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**NATASHA'S POV** I was still bothered by Zoe's words. She was right; as the true first lady, I was meant to be one of the leaders of this kingdom. I never thought in my entire life that my mate would have been a Vampire lord. Since the war that occurred between the three factions years ago, it was rare for the Moon Goddess to mate a Vampire and a wolf or a human as there is no longer peace in our world. Even if there is a situation where mates come from different factions, they end up rejecting each other. So there is absolutely no way that Lord Alexander would mate me, Natasha. Maybe the Moon Goddess made a mistake because, on paper, Cynthia was exactly what Lord Alexander needed. I came with too much baggage to be the first lady of the White Vampires. I wasn't raised to be a Vampire leader like her. I was raised by two omega wolves who know absolutely nothing about leading a pack, let alone a kingdom. The little experience I had in ruling was from my late husband, who was an Alpha. So marrying him made an omega like me a Luna. Only a few hours ago, I settled my mind and decided that I was going to stay and fight. And now, I was thinking differently again. Leaving now felt like a better option. It would take off the burden of Lord Alexander having to reject me, and this way, he could comfortably be with Cynthia. I didn't want to leave, but now I felt like I needed to. The wolves, the ones that attacked me outside Lord Alexander's kingdom, are out there, and I know it will take them a while to regroup and heal from the wounds Lord Alexander inflicted on them. Even though wolves have fast healing powers, it would take them a while to heal from the bite of a normal Vampire, let alone a Vampire lord. I was sure that they would need at least a few days to a week to fully heal. The bite of a Vampire Lord is one of the most lethal things for wolves. It takes a while to heal from it. If I left within the next 24 hours, I would have a good chance of getting away and finding a new place to call home for the next few weeks. "I'm not the first lady, Zoe," I whispered and continued packing the remainder of my things, trying to forget about the problems I have and trying to get rid of the thought of the unidentified shadow I saw earlier. "Yes, you are," Zoe said as she walked up to me hesitantly. "You are the Lord's true mate, and therefore, you are the kingdom's first lady. And I will treat you as such. You are no ordinary lone wolf, Natasha. You are a Queen, the First Lady of the mighty White Vampire Kingdom. You were born to be a Queen." I was about to answer, but then a shadow appeared again on the side of the door. This time, the shadow was heading towards the door. Then he walked in, and I was relieved after I found out it was Desmond. I thought he must be the first shadow I noticed, but one thing is still confusing me. Why would he hide from me? "Desmond, have you been here before?" I asked, trying not to sound disrespectful. "No, my dear," he replied with a smile on his face, his eyes gazing at me, then to Zoe, and then to the boxes. I knew the shadow couldn't be Desmond. He is such a nice and kind person, so why would he sneak up and monitor me? "I was asked to move out of this room. Apparently, it belongs to Cynthia, Lord Alexander's mate," I explained to clear his thoughts. Desmond nodded slowly, but I could see the slight crease in his forehead, showing his displeasure. I felt the exact same way, Desmond. "Is Lord Alexander okay?" I asked. He nodded. "He is doing fine. He's a stubborn bastard, so even if Death were to knock on his door, he would shut it closed and tell it to f**k off. He is the exact definition of immortal." Zoe let out a small snicker, which was a sound I never heard from her before. With each passing moment I spent with her, I got to see more and more of her personality. It was a shame the rest of her kingdom members didn't get to witness just how amazing she was. "That's good," I sighed in relief. "He should rest and regain his strength. He battled four extraordinary wolves tonight, and even though he is a lord, I know it must not have been an easy task." He fought bravely like the lord and vampire he is, and my heart swelled with pride. I loved that he protected me like his own life depended on it. It made me feel wanted and seen. "I'm actually here to let you know that he is awake now and he is asking for you," Desmond said. My heart thudded in my chest. "But isn't Cynthia with him?" "She is, but he asked for you specifically. You were actually the first person he asked for when he first opened his eyes. Normally, he would ask about the kingdom and reports." I could hear suspicion in his voice, but whatever he was really wanting to ask, he kept it to himself. I didn't want to lie to Desmond, but I also knew I couldn't tell him the truth if he asked about my connection with Lord Alexander. I have already told one person, and that's enough for now. "I think it's best if I just stay here and let Cynthia and Lord Alexander be together. After all, a vampire needs his mate close by," I proposed. From my peripheral vision, I could see Zoe's gaze on me. Her thoughts were so loud I could practically hear them from where I stood. "Sorry, no can do. Lord's orders," "But I have to take all this stuff downstairs, and there are quite a few boxes here," I protested. "I can do that," Zoe offered. "I'm used to doing work like this, so it will be no problem for me." What was she doing? Whose side was she on? "Perfect," Desmond clapped his hands together. "Now come along. Alexander has been waiting for you." I wanted to fight him on this because I didn't want to run into Cynthia at the healing center. I wasn't ready to meet her, and I was certainly not ready to face Lord Alexander after everything I put him through. "Okay," I relented. Desmond and I left the room and made our way to the healing center. With each step towards the building, I felt my chest begin to tighten. My palms were sweating, and my head was spinning. It was time to face the consequences of my actions.
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