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**NATASHA'S POV** I heard a loud roar in my room and instantly, I was on high alert. I sat up on the hospital bed where I had been sleeping and looked around for any possible threat. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" Desmond asked after noticing me. He moved to the window and opened the blinds, allowing the morning sun to stream into the room, illuminating the darkness. I couldn't even remember falling asleep, but I figured it had something to do with Desmond. After Jorge had hurt me, Desmond gave me a sedative to help me sleep while he worked on my rib. Since my Wolf was still weak, she wasn't healing as quickly as Desmond would have liked. "It's okay," I groaned. "What time is it?" "It's now 2pm in the afternoon," he replied. My eyes widened in shock. I had slept for so long, yet I still felt exhausted. Desmond came to my bed to examine me, poking and prodding me, causing me severe pain. I had to stay still so he could do his work. I really wanted to heal quickly so I could get back on my feet. "What is your pain level?" Desmond asked, poking me again, causing even higher levels of pain. I had to endure it, biting on my lips to stop myself from screaming. "I think it's a five or maybe a six," I lied. It was actually more like an eleven, but I wanted to appear brave. I needed my Wolf to start healing me and stopped waiting for medication. Some part of me told me that she was acting this way because of Lord Alexander. "I don't understand why your Wolf isn't taking over your healing like vampires. I thought wolves heal very fast, so why are you healing like a human right now?" I knew my Wolf desired Lord Alexander, and she had retreated because of the choice I made for us, which she didn't like. But I made that choice to keep us alive. Lord Alexander is a vampire and a lord. There's no way he could fall in love with a lone wolf like me. Deep down, I knew he was my mate, but I wasn't even sure if he felt the same way. Neither Lord Alexander nor I made a move to strengthen our link as mates. He hadn't recognized me as his mate, or at least I didn't think he had, and I was in no rush to claim him. If I were to claim him as mine, it would mean being tethered to him and forced to stay in his land. Damien was still hunting for me, and I knew he would continue sending his omega to search for me. The longer I stayed here, the more danger I put myself in. "I'm going to conduct an x-ray on you so I can take a close look at your ribs and see if anything was missed," Desmond said. I nodded, indicating that I accepted his plan. I released the breath I had been holding and Desmond placed the sheet back over my body. I sank into the pillow and closed my eyes once more. "I'll be back soon, Natasha," Desmond said as he left the room and closed the door. Darkness slowly enveloped me as I drifted into a dreamless sleep. ********** I was still sleeping when muffled screams pierced through my sleep. I couldn't quite make out where the noise was coming from, but I was sure it wasn't in my room. "I don't care about her feelings, Desmond. I'm doing what Lord Alexander asked me to do. Now get out of my way, or I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget," Jorge's voice echoed through the air. "Oh, shit... I heard this same voice yesterday," I thought. If Jorge was back here, it meant trouble for me. After my last encounter with him, he was the last person I wanted to see. He was a cruel man with no respect for anyone beneath him. My eyes snapped open, and I was instantly on high alert. If Jorge was really here, that meant he was here for me. After what happened between us, I knew he would stop at nothing to get to me. "I am your second Lord. You won't tell me what to do. You are nothing but a common doctor, so please get out of my way. I will not ask again," Jorge bellowed. "Over my dead body. You'll have to kill me first before you go into that room," Desmond defiantly responded. "As you wish," Jorge sneered. "Are you trying to kill Lord Alexander's Doctor? I'm sure you can't do that because you know if you try, Lord Alexander will order the low-rank vampires to cut your head off," A growl came from the other side of the door, and my heart rate quickened. Desmond was really fighting for me, even though he barely knew me. It only proved to me what I already knew - that Desmond was a good man with a good heart. I heard some shuffling behind the door before it swung open, revealing a rather angry-looking Jorge. His bloodshot eyes zeroed in on me. "I hope the little sleep you got will make you more compliant today," he said as he entered the room, followed by two women dressed in scrubs. He strode over to my bed, his eyes never leaving my face. He was trying to read my mind. This was one gift the Moon Goddess gave to the vampires - they could read minds. But it wasn't that simple. You had to stay still, and they had to focus on you for it to work. Also, you had to be thinking the truth in order for them to hear your thoughts, and the room needed to be calm. I knew how to break their mind-reading link, thanks to my late husband, who was an Alpha. He had taught me about the war between vampires and wolves and how to protect ourselves. "I will ask you again. Who are you, and what are you doing in the vampires' land?" Jorge demanded, his voice filled with menace. I would be a damn liar if I said I wasn't afraid of him, but I couldn't let fear make me tell him the truth, even if he visited me for the hundredth time. "My answer hasn't changed since yesterday, Lord Jorge. I don't remember anything about myself other than my name. I suffered from amnesia when I hit my head on the ground. The only thing I'm sure of is that I'm a lone wolf," I replied. From the way he looked at me, I could tell he didn't believe me. I was now scared of what his next action would be. "Fine," he spat. "Have it your way. I will enjoy getting the answers from you in another way. Remove her IV - I'm taking her down to the holding," Jorge said to the two women who had accompanied him. They came to my bedside and began switching off the monitor. One of them started removing the IV, which was painful, but I didn't fight them. "What's going on here?" Lord Alexander's voice rang out, filling my hospital room. I peeked through the women and saw him standing by the door, his fists clenched at his sides. He was looking at the women's hands on my arm as if he wanted to rip them off. "Lord," the two women bowed their heads to greet him. "Leave now," he commanded. Although angry, his voice was soothing to my ears. The women obeyed him and left, and then his gaze turned to Jorge. "I asked you to question her, not treat her as a prisoner. You are out of line," Lord Alexander said to Jorge. I watched as Jorge clenched his fists, trying to hold himself back. He was angry and struggling to control his vampire side. "She wasn't cooperating, so I used another method to make her talk," Jorge defended his actions. Lord Alexander stared at him with anger. "Leave now," he said to Jorge. "But Lord..." Jorge began to protest, but he was interrupted by Lord Alexander. "You are my subordinate, Jorge. You will obey my commands and do as I say. Leave this room and never come back unless I tell you. Understood?" Lord Alexander stated firmly. Jorge looked like he wanted to say something but held himself back. He nodded and left without saying another word. Lord Alexander closed his eyes and unclenched his fists. I felt the urge to touch his hands but restrained myself. He opened his eyes after a few minutes, and it seemed he was no longer angry. My heart started to beat faster for him, but thanks to the moon goddess, the monitor was off. Otherwise, I would have embarrassed myself. "How are you feeling, Natasha?" Lord Alexander asked. The way he pronounced my name made me wish I had the power to make him the only person allowed to say it. "I'm fine," I replied to him. I observed as he approached my bedside and took hold of my arm. I wanted to ask him what he was doing, but held my tongue. As his hand touched my arm, I felt an electric surge run through my body. His touch sent tingles all the way down to my toes. "Your IV tape is coming loose," he said, smoothing it firmly against my arm. He gazed into my blue eyes with his bloodshot ones. "Natasha, please tell me who you're running from. I know you've been lying. I can see it in your eyes, Natasha. You can't hide it from me. We both know why you can't," he said, his voice filled with concern. "What? Does he know about the mate pull? I've been keeping it secret from him so he won't find. But now I've failed because he already know about it and he won't let me leave. Damien will find me. I need to leave now, or it's never," I thought urgently. "I need to leave," I told him. "No, Natasha. You can't leave. You can't even stand, let alone walk or run," he said firmly. "I need to go! Let me go, please!" I continued to beg, ignoring his words. "Desmond!" I heard him call for his doctor. I didn't see Desmond arrive, but after a few seconds, I felt a slight pinch in my arm, and darkness welcomed me once again.
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