CHAPTER 8: Unanswered Questions

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**ALEXANDER'S POV** The sun was setting, bringing an end to another day filled with unanswered questions about Natasha and her true identity. It was driving me insane. She had managed to infiltrate every corner of my mind, to the point where I couldn't think or breathe without her face appearing in my thoughts. I desperately wanted to uncover the truth about her, but she remained tight-lipped. The last time I spoke to her, she had been hysterical. Judging from her reactions, I knew I was right. She was running from something, or rather, someone. The first thing I needed to do was to call Lord Cyrus and inform him that his supposedly impenetrable boundary had been breached by wolves, and that I had seen them today as well. I didn't know why they were here or where they were from, but their behavior convinced me that they were searching for something, or someone. Their eyes were fixated on my territory, confirming my suspicion that they were after Natasha. I had no idea what they wanted from her, but one thing was for certain: I had to protect her at all costs because she was my mate, and nothing could change that. I picked up my phone and dialed Lord Cyrus's number. He answered on the second ring. "Alexander, to what do I owe this pleasure?" he greeted me. "Lord Cyrus," I greeted him back. "How are you doing?" "I am fine, my boy. How is my future son-in-law?" he chuckled, a laugh that always annoyed me. I despised it when he called me that, as if I were a little boy or powerless. Lord Cyrus was two thousand years old and had ruled his people for about fifteen hundred years. I was just a new ruler and that the exact reason why he calls me "my boy" .He didn't even acknowledge the fact that we were both lords. He loved belittling me. "I am well," I replied. "I actually called you to inform you that there have been wolves wandering near your territory. They crossed over and I saw them today. I was wondering how your patrol team allowed this to happen, considering their efficiency." "That is nonsense, Alexander. My patrollers are some of the most efficient Vampires in the north. They wouldn't make such a dire mistake," Lord Cyrus said. I rolled my eyes. His Kingdom, though impressive, couldn't compare to mine. Lord Cyrus was a pompous man who had only won one battle in two hundred years, yet never stopped bragging about it. He had even published a book about it and made it mandatory for students in his land to read and learn about his victory. He wanted to make sure everyone knew that he had won a war two hundred years ago. "Unfortunately, it seems they did make a mistake," I retorted. "I had to inform you of what I saw before the situation got out of hand. You know the problems wolves can bring into a territory, especially when they travel in groups." There was some shuffling on the other end of the phone, and I waited for Lord Cyrus to finish whatever he was doing. "Who else have you told about this?" he asked, his voice lowered. "No one, my Lord. I wanted to discuss it with you and no one else," I answered. "You did the right thing, my boy. Let's keep this between you and me, and I will get back to you after I've investigated this matter," he said. Once again, he used that stupid nickname. Not even my own father called me "my boy" This man always called me that to remind me that he had been a lord long before I was born. If he weren't going to be my future father-in-law, I would have chosen some choice words for him. "No problem, Lord Cyrus," I said to end the conversation. I was about to hang up, but he stopped me. "Alexander, my daughter Cynthia will be arriving in your kingdom in a few days. I think you two should use this time and opportunity to get to know each other before the betrothal ceremony," he informed me. I felt like he had just drenched me in ice-cold water. "Yes, of course," I forced myself to sound happy. "I promise to take care of your daughter, Lord Cyrus." "Good. My daughter is a beautiful girl with brown skin. She has had many suitors, but your father convinced me to let you marry her. We have trained her perfectly. You are a lucky vampire to have her, and you should thank the Moon Goddess for that. I expect my daughter to manage you," Lord Cyrus said. There he was again, being pompous. I wondered what his daughter would be like. Would she resemble her father in the aspect of pride? The way he spoke about her as if she were an angel sent from heaven to earth. "Understood," I replied. "I promise she will be treated with respect and care once she arrives in my land." "You better treat her well. Goodbye, my boy." "Goodbye, my child," I wanted to say, but held back. "Goodbye, Lord Cyrus," I finally said. I had seven months to come to terms with my arranged marriage. I had accepted that I was destined to be one of the mateless Vampires roaming the earth. Then Natasha came along and messed everything up for me. She had stolen my heart, and I didn't think any other female could take its place. Why did the Moon Goddess do this to me? I had come to terms with marrying Cynthia, understanding my obligations and preparing myself to fulfill them. But now, everything was complicated because of Natasha. A knock sounded on my door, but I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone today. "Go away and come back later," I ordered. The door opened as I made my way to the bar cart. "Is that how you speak to your mother, Alexander?" my mother scolded me. She was dressed in her usual attire: a form-fitting work dress and heels that barely left the ground. She always dressed as if she were part of the British royal family. I often told her to dress more casually, but she insisted that, as an acting ruler, she needed to appear refined and elegant. "Hi, Mum," I walked over to where she stood and placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled at me and entered my office, sitting on one of the sofas. She glanced at the empty glass in my hand and shook her head before sighing. "Drinking on a Monday, Alexander? That's very unlike you," "Mum, can't a guy have a drink? It's been a hectic couple of days, and I'm just trying to reduce my stress," I defended myself. "So you want to become a drunkard like your uncle?" she scolded, raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. "No, Mum. I won't turn out like Uncle. I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." I walked over to the bar cart and set the glass down. "Does this have anything to do with the young Wolf caught trespassing on our land a few days ago?" Mum asked, a curious look on her face. My head snapped around, startled. My mother had that look on her face, the one she wore when she was trying to extract information from someone. "What have you heard?" I asked cautiously. "Nothing much. All I know is that the girl is a rogue who trespassed into our territory and claimed to have no memory of who she is," Mum replied. "Well, you basically know everything, so why are you here? You obviously have something you want to say, so just say it," I urged her. She got up from the sofa and walked over to me, standing in front of me. She had to tilt her head upward to meet my eyes, as she was shorter than me. "You have led our people brilliantly over the years, Alexander. You have been a good lord, using your logic and instincts wisely," Mum said. "But ?" She sighed. "Why is this girl being kept in our healing center instead of being locked up? Surely, you know that rogues are a danger to any kingdom." "Mum, she is not a threat," I defended Natasha. She crossed her arms. "How would you know?" "Because she's my mate," I wanted to say, but stopped myself. I still couldn't fully grasp the fact that she was my mate, and if my kingdom found out I was choosing another mate over my fated one, there would be an uproar. Mates were sacred in our world, one of the greatest blessings the Moon Goddess could grant. "I just know, Mum. She is not a threat, and the reason she is in the healing center is because her wolf is not healing her quickly enough. If she recovers well, then I will consider putting her in a cell." No, I cannot do that. I only lied to her in order to end the topic. From her facial expression, it was clear that she did not believe me, but she did not press the matter. "My son, please promise me one thing," she said, placing her hands on the sides of my face, just as she used to when I was a child. I waited for her to continue. "Alexander, promise me you would never forget the kingdom in any decision you make. No matter what you face, the kingdom should always be your first priority. You have a responsibility to the members of this kingdom. Do not forget the lessons your father taught you." I nodded. "My kingdom must always come first." She smiled and lowered my head to kiss my forehead. Then, she released her grip and stepped back. "And never forget the words you just spoke," she said with a gentle smile. "I will see you at dinner." With that, she turned her back and left, closing the door behind her. I know that everything my mother said is true. However, I cannot help but struggle with it, for the more I try to push Natasha out of my mind, the more I find myself falling for her. All I desire now is the companionship of a white wolf with blue eyes.
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