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3 YEARS AGO **NATASHA'S POV** I found myself in the forest just behind my parklands. The smell of smoke wafted through the air, coming from the compound, and the sound of people screaming filled my ears. My heart ached as I ran away from my home, my family, and the woman who had carried me for nine months in her belly. I couldn't save her, and I couldn't even fight for myself so I had to run. My mother's voice echoed in my mind, urging me to run. "Run, Natasha, run!" I pushed my legs to move faster, ignoring the pain. The sound of paws echoed behind me, indicating the presence of seven mature wolves chasing after me. I continued running, disregarding the wolves getting closer. Eventually, their paws faded away, and I abruptly opened my terrified eyes. This was it. I was on my own now. I frantically looked around the room, trying to take in my surroundings. I no longer found myself in the woods. I was in an unfamiliar place that I couldn't recognize. As I glanced at my sides, I noticed the familiar monitor. Stretching myself on the soft bed, I realized it was a real bed, not a hospital one. I had been relocated to another room, one that resembled a bedroom more than a hospital. Although there were still hospital equipment scattered around, it felt less clinical, sparking a sense of fear within me. I didn't know how long I had been sleeping, but I knew it had been a while. I had dreamt about that painful day when my beloved Alpha husband was killed, the day my mother was killed, the day I was forced to flee from my own pack, and the day the evil Damien seized power. "Natasha," Desmond called, walking through the door. He had changed into scrubs, and his lab coat was absent. Concern filled his eyes as he quickly assessed if everything was okay. "I'm fine," I assured him. "It was just a bad dream. Please, where am I?" I asked, seeking answers. Desmond approached me and gently pushed me back onto the bed, urging me to lay down. He didn't immediately answer my question, instead focusing on checking up on me. He examined my vitals and assessed my side once more. The pain wasn't as intense as before, which was a positive sign of healing. Realizing he may have missed my initial question, I repeated it without sounding offensive. "Desmond, where am I?" I asked. "I moved you to a more private wing of the healing center. This is where Lord Alexander and his family usually receive treatment," he replied. "Why?" I inquired, still trying to maintain a non-offensive tone. Desmond started pressing down on my abdomen. "Lord Alexander believed it would be best for you to be in an area where others wouldn't have easy access. The only vampires who can visit this room are a few trusted staff members, myself, and Lord Alexander. You're very safe here because no one will harm you," he explained. When he mentioned "no one," I knew he was referring to Jorge. I needed to be cautious around him. Something about him didn't sit right with me. He was Lord Alexander's second-in-command, and it was evident that Lord Alexander trusted him, otherwise he wouldn't have given him that position. However, I sensed danger whenever I saw Jorge, as if he was working with unknown people. "I also performed more blood work on you, and the results came back clean. As you know, when Jorge came in, he mishandled you, which caused some cracks in your ribs," Desmond suddenly disclosed. After a pause, he continued speaking. "Your initial X-ray results didn't look favorable, but the second test showed more promising results. The cracks are healing rapidly now. I wonder why your wolf took so long to surface." "Yeah, I wonder too," I murmured, knowing the reason behind it. My wolf had sensed Lord Alexander's proximity, and she had emerged, desiring him above all else. Safety and escaping from Damien were secondary concerns to her now. "Take care of yourself, dear. I have other patients to attend to now. If you need me, just press the button on the side of that table, and I'll come see you. Goodbye for now," Desmond said as he turned to leave. I nodded my head and watched him exit the room, closing the door behind him. I gazed up at the ceiling, reflecting on the chaotic events of the past few days. I had gone from being a rogue to living in a foreign land, and now I had discovered my mate. It was also a surprise that I could now shift without any pain. I had spent more than two years in wolf form, becoming more comfortable as a wolf than as a human. I had grown accustomed to forest floors and towering pine trees, not antiseptic hospital rooms and heart rate monitors. I didn't particularly enjoy this place not because I felt like a prisoner, but because everything and everyone here was foreign to me. If it were up to me, I would have remained in my wolf form in the woods. Memories of the first time I sought refuge in the woods flashed in my mind. I remembered the lack of good food and clean water, resorting to eating raw flesh that initially didn't taste good but eventually became satisfying. I became a skilled hunter and mainly fed on rabbits and other small animals. The only advantage I had here was having someone to talk to. And the reason being human was bearable for me was because of Lord Alexander. He had seen both parts of me – the wolf and the human. I had yet to see his vampire form, but I was certain it was as awe-inspiring and powerful as his wolf form. I glanced out the window, but the curtains remained closed, obscuring the view. I knew Lord Alexander must be somewhere, carrying out his daily duties as a lord. The last time I saw him, my heart couldn't stop pounding, and I was now sure he was aware of our connection but chose not to acknowledge it. It was nearly impossible for mates to lie to each other about their feelings. Our bond, though new and not fully solidified, already displayed its strength. He could feel me, sense my distress, which was why he had come to the center earlier when Jorge was attempting to torture me. My wolf had called out to him, and he had answered. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts, and a girl around my age entered with a bucket and mop. She smiled at me, but I didn't return the gesture. I didn't know her, and she seemed strange to me, so I didn't trust her, regardless of whether she was a trusted employee or not. She began cleaning the floor, and I remained silent, neither speaking nor engaging with her. Leaning back against the pillow, I closed my eyes. Sleep beckoned once again, and before I knew it, I was drifting off into darkness.
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