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    Anna is looking down at the dinner in front of her like she hasn't seen cooked food in her entire existence. Ash is eating happily, probably content that for once her food is warm and not days past expiration. I do understand where Anna is coming from. We used to be the most spoiled girls in the Heart of Darkness before the princess and the prince came along. Father made sure of it. He loved seeing us have whatever we wanted. It was the last lesson he taught us. We have to earn our place at the table. It's a lesson my mother never let Anna learn.      "Did you meet your mate?" I asked her. She looked up at me and shook her head.      "No, I hope I never meet him. I hope he's not like you," she flicked a piece of carrot at me. Ash smacked her.      "Eat your food, you i***t," she growled at her, pushed her head down towards the food. Anna shoved her hands away. She then took her fork and began to eat.      "We're going to be moving out of the castle and into the streets of Aleksander. We're going to start executing oppressors publicly," the General informed me.      "Nice," Dana laughed. "We lose a big percentage of our females in Aleksander alone. Wife beating capital of the world,"       "It's why the King won't let her majesty go alone. She said, and I quote, Make them suffer," he smirked.      "I can do that," I nodded. "Are we going in alone or are there other enforcers coming with us?"      "I will be assembling a group for us. I have news on Charliegh," he didn't sound happy about that last part.     "What?" I asked.      "She killed Phillipe Solokov when he tried to-" he stopped knowing I'd catch what he meant. "The Queen wants me to ask you if you want her with you?"     "Of course, I do. Unless she has something else in mind?"      "No, she doesn't. Charlie's earned her place in the hierarchy. As a former, she can't take his place but she is free to do as she pleases. Since you and your father gave her the surname Darius, she is a rightful member of the Darius Coven,"      "Excuse me?" Anna growled. "What the f**k is he talking about?"      "Father left behind a former. A female. I coincidentally found her in the camps. I blooded her to me to keep me safe when I slept but she turned out to be more. She's powerful. I named her a member of our coven to honor our father. The next time I come for a visit, I will bring her with me,"      "You can't just name some former b***h a member of our coven," Anna insisted.      "I have to agree with her on this one," Ash added. "We know nothing about her,"      "I know everything about her and as Coven Master, I can do whatever the hell I want. Charlie is one of us. Father turned her. I'm just carrying on his wishes,"      "That's all you ever do. Isn't it?" Anna scoffed. She stood up and began to make her way out.     "You're not done eating," I sighed. She smacked the plate of food into the air and walked away.      "Not going to have a fit, but I have to agree with the girls on this, Ada. You may know the girl and her intentions. The coven is very skeptical about letting formers join," Dana interjected.      "She killed the Brigadier General," the General informed her. "One rank under the Major General. It's not common for a former female to be able to do that,"      "How hurt is she?" I asked.      "She's in the infirmary back in Aleksander. Alex is watching over her. He said something about her helping him with his rocks?"      "Yeah, I promised to help him with his affinity. Charlie has a similar one. She doesn't like to use it because my father warned her about exposing it to the other formers. Now that she's a member of the race, she can use it freely,"      "A former with an affinity?" Dana asked. "What kind?"      "She can manipulate plants. I think it's more than that though. She also has the ability to see auras. I'm thinking that maybe somewhere in her linage, witch blood could have marked her. Now that she has a master's blood in her, it activated some of her magical whatever witches have. There could be more,"      "Find out, I hear Nymph is in Aleksander right now. She'll probably be a good addition to your execution group," Dana pushed her empty plate away. "With your permission, I'd like to stay here with your sisters. Make sure they don't f**k up too bad,"      "You're not in charge. Ashleigh is. If she tells me you're overstepping her authority. I'll kill you. Father's twin or not,"      "I believe you," she smirked. "Excuse me. I'm going to pick a room as far away from Anna as I possibly can,"      "Before any of you leave," I stopped her. "No one is to step foot in Mathew's room. I'd like to burn it down myself,"     "As you wish," Dana bowed.      "I think Anna can go about her psycho rantings a different way, but she's not wrong. You never cared about anyone other than Mathew. I didn't hear your voice for four years," Ash pushed her plate away as well. "He's not here anymore, Ada. We are. I waited for you, not out of loyalty for father. f**k him. I waited because you are my sister and I wanted you to come home alive,"      I took a sip of water from my cup. My food hasn't been touched. Even with the diet, I'm on, I'm not hungry. I didn't expect the reunions of tonight and I didn't expect to be given the key to my old home. I looked over at the General and sighed.      "We should go," I stood up.      "You're not saying goodbye?" he asked.      "f**k them. I want to start killing people already and Lina is waiting for us," I rolled my eyes. He smiled.      "Thank goodness. I f*****g hate the Heart of Darkness," he stood up.      The witch is waiting for us at the gate. The General is talking to his little sister. For once, the princess isn't here with her. I'm pretty sure the Queen has something to do with that. I think it's better this way. She's way too precious to be suffering at the hands of a beast like the General at such a young age. Her pain will one day be the same as his. She'll understand his reasoning.       "Unpleasant visit home?" I straightened up to the sound of the King's voice.      "My sisters had a lot to say," I bowed respectfully.      "Yes, siblings can be a handful. I can arrange for the raids to be postponed for a bit if you like?"      "It's a generous offer, however, I am inclined to deny it. I rather be out there than here. I'm not much of a coven leader and I honestly don't know how to deal with my sisters. That was my brother's thing,"      "I see. Once there is an opening. I myself will drag you back here so you can deal with the problem," he smiled.      "I won't go without a fight," I smiled at his kindness.      "I expect nothing less from you, Major General," he excused himself. Aviera ran over to me wrapping her little arms around my leg. She's crying.      "Take care of my brother," she sobbed. "He's kind of stupid,"  The General came over to me letting out a heavy sigh.      "I promise to do my best, sweetie," I reassured her. She let go of me and went over to the King who picked her up and wiped her face.      "Kids," he cleared his throat.      "I have two and I am not a good parent myself," I agreed.      "Let's go," he motioned the portal. The witch bowed to us as we walked through. "You have three,"      "What?" I asked.      "You're forgetting Charlie," he reminded.      "f**k, you're right. Where do I go?" I asked.      "Third floor," he pointed to it.      With Ash and Anna safe in the manor, I can worry about my outside responsibilities a little less. I can focus on the task at hand. Dana will help teach them what they need to know. The males of Aleksander are nothing like the councilmen. These men were bred to be brutal. The strongest warriors left their roots here and they always get what they want. The arena here is the worst arena in all of Darkness. The state punishments serve as nothing more than good entertainment for these men. Killing one another in the area is an honor to them.      "Major General," Alexander greeted me.      When I stepped towards the door, I dodged his attack. I didn't get far enough. He pinned me against the door face first and began to take in my scent. f*****g little girl. I have Aviera's scent on me. I can feel his arousal pressed against my lower back. I pushed him back hard enough to make him stumble a few steps away and put my sword to his neck before he could get any closer.      "You f*****g mated males are annoying," I panted. "Get out of here,"      "I'm sorry," he panted. He stepped away "I-"     "I know," I shook my head. "Never swing that monstrosity at me again. Are you f*****g kidding me? You're going to rip that poor girl in half,"      "Don't tell Sterling about this. He'll kill me," he shook his head and stormed off.      "Major General are you alright?" I looked to my right to see Lina coming over to me. I pressed my back against the door to catch my breath. "I thought he was going to take you here and now,"      "I'm fine," I smiled at her. "A little startled, but fine,"      "Good," she revealed the small dagger inside her cape. I laughed taking it from her.      "I have to take care of the girl inside. Why don't you go to my room and wait for me there?"     "Okay," she blushed and pulled away from me. I watched her disappear into the dimly lit hallway.      I turned to the door fixing my dress. This is my life now. I don't have three I have four. Alex is just a big a baby as my sisters and the General himself. The difference between him and the general is that I am not sexually attracted to Alexander. The man is way too big for my liking and I'm not talking about the thing he's hiding under his dressings.      I opened the door to see the room she's in is private. There's a woman with her. I've seen her with Lina a couple of times. She's older than the rest. I thought she was a midwife. She often smells like it. I acknowledged her presence and went over to Charlie. There is bruising all over her face. Her hands are on top of the blanket she was covered with and I can see the frostbite along her wrists and the bite marks on her neck.      "We can't give her blood. She can't swallow," the woman informed me. "I cleaned her up as best I could, m'lady,"      "Thank you. I haven't caught your name,"      "River," she bowed.      "Thank you, River," I smiled at her. "Come," I motioned her over to me. She came over to me as I sat down next to Charlie. I pulled the dagger I took from Lina out of my cape and held it in my right hand and felt for the soft spot in Charlie's throat with my left. "You can make an incision here," I pushed the dagger into the spot opening up her throat. Charlie gasped for air and let it out slowly. "When she inhales you can add the blood," I cut my wrist and let it drain into the small wound I had made. Almost instantly, the frostbite began to fade. "My blood will be the strongest for her at the time. I am her master,"      "I see," she nodded. "Perhaps you can help her more pressing wounds,"      I kept myself from growling when she gently pulled the blanket back. Charlie isn't wearing anything. Her thighs have deep gashes where he tried to rip her bottoms off. There is pitch black bruising on the inside of her legs. More wounds on her rear.      "f*****g ass hole," I growled. The door was opened and the General walked in. "Perfect timing,"      "Hell," he shook his head.      "Hold her. River, please stand back,"      "Yes, m'lady," she bowed and stepped away.     I bit into my wrist and pulled some blood into my mouth. I lifted her thigh. I looked over at the General. He nodded letting me know he had her. I lifted her leg and bit into the inside of her thigh and pushed my blood into her. Charlie roared, trying to get up. Armad held her down while I held her legs down and did the same to the other side.      "No, no," she cried out.      "Armad," I called out to him.      I pulled him to me when thick green vines burst through the wall behind her. I burned them away as they came at us when she redirected them in her sleep. The wounds on her legs began to heal and with the pain subsiding, she relaxed again.     "Alright," he panted. "I didn't think she was that strong,"      "Her affinity is at peak right now because of what he did to her," I went over to her and examined the rest of her body. She's breathing normally again.      "I never expected him to go back. I apologize," he looked over at me.      "There's no need for that. It wasn't your fault. I didn't expect him to either and what do you expect from the camps? If it wasn't him it might have been another," I sat down next to her. Her eyes fluttered open. She opened her mouth to say something. "No, you're safe now. Get some rest,"      Her hand gripped my wrist tightly as she began to cry. She cried until she passed out again. I tucked her into the blanket after checking to see if the frostbite is getting better. Once satisfied, I stood back and looked over at River who looked at me worriedly.      "We should get a vampiress in here," the General suggested. I nodded. She ran out the door. "How do we help her?"      "We've done enough," I reassured him. "All we can do now is watch over her. Once she's up, she'll be fine. Good thing we're about to go to war with the males of this country. She'll have her vengeance then. This is what we're here to prevent, right?"      "Right," he nodded. His mother walked in and looked between us.      "Look at you two. You look like worried parents," she joked.      "Mother," he growled.      "My moon, what's happened to her?" she asked going over to Charlie. She inspected her and motioned River to go over to her. "Bring my bag. Let's get her cleaned up,"      "Yes, m'lady," she bowed.      I watched her as she began to mix herbs and other things in a crushing bowl. Once she had what she wanted to make she began to cover Charlie's wounds in them. The bruising immediately began to heal. Charlie's pained expression began to soften. I want to learn what she just did.     "Your father made you a bit of a brute," she looked back at me.      "Among other things," I smiled at her. Her soft expression is unexpected. Why would that mean her pity?     "There are more things to the world than war and f*****g," she looked over at the General and motioned him to leave. He chuckled and excused himself. "Often, they're one,"      "I can see that," I nodded.      "Like most heirs, I imagine your father compelled you to take care of your mother and in return you resent her,"      "Resented," I corrected her.      "So, you failed?" she asked.     "More like set it up," I shrugged. She sat down in the seat across from me.      "Men forget that there are loopholes in their rules," she nodded. "You trust your siblings to do as you ask. What do they get in return?"     "I don't know what you mean? I've provided for them from the moment my father died,"      "Yes, of course. That is important. Your father provided for you. What else did he give you?"      "I don't understand,"      "I hear you had a brother. Whom you loved dearly. Aside from provisions and training, what did you offer him? Your time, right? Your support. Small trinkets that made him adore you, no?"      "I suppose," I nodded.      "And do you do the same for your sisters? For your former?"      "No," I answered truthfully.      "I've lost a lot, myself. A son, my mate, my daughter, what used to be my home. Yet, I try to give back to my children as much as I can. To them, I'm the cold-hearted b***h who takes and takes without giving anything in return, but I assure that they also know how wrong they are. It's the little things that keep them from turning away from my presence. From straying their loyalty to me.      "I can see you are a very hard woman, Adaleigh Darius. As vampires, we all suffer our fate as it is set. Most of us more than others. It's not easy being mated into war. It takes so much from us. Yet we endure. Want to know why?"      "Not really," I looked away. She chuckled looking me over-fondly. I've seen her look at the General that way.     "For the same reason, you adored your brother. Love. You are capable of it. I see it in the way you look at this girl. In the way, you look at the prince. In the way, you look at my son. You may not acknowledge that it is there. I understand your mother betrayed that love in you and you don't want what you feel towards her to repeat itself," she tucked a stray hair behind my ear. "It will. It always does. The world, our world is cruel that way,"      "Is this my fate as a woman?" I asked. "To be betrayed by my love for the rest of my life?"      "It's our fate as mothers," she chuckled. "Being a woman is the gift,"
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