but I was sure it was a male. The person must have been sneaking around to eavesdrop on our conversation, and when I turned, he hid. "Who could that be?" I thought. I turned to Zoe and noticed she had been staring at me the whole time. I wanted to ask her if she noticed what I saw, but I decided to remain calm. "Maybe I was just imagining things due to pain, stress, and depression," I said to myself, trying to convince my inner self. But if I were to tell myself the truth, I knew what I saw was real. Once again, I faced Zoe and couldn't help but notice the expression on her face, as if she were thinking, 'What the hell is going on with you?' So, I just gave her a smile and went back to what I was doing.
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