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    I opened my eyes feeling a little overfed. It's dark which means it's night already. I sat up to find Lina asleep between me and the General. I shut my eyes listening for her heartbeat to find that she's still alive. Thank goodness. She groaned a little when I pulled away but went back to sleep. I smiled to myself remembering what happened last night. That was a lot of fun. A lot more than I expected it to be.     "Good evening," his groggy voice startled me.      "Hi," I answered as I stepped into the bath.      My skin is pimpled with goosebumps from its coldness. I released the heat in my body to warm it and completely settled into it when it began to boil. I looked down at my body to see that it's a lot different than it used to be. Smaller. My muscle has significantly decreased in the last four weeks. I find it easier to move around. Sparring and jumping around is a lot easier. I've even gained speed.      "Oh, f**k," we both looked over at Lina who sat up like she were in some kind of danger. "My mom is going to kill me,"      She shot out the bed, fast for a human. She stopped at the doorway and looked back at us, her face burning bright. She let out an incoherent giggle as she excused herself and rushed out. I looked over at Armad and laughed.     "I can see your draw to her," he smirked. "She's cute,"      "Right," I agreed.      "I'm going to be out all day. I might not be back until tomorrow. Get your former caught up. I'll introduce you to the team when I return. I need you to start eating again. You need more strength for what comes next. I don't have to remind you what these men are do I?"      "You remind me every time you sleep in my room," I scoffed. He laughed.      "Is that a complaint?"      "No, you'd know when I have a complaint," I waved him off.      "Since I won't be here tonight, you have council. The Queen is sending over some potential chairmen. Choose the ones you want. The new law is official. All the houses signed. I need you to make a statement to the men. Take it as far as you need to get your point across. Those are her orders,"       "Okay," I nodded. "Do you have the new task scrolls?"      "I'll bring them in before I leave," he walked out of the room. It didn't take long for a soft tap to interrupt my bath.      "Come in," I called out. River and Charlie walked in.      "Are you depressed?" is the first thing that came out of Charlie's mouth.      "Why would you think that?" I asked.      "You look like a stick. You are super small," she came over to me poking my face. River chuckled.      "Thank you, River. If there is anything you need from me, let me know," I bowed to her.      "I was going to say the same thing, m'lady. Would you like me to arrange the room next to yours for your former?"      "Yes, please. Get her a coffin," I sat up as Charlie began to look around my room.      "There's blood all over your bed," she leaned in. "Hmm, you had lots of fun last night,"      "Anything else, Major General?" River tried to hide her laughter.      "That's it. You are excused, River," I smiled at her. She bowed and walked out of the room. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Charlie,"      "Thanks to you and Leslie," she nodded.      "Did Lady Sterling say you can call her that?" I asked.      "Yep," she nodded. "She made me cookies,"      "Cute," I smiled at her.      She came over to me and stuck her hand on the water and immediately pulled her hand out. I pulled back the heat and motioned her to get in. She removed her clothes and got in after testing it with her toes. The bruising on her body is almost gone. Almost. She curled into herself without meeting my eyes. I've never been at the mercy of a man without consent. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be taken advantage of like that. I can taste her sadness in the air around her.      "Don't leave me again," she choked out. I turned her over and pulled her to me. Her back is against my chest.     "Never again," I promised.      She began to cry again. I've never seen one of my sisters cry. If they ever have, it's never been in front of me. Lady Sterling's words are swimming in my head. I should learn to be a little more giving even if it means me getting hurt. It's the least I can do to make up for who I really am. I took the washcloth and lathered it in a milk bar and began to clean her with it. She continued to cry even as I washed her hair. I don't know what else to do for her. I'm not exactly the comforting type, but I can try doing little things like this just like Lady Sterling suggested.      "You're still sleeping with the General?" she asked after a while.      "Among others," I chuckled. She looked back at me and laughed.      "And that possessive ass hole is letting you?"      "He's involved sometimes," we both laughed. "Charlie, since you killed that man. You are officially a citizen of Darkness. What we call an honorary former. Because of the former act, you can't take his place but you are no longer considered a servant of Darius. You are a member of the coven. Once we get our next task going. I have to take you home so we can introduce you to the coven officially,"     "Really?" she asked looking back at me.      "Mhm, you can do whatever you want now. With the amount of blood I put into your body last night, you should be good for a while. Years, You can feed regularly,"      "I want to study with Leslie about vampire medicine. I saw her help a lady earlier and it was pretty cool. I'd be able to help out in fights with you and the General,"      "You want to keep fighting?" I asked tucking her blonde hair behind her ears. "You don't have to,"      "I want to. I love it. I have a lot of fun," she splashed the murky white water around playfully.      "Alright, if that is what you want. I will talk to Lady Sterling about it,"      "Thanks," she got out of the tub and went over to my trunk.      She began to go through my things and picked a white silk dress to wear. I was fully dressed when Helbourne knocked on my door. I balled up the bed dressing and put them by the door before letting him in. He looked between me and Charlie.      "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" he asked.     "No, sir. This is my former. Charliegh. Charlie this is Councilman Deanian Helbourne," I introduced her.      "Hello," she bowed to him.      "I wasn't aware that you had blooded a human," he came over to her, looking her over. She cringed away from him when he raised his hand to look at her bruising. I pulled her away from him.      "I didn't. My father did. I took patronage when I found her. I'd like for you to respect her personal space. She just came out of the camps," I bowed respectfully.      "Forgive me, young one. I didn't mean to crowd you," he bowed his head to her. "Men can be savages at times. If you give me a name, I'd be more than happy to take care of it for you,"      "It's okay," Charlie giggled. "I killed him,"     "Did you now?" he smiled impressed with her. "Who is he?"      "Solokov," I answered when she didn't.      "That f*****g ass hole. Good. When his father comes for her. Leave him to me. We have a few scores to settle," he scoffed. He waved me over to him. I stepped forward. "You've been sticking to your diet?"      "Yes, sir," I nodded. He lifted my arms up and then spread my legs with his.      "Good. Watch what you eat from now on. I'm going to start on your flexibility. Charlie will be joining us in the raids, correct?" he asked.      "Yes," Charlie beamed. "I don't know what they are but yes,"      "She's not going to leave my side for a while," I informed him.     "Good. The General assigned us to the same group. We have a council meeting in a few. Have some breakfast. Feed your, baby. She looks famished," he booped Charlie on the nose making her giggle.      "He is so pretty," she squeaked with excitement when he shut the door. I am one hundred percent sure he heard her. "Are the other boys here this pretty?"      "Yes, and most of them are pieces of s**t. So, be careful. He's safe but don't let your guard down around him,"      "You're up," the General greeted her when he walked into my room without knocking. I'm going to have to talk to him about that.     "General," she beamed and ran over to him. She stopped from jumping on him. He's warned her about that. He awkwardly patted her head.      "These are for you," he offered me the satchel with the task scrolls in it. This is what the council is going to be about today.     "Thanks. We'll see you later," I took them.      "I'm glad you're back on your feet, Charlie. Welcome home," he smiled at her tightly. He doesn't like what happened to her any more than I do. He's seething. We both are. Splitting up our work between us helps us get out there faster. The Queen wants to send a message for what happened to her baby when the princess was branded by the Incubus who took her twin brother from his home.      "Thanks," she smiled at him. He chuckled and excused himself.      She followed me out. Everyone is staring at her and she's not liking it. My father taught her to stay low, out of the way, and she preferred things that way because it was safe. Being here with me is going to bring her into the spotlight. Everyone is going to want to know who she is. She is officially going to be a target for those who want to get rid of me. They're in for a rude awakening. With proper training, Charlie is going to be nearly unstoppable. I want to know what else she can do.      I motioned her to take a seat in the back of the room and took my place at the podium. Lady Sterling and the other women went over to Charlie and began to loom over her. To them, she's a baby. A toddler in need of love and affection. I know Lady Sterling hated her first encounter with her. Charlie likes that kind of attention. She has a massive smile on her face as she happily answers their barrage of questions. The councilmen are whispering about her.       The information for the newcomers is going to cause an uproar. I'm sure that the Queen hand-picked these men and women and gave them specific orders. I began to pick the scrolls that are going to help with the immediate tasks and the ones we're backed up-on.      "Why the hell is there a former in our courtroom?" Viceroy David Amiri growled.      "She's with me," I informed him without looking up. "She's an honorary former, decreed by the queen, and is cleared to defend herself against anyone. She's a sweetie but she has a temper,"      "You think you can do whatever you want just because you're the Queen's b***h?" he stood up. A vine wrapped around his neck. Everyone gasped when Charlie sat his ass back down.      "Don't talk to my master that way. I can make these poisonous enough for you to have a slow painful death and I wouldn't lift a finger to make an antidote," Charlie warned him. "Got it?"     "Charlie," I warned her, playfully.      "Hmm," she scoffed before she released him. He gasped for air, rubbing his neck where the vines had wrapped around him.      "Oh," the prince smiled. "She's adorable,"      "Agreed," Helbourne chuckled. Charlie did her little happy dance and settled back into her seat. I can't help the grin on my face as I continued to sort through the paperwork. I handed the first task to the prince. I'm sure it's the only one that will be properly addressed tonight.      "Let's begin. We have additions to the court," he began. He went over to the door to address those who will be staying. "Take a seat when I call your name. If I don't. Go home,"      Charlie giggled from the back of the room as he started calling names. Everyone glanced at her. She looks better and while I know it's just a mask, for now. I'm glad she's not letting what happened, get to her too much. I'm going to show her around later. Get her fed properly. Distract her enough for her to feel safe again. I'm sure she's going to want to sleep in my room for a few days.      "How old is Charlie?" Helbourne asked. Everyone turned to look at me interested.      "She will be twenty-nine next week, sir," I answered.      "She's a baby," Lady Sterling beamed.      "She certainly acts like one," I laughed.      "How long has she been a former?" he asked.     "Twenty-nine years," I answered. We don't count her human years.     "How old was she when your father turned her?"      "Twenty-four. She caught the plague,"     "She seems older," he looked over at me.      "Yes, I know. I'm going to have her examined. I hear Nymph is here,"      "Yes," he nodded. "I'll have her take a look at her before we leave,"      "You're too kind," I bowed. Once everyone was settled, Alexander came over to me for the next task.      "This one is going to be fun," he chuckled, looking it over. "Tonight's meeting will be about the upcoming raids,"     "Raids?" Subviceroy Seth Amiri asked. He's the Viceroy's little brother. He's also a lot smarter and open-minded. The General killed his son in the camps to take his place some time ago.     "Take the floor, Major General," the Prince bowed and took a seat. I glared at him and stood up. He could have eased his men into what I'm going to do next.      "Queen Millianne Duke has made changes to the old laws of Darkness," I began.      "Of course, she did," the viceroy scoffed. "What is it this time?"      "You are all aware of the female shortage of Darkness, not just in the House of Lamia but all Houses. The birth rate in the vampire race has plummeted. In an attempt to protect our females, the new laws state that any trauma to any female of darkness will mean an immediate death sentence," they began to argue. I growled at them to get them to shut the hell up. They all looked at me. "The law was signed by all houses of Darkness. Including Lycan, Angel, Demon, Incubus, and Magik,"      "Killing men for what?" the Viceroy growled.      "To protect females who can't protect themselves from our men," I answered.      "So, some useless-" he began to rant. Charlie grabbed him again. This time she stood and dragged him away from the others and brought him to his knees in front of everyone.      "Thank you, Charlie. Keep him there," I ordered. She got down on one knee and bowed.      "Laying your hands on a female who you know won't fight back is the most cowardly act any creature can commit. None of you would be here if it weren't for a female. You were all birthed, raised, and groomed into the men you are because of a female. I don't know a single man who can do that. Carry one of you f*****g ass holes in her womb for seven to twelve months. Birth you and take care of you for six to ten years until you are old enough to train at your father's side.      "I don't know where this behavior stems from outside my own experience. As firstborns, we resent the weakness in our mothers long after our father perish. I myself know what that is like. I let my sister kill my mother our resentment of her weakness.      "I didn't have a right to do that. Like you all, I take what I want from any female I crave. But I'd never harm one. I'd never belittle or humiliate any female no matter what race she is. What size. I'm not here to tell you that if you backhand your daughter or your mate, that I'm going to kill you. I have a very spoiled sister back home and the only way she learns is when I make her.      "But killing a female or beating the ever-loving s**t out of her out of anger, r****g her, taking what little dignity she has left should never be acceptable. A woman should not be walking around in fear of speaking out. She shouldn't have to walk with her head hung low in the presence of any man. What honor do you have as a man in doing something like that to a woman who only wants to give you the love that you probably will never deserve?      "If you have a problem with what I'm saying. If you want to fight us on this one. Step up now and let me show you exactly what it is a woman feels when you render her defenseless and take advantage of her. When you humiliate her and take everything from her,"     "Start with this one," Charlie stood up.      She made him stand straight. The fear in his eyes is on display for everyone to see. My fangs elongated. My skin began to glow. My eyes are on him and there isn't anywhere he can go. Nothing he can do. He's too scared to use any of his abilities. I gripped his face. He began to growl as Charlie tightened the thick vines around him.      "Do what you want," I ordered her.     Charlie sat down with her back against Alexander's podium. She uncovered his mouth and he began to cry out for help. I glanced to the council to show them that I'd kill anyone who tried. She pushed him down to the floor. More vines surrounded him as she began to remove his clothes. The smell of his fear and panic swirled in the courtroom.      "No," he cried out as she positioned the extra vines behind him.      The men looked away as she violated him from behind. As she shut him up with a thick vine through his mouth. She's giving him room to try and escape as she continues her assault. He's clawing at the floor choking on the vines as they humiliate and degrade him in front of his esteemed councilmen taking away everything he's worked so hard to get with an event he will never recover from.      "All done," Charlie released him. He cried out as he crawled away from her trying to cover up as much as he can.      "Kill me," he begged coming over to me. I kicked him back looking at him disgusted.      "No," I answered squatting down to be at eye level with him. "You are to live with what just happened for the rest of your life," I compelled him. He cried out pushing himself away from me as the command settled. "Anyone who kills this man will have me to deal with and I won't stop there. I will end everything that means anything to you. This is the new law. Tell everyone of what you experienced here today and let those who walk the path this man did know that we are coming for them," 
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