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    "The way you compelled David isn't an easy thing for anyone to do. How long have you been able to do that?" Helbourne asked. My leg is propped on top of Alexander's throne to help me be able to stretch more. This is painful and I really don't want to admit to that.      "Since I was eleven," I groaned as he pressed on my shoulders. This is painful, don't cry. Don't cry.      "Is it something inherited by your mother?" he asked.      "Yes," I croaked when he leaned on me.      "It's not a trait you rely on heavily?" he asked. Him talking to me is actually kind of helping.      "No," I shook my head. He got off. I fell on my side feeling the ache between my legs.      "You have a lot of muscle in your thighs. Get on your knees and try to stretch that way. It should be a bit easier. Andromeda was a very docile female, but she was never harmless. This ability can save your life if ever get captured. It's not just something you can do by looking into someone's eyes. It can be the allure of your voice. The scent of your body.      "Don't get me wrong, you are a magnificent fighter, Ada. However, we don't need another fighter. What we need here is someone who can negotiate. Lure men into believing these laws are part of who they need to be from here on. I am a firm believer in the hammer of justice. However, vampire males are the most aggressive above all creatures and if we kill them all, there will be no one to fight during real wars.      "We are at peace. Solving the needs of the people, but it's not always going to be that way. The wolves are on the move. Why do you think the Queen removed them from Darkness despite her sister being mated to the Alpha King? Not to mention the war between the Angels and the Demons. Eventually, we'll all be forced to pick a side,"      "You want me to rewrite the vampire male psych?" I asked looking up at him. "That would end when I die,"     "Then don't die," he smirked.     "What is happening here?" Alexander interrupted us. Helbourne is squatting down in front of me. I'm on my knees with my legs spread apart while I'm arching upward to look at him.      "Nothing," I sat back a little embarrassed.      "Mhm," Alex laughed, coming over to us. "No wonder the General walked out of here fuming,"      The mention of the General made me turn away from them and it didn't go unnoticed. I took a peek into Amiri's mind and saw something I never imagined I would see. I don't know how to tell him about it. He's going to lose his s**t. I'm losing my s**t but I have to say something soon. This man's life is one disaster after another. I don't mentally complain about my own misfortunes anymore.      "Is everything alright between you two?" Helbourne asked.      "Yes," I nodded.      "You saw something in Amiri's mind," Alexander noted. "What?"      "It's none of your business, my prince," I stood. "I have to talk to him,"      "Ada," Charlie rushed into the room. She used her new sandals to slide over to us making Alexander and Helbourne laugh. "These floors are fun,"      "What is it, Charlie?" I asked her.      "The General is here and so is the Queen and the princess," she informed us. Alexander and Helbourne looked at one another. "They didn't come together. But the Queen is looking for you,"     "Edwardian?" I asked referring to the princess.      "No, the bitty one," she chuckled. We all let out a sigh of relief. I stood up just as the Queen walked in with a small bundle in her arms. I burned his blood in mine as she got closer. Alex and Helbourne looked over at me with identical smirks.      "Ada," the Queen called out to me. I bowed formally as she approaches. So did Helbourne. The prince growled to himself. "Alex,"      "Mother," he growled without taking his eyes off the bundle in her arms.     "Do you want to meet your sister?' she asked with a smile.       "Y-yes," he glared at her.      The Queen smiled at him and handed the infant over to her. His massive hands make the baby look smaller than she actually is. He took over her to his throne and sat down with her before unwrapping her from the bundle. I lit the torches to his sides so the cold night air didn't affect her much.      "Thank you, Ada," the Queen bowed. "Word of your punishment of Amiri has reached the Heart of Darkness. I came to thank you for what you are doing for us and to check on my giant kid," she patted Alex on the back. He glared at her. "He's sober,"      "Just following orders," I bowed ignoring her last comment. She has Charlie to thank for that.     "Better than I could have. Your former is gaining a reputation rapidly. You need to watch her closely from here on," she walked around Charlie, looking her over carefully.      "I've never seen a hue so dark," Charlie whispered. "And she's calm,"      "You can see the power hues of a being?" the Queen asked. I didn't know they were called that. Lady Sterling must have taught her that. "She is adorable. A little malnourished but I blame the camps for that. She is a great addition to our clans,"      "Thank you, my Queen," I bowed.      "Alex, watch your sister for a bit. I have some things I need to go over with Ada and Armad. Come Charliegh,"      "Hmm," Alex grunted at her. Charlie and I laughed as we followed behind her.      "She's adorable," I heard Helbourne say.      "Men, they're all brutes until they hold a precious life in their hands. Kath is a very quiet baby. They'll be fine. Alex took care of Phillip for two weeks when the twins were born right smack in the middle of the fight between my mate and Amiri,"      "Forgive me for asking, but why would you keep him around? Either of them. Any of them," I asked. She grinned.      "Their fight wasn't with me. Edmund is an ass hole. Feeds from those he shouldn't," she scoffed. "It wasn't my problem,"      "Is it now?" Charlie asked. I smacked her arm. "Sorry,"      "Yes, it is," the Queen chuckled. She's so small. Charlie and I make her look like a ten-year-old. "Why don't you go get the General for me, Ada? I have Nymph with me. I'd like for her to take a look at Charlie if you don't mind,"      "Best behavior, Charlie," I warned. She nodded.      I placed my hand on the floor feeling for the heat in his body and found him in his room. I rushed up the stairs and stopped in front of his door. I knocked and stepped back to wait for him to come to the door. He ripped it open. Alex wasn't wrong when he said he was mad.      "What?" he asked. I placed my hand on his chest burning my blood in his.      "The Queen is here and wants to see us,"      "Right," he nodded. He shut the door and motioned me to move.      "What is your problem now?" I asked. He grabbed my arm and turned me to look at him.      "Don't talk to me like that, Ada. I'm not a child. I'm working things out on my own alright? I'm just-"      "Insanely possessive?" I asked.      "Yes," he cleared his throat. "It's not you, Ada. Seeing Edwardian makes me insane. I redirect my emotions to keep me from doing something bad to her. Her succubus irregularities are waking up and I can feel it. It's a strong f*****g feeling. I'm sorry. I know none of this is your fault. I just-"      "Maybe putting me with Alexander and Helbourne was for the best," I chuckled.      "Yeah, I have my men and now you have yours. I know you respect Helbourne but remember you are the one in charge," he smiled.      "Right. I know that," I laughed.      "Let's not keep the Queen waiting," he motioned me to lead the way. "Also, try not to stretch like that when I'm close by. I know he's not after you but-"      "Shut up," I shoved him playfully.      "He was sitting on you while your legs were split open. Then he stood in front of you while you knelt in front of him," he laughed. "It was very s****l,"      "Everything is s****l to you," I scoffed. "Besides, who benefits from my success in my training?"      "I didn't think of it like that," he laughed.      I growled when I saw that a woman had Charlie by her neck. The Queen intercepted my attack when I charged her. She's tiny but she's excruciatingly strong. My instinct fired a fireball at the woman. The General stopped it with his left hand.      "She's not hurting her," the Queen shouted. I turned to look at Charlie to see she's breathing normally with her eyes shut. "Holy s**t," she laughed. "You really are ready to kill,"      "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," I bowed my head as low as I can.      "It's alright," she tucked her hand under my chin and made me look up at her. "I know that instinct all too well. Especially right now,"      "Are you okay?" I asked the General.      "Yeah," he shook his hand. "I forget how hot you are sometimes,"      "Yes, she is," the Queen looked me over. "Dragons are always exceptionally beautiful and you are no exception to that. I see your flame is still red. You still have a lot of development to go through,"      "Yes, two more stages," I nodded.      "Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that you are still going to get a lot stronger than you are now? Two more stages stronger?" the General asked.      "Yes," the Queen laughed. "She's still very young,"      "I am going to need some more time with the youngling," the woman has Charlie levitating in the air. "She was one of ours. I can sense the dead magic veins inside of her. What are some of the abilities you've encountered in her?"       "You're Nymph," I stated. She nodded. "Major General Adaliegh Darius,"      "Pleasure," she bowed.      "She can see power hues. She can manipulate plants. Even the dead one. She can bring them to life and bend them to her will. I've never seen anything like it until I was in the camps,"      "Her?"      "No, a little undead girl. I killed her but she did the same thing Charlie does,"      "Unfortunate," she shook her head. "The nature element jumps around through the witch covens. However, the hue sight is something only clairvoyants can do. That is something that belongs to the witches on Witch Island. I will call for one. If she was one of their's they can coax any hidden abilities out. She's still very, very young but formers can be unpredictable. The stronger she gets the more surprises they bring,"      "Wow," the General shook his head.      "You need to step up your game, General," the Queen laughed. "Or they will leave you behind. Why don't you take Charlie up to her room and continue there? I have some words to give my Generals, Nymph,"      "M'lady," she bowed and took Charlie with her as she walked away. I shuttered when the Queen placed her hands on the floor and released a strange heat into the ground and walls around us. It's golden.      "Energy," she explained. "Electric. That's why it's hot. No one can listen in now,"      "What's going on?" the General asked taking a seat on one of the benches. I went to take a seat next to him.      "Edwardian's succubus abilities are awakening prematurely. Edmund will be taking her North to help her control her abilities. It will just be me and Philip for a while. I came to tell you this because I know what's going on between the two of you. I understand it perfectly.      "I know how hostile a mate's bond can be at times when you haven't claimed what's yours. I am grateful to you Ada. If you didn't come along when you did, I probably would have had to put our General away until she came of age.      "With that said, I ask you two to be mindful of what you are doing. Edwardian is taking on a very aggressive state of being. Not even the camps will be able to handle what she is going to bring to the table and you are becoming a big part of our home. I'd hate for her to do something terrible to either of you,"      "It's not like that," the General reassured her. "Ada is just-"      "Taming that urge," I finished when he couldn't. Always the gentleman. "I understand what your concerns are, my Queen. I know how males can be and I promise you to never let it get to that. Either one of us can walk away like it never happened. That I can assure you,"      "Good," she smiled believing me.      "Is there anything else you want to talk to us about?" I asked.      "Yes, Ada," she came over to me. Even sitting down I'm a little taller than her. "You are Andromeda's daughter. When I heard what you did to Amiri, I can't help but wonder if perhaps you saw something when you compelled him. Something that can help me terminate his entire bloodline without breaking the new laws,"      "I saw a lot of things that would be able to help you do that. I just-" I glanced at the General. He looked at me curiously.      "I have to know. Whatever it is, I can take it," he insisted.      "And if he can't I can stop him from what you think he might do," she offered. I looked down at my hands and nodded.      "Start with the least important thing," he offered.      "That's just it. He's a piece of s**t. All of it seems excruciatingly demanding," I cleared my throat.      "Then start at the beginning," the Queen offered.      "He didn't do it but he was involved with these other men," I pulled the piece of paper I had folded up and put in my cloak. "They killed the former King and Queen,"      "These men?" she asked taking the paper. A sort of shine of malice crossed her features very briefly. It's terrifying. "You are sure?"      "Completely," I confirmed.      "Continue," she ordered.      "It was Amiri and his mate who killed Lord Sterling," I added. The General sat up straight. "Amiri hired Belvedere and Domino Turino to kidnap the prince in order to lure princess Edwardian away from the-"      "f**k," the General growled in the same exact moment he slammed his hands on the bench.      I jumped. I was expecting it but I wasn't emotionally prepared for the rage behind it. The ground began to get cold as he stood up to walk around the room. His growling is bouncing off the Queen's energy as he tries to get a hold of himself.      "These are the names at the bottom," she pointed at the paper in her hand.      "Yes, ma'am," I nodded. She looked the paper over again before looking at me again.      "You did well," she placed her hand on my leg, leaning closer. "Anything else?"      "Yeah, anything else?" the General asked. I swallowed back the knot in my throat.     "Amiri and a few others on the council they-uh,"      "They what?" he demanded. I looked up at him meeting his eyes. I can't make this s**t up. It's too malicious to say or do.      "They held down and r***d Lady Sterling before you and I arrived from the camps," I whispered.      "Who?" he asked calmly. I can take Armad screaming and throwing things but not this.      "Your General asked you a question, my love," the Queen tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear.      I reached into my cloak and handed her the names. There are sixteen of them on there. She dropped the piece of paper. The General snatched it up before it hit the ground. His eyes turned a brilliant blue as he read it over. His fangs elongated. His dark hair faded to white. His right arm began to burn bright blue and the left frosted over.      "Let me out," he looked over at the Queen.      "You are not to kill Amiri," she stood up placing her hand on his face. "I will hurt something you love if you do,"      The Queen released the energy in the room and he vanished as if he had never been standing there. The only thing he left behind is the frost that had come out of him. The Queen turned to look at me and let out a heavy sigh. I have never seen him like that. I knew he was a double wielder but I didn't know it was that frightening. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly a few times to shake the fear I feel.     "I'm sorry you had to see that," she came over to me and sat down in the dent the General had made with one of his massive hands.      "I'm not," I sighed. "She deserves justice,"      "Not at the expense of her son," she whispered.      "No," I agreed.      "He will be a mess when he returns, Ada. I know you have a special place in your heart for him already and that you drew a line between the two of you. I know that what I am about to ask of you contradicts what I asked for my daughter's sake. Right now, in his state of mind-" she paused unable to finish what she started.      "I know," I looked over at her. "It changes nothing. We can't lose him to this,"      "No, we can't," she agreed. She placed her tiny hands on my face and kissed me on the forehead. "Forgive me for putting such a heavy burden on you. I will forever be in your debt. Edwardian can never know,"      "Never," I agreed.      "Do this for as long as he needs it. Even if you fall, I swear your coven and your sisters will always be taken care of," she kissed the top of my head one more time before she left me.      I looked down at my hands and nodded. Ana was right. I chose wrong and I am going to pay for it. Anything I've done or will do will come at the expense of my choices. Choices I made following in my father's steps. I chose to be the Blood Hound and this is my punishment. I stood up and made my way to my room. Alex appeared at my door sometime later.      "This isn't fair to you," he shook his head. "I can have any feeder here by the time he comes back. He can kill them all if he wants. Ada?"      "It wouldn't be enough for him," I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I know my place here. I think I knew it from the first time the King came to me,"      "Ada," he came over to me. "I'm so sorry,"      "It's fine. Make sure Nymph keeps Charlie under. I have to get ready," I turned to face him. He's crying.      "You're too good for him, Ada. You're too good for any of us," he got down on one knee and bowed before he walked out of the room. If I do have a mate out there. I hope I die before he finds me. 
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