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Ada     Ash's speed has increased since the last time I watched her work. I'm not going to lie and say that I don't miss running errands for the witches. My job had been so simple then. Witches love to grant the people what they want for a price and if they can't pay up. They send in what they refer to as their hounds. The hounds then collect what is owed and the witches pay them handsomely.     As she made her way back into the Jaded Temple belonging to one of the strongest witches in the Heart of Darkness, she stopped and glanced in my direction. Our eyes met and as expected she walked into the temple anyway. It took her a few minutes to come back out with her reward. She's been eating well. She's taking care of herself well.      "What the hell are you doing here, Major General?" she asked. I jumped down next to her and smiled.      "Checking in as promised," I scoffed at her. I didn't think she would return the gesture and she surprised me, even more, when she jumped into my arms embracing me tightly. "I missed you too,"     "You look so healthy," she commented, taking a step back.      "You too. You've gotten a little taller," I complimented.      "I'm almost forty," she rolled her eyes. "What are you really doing here, Ada?"      I offered her the key the Queen had just handed me. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. This might be her last run for the witches. I'm going to need her to run things for me here while I finish what the Queen wants me to do. Given it's not an easy task, she's going to be the head of the Dragon Coven for a while. Whether she likes it or not.      "Where is Anna?" I asked.      "She left," she shrugged. "I tried to stop her but she doesn't care. She was with transients the last time I saw her. Her hair is past her lower back,"      I motioned her to follow me. She covered herself up with her cape. I did the same. The transients are the vampires who have been kicked out of their covens. They move from continent to continent through the portals. They live off the land and answer to no one. At least, until they get caught and put into the arenas, the second offense leads them straight to the camps.      Darius manor had been a mess the last time I passed by here. No one stepped foot in it for decades/ Living this way isn't something we are born into. It's something earned by the heir of each household. If the heir can't cut it, the next in line has to step up or the entire family suffers. It's a right of passage. You deserve it you don't. The Queen has fully restored it for us. At the gateway, is a former and by his scent, I know he's one of the General's formers. He formally bowed to the two of us and opened the gates.      I pushed her forward making her laugh. She looked around before she rushed inside. I stayed in place for a bit taking in all of the familiar sights. My chest aches with the memories of my father and me training in the very yard. His laughter is echoing in my ears as I walked up to the entrance.      "Lady Darius,"      There are coven leaders waiting for us inside. Ash is covered in dirt and blood from running around Darkness doing the witch's dirty work. I'm actually wearing something formal because I was supposed to go to council with the General and the Queen. So, not everything is out of place, father. A shiver ran up my spine when they all got down on one knee and bowed. Ash did the same.      "Major General Darius," I corrected. They laughed and stood up to look me over.      "Ada, you've done the covens proud," Elder Durian came over to me with a smile on his face. "Your father would be so proud. Welcome home,"      "Thank you," I nodded.      "The Queen informed us of your new position in Aleksander. Since Lady Ashleigh Darius is the only Darius available at the time she can take your position in the covens for time being. We have been watching her carefully and we know that she displays potential skills in leadership and strategy. With your permission, we'd like to take her in and teach her the proper ways of the House of Darius,"      "Permission granted," I nodded. Her body sparked with excitement. "I'll be staying the night. General Sterling will be here soon and I'd like a room prepared for him is that's not too much to ask,"     "Of course. We are at you command. Will you be off in the evening then?"      "Yes," I nodded.      "Allow me to show you the renovations. Queen Millianne expanded the manor knowing that there would be three Darius heiresses in the vicinity. More rooms were added. The recreational areas were expanded and refurbished. The existing rooms were also expanded and all of them were adorned with the best silks and cloths handed picked by her majesty and her handmaidens themselves,"      "What did you do for her?" Ash asked. "This is amazing,"     "It's not what I did for her it's what I'm doing. I didn't expect to get paid this way,"      "Her majesty takes care of those who are loyal to her word without asking questions," Durian smiled at us. "As the head of the Dragon's throne, you are expected to follow in the same path your father did before and I reassure you that you are on the correct path. The responsibilities of the Covens themselves would have fallen on Master Mathew. We are waiting on you to assign which of your sister will be taking his position,"      "Ashleigh will. You said you were watching her, do you have a location on Anna?"     "We do. Should you request it, we can have her here before dawn," he bowed. I looked over at my sister who is holding the silver silk curtains looking them over happily.      "Do you want her here?" I asked her.      "I don't want her out there," she shrugged. "If the human force catches her, they're going to put her in the arenas or worse. They can send her to the camps and I don't think she'd last in either,"      "Bring her," I ordered Durian. He bowed.      "This is the master bedroom, Major General. Lady Ashleigh can choose her own room. The General will be accommodated across your bedroom," he bowed and disappeared.      "Is he your mate?" Ash asked as I pushed the doors to my room open. This room is bigger than the one back in Aleksander.      "Who?"      "The General?"     "f**k no. That man is a head case. I pray my mate isn't as broken," I smirked.      "So, you're just having fun with him?" she asked.      "Go get cleaned up, Ash. We'll be having dinner as a family tonight and we have a guest,"      "Alright," she laughed and rushed off.      This place is magnificent. Despite the new scents, I can pick up on the old ones. My father's specifically. I walked over to the side of the mansion that wasn't taken apart. My parent's old room is closed. I pushed the door open and was instantly met with his scent combined with my mother's. Everything looks brand new but almost the same.      The bed is perfectly made, the red silk draping down from the ceiling covers the four pillars coming down from the ceiling. Next to the bed is the crib my mother used when we were born. I went over to it remembering how small I had been when I first tiptoed up to see my baby brother sound asleep inside of it. I stepped away from it and made my way out.      I didn't want to look at it but I couldn't help it. I turned to see my brother's room and found myself turning the doorknob to go inside. His scent is still prominent here despite the years of vacancy. She hadn't touched it. She didn't make a single change. It was just dusted and cleaned off to preserve the memory of him but nothing else.      "She said she wishes she could bring him back to you," the General's voice startled me.      "There's no use in wishing, is there? The truth is that I let her take him from me. Had I been able to kill her when I should have, he'd be here doing what I needed him to do," I used the heat in my body to dry my tears.     "Ada, you were trained to protect your mother. I was too," I turned to look at him. He can't meet my eyes. "My father compelled me to do as my mother asked at all times. He knew eventually he wouldn't be able to protect her and that she would take over for him until the heir was ready. Most fathers do that to their firstborns to ensure their mate's survival. Even if you wanted to, there was nothing you would have been able to do,"      "It doesn't matter anyway. He's dead. There's no reason to wish for such trivial things," I shrugged. "How did the council go?"      I shut the door and shaking off the nostalgia that is more than unwelcome. He followed me back to where my room is and I pointed to his. He grinned when I crossed my arms over my chest letting him know that he's going to have to keep it together until we back tomorrow. The princess is close by and I really really don't need her to come after me right now.     This room is oddly shut-in. Sure, it's huge but the only window is the window behind the bed and it's heavily covered by four layers of silk. This place is specifically designed to keep the light out. I climbed on the bed to find that it's not actually a bed. I pulled the black dressing back to reveal a coffin. I laughed. There is no way in hell I'm going to sleep in that thing.      "Everything to your liking?" the General asked from the doorway.      "You see this?" I asked pointing at the coffin. "Do you sleep in one?"      "I prefer it actually," he nodded.      "Okay," I shook my head. I ripped the curtains down and tossed them towards the door. The moonlight instantly illuminated the room that is dimly lit with candles. He laughed.      "You're the only vampire I know that is accustomed to daylight,"      "Right," I shrugged. A woman appeared behind him.      "Do you have a different color in mind, Major General?" she asked.      "What's your name?" I asked her.      "Silvia," she bowed. "You may call me Silvy,"      "Silvy, I don't like the darkness. I need this window to be open at all times. My element requires the sun to recharge. I prefer a bed. Please remove the coffin as soon as possible. I'm okay with sleeping on the floor. The colors are fine but something more cheerful would be better. Gold, red, orange, green. literally anything other than black and gray,"     "Yes, my lady. The bed will be here before you need it tonight. As for the colors, Durian will need time,"      "Take all the time you need. I won't be back for a while," I reassured her.     "As you wish," she bowed taking what I threw on the floor with her.      "Your father spoiled you," the General smirked.      "You have no idea," I scoffed. We both looked towards the hallway when her screaming echoed from downstairs. "Not as much as he spoiled her,"      "The youngest?" he asked.      "Mhm," I closed the door to my room and walked down to see that Durian and a couple of others, including Silvy are trying to restrain Anna. "That's enough,"     "Ada?" her eyes turned to me and she stopped struggling instantly.      "You can let her go. Silvy?"      "Yes, m'lady?" she asked looking up at me.      "Help Annaleigh get cleaned up. We have a guest,"      "Yes, m'lady. Dinner will be ready shortly," she bowed. She motioned Anna to go up the stairs.      "If you give Silvy a difficult time, I will punish you, Anna," I growled at her. Anna lowered her head and reluctantly went up the stairs.      "Forgive us. She's a lot stronger than she looks," Durian looked down at his feet. I bit my thumb and smeared my blood on his forehead where she clawed him. He looked up at me surprised. The others excused themselves.      "I know how she can be. It took a few beatings for her to listen to me. I'm not saying you can do the same but a backhand to remind her what her place might be required. She can get mouthy. Ash is too much for any of you to handle. She knows her place and she won't overstep it. Leave Anna to her if she gets out of hand,"      "Yes, Major General. I was informed that you want the window to your room exposed,"      "Yes, I'd prefer it if you can make it bigger while I'm gone. Perhaps that entire back wall? I like brighter colors or softer ones. Whichever you think would be better,"      "My lady, if I may. Exposure to sunlight-"      "Is not a problem for me," I cut him off.      "She's the fire of the Darius Dragon," I haven't seen her since before I was taken to the camps.      "Aunt Dana," I greeted her.      "Welcome home, little one," she came over to me. She's a lot taller than I am. My dad's twin sister. The other fire of the dragon. We are both the last of our kind and didn't have many teachers to help us with what we are. "You're growing nicely,"      "My lady," Durian got down on his knees.      "You're dismissed, Durian. My niece had a request," she waved him off.      "Yes," he stood up without looking up at her and rushed off.      "General Sterling. Pleasure, as always," she looked over at him.      "Danaleigh, as beautiful as always," he greeted her. "How is Fabian doing?"     "He's dead," she laughed.      "My condolences," we both bowed.      "My mate lived as he was. He had a marvelous death. No need to feel sorry for him. He died with a smile on his face,"  she smiled at me. "We missed you at the council, Major General. I see the Queen is making true to her word. I'm glad. Have you spoken to her about what comes next? Armad?"      "Not yet, I just got here and she was preoccupied," the General answered her.      "Aunt Dana," Ash shouted from the top of the steps. Aunt Dana laughed when Ash jumped into her arms.      "Aunt Dana," followed Anna. She looks a little better but her battered gypsy dress is pissing me off.      "Look at you two. All grown up," Aunt Dana complimented them.      "Not yet," Ash scoffed.      "You two are adorable as always. I hear you have been keeping the witches happy. I hope you know that all of that is done with. Ada is working very hard to keep you two fed. The least you can do is respect her wishes,"      "We didn't ask her to," Anna stepped away. "It would have been better if she never came back at all,"      "Is that right?" I scoffed. "Being a transient w***e must be much better than this then,"      "f**k you, Ada," she growled. "You left us. You made Ash kill mother. w***e," she laughed. "Everyone knows you're f*****g the Gen-"      Her head whipped around when I slapped her across the face. I lifted her up to me by her hair. She's still trying to figure out what it is that hit her. She's been running around wildly for far too long. A reminder of who she is supposed to be is in order, whether it hurts the two of us or not.     "Look at me,"      "No," she cried out tightening her eyes shut. "No, please,"      "I don't know what it is you're thinking, but no sister of mine is going to be a f*****g transient," I whispered into her ear. "All of this hair, I want it gone. These fake jewels and this disgusting dress. Burn them,"      "No," she cried when I let her go. She tucked her long tangles of hair into her arm and balled up on the floor. "I don't want to,"      "I don't care what you want, Anna. You are not like them. Father is rolling over in his grave right now,"      "Father left us the same way you did," she shot back, as she sat up. "The same woman who gave you all of this took it all from us. Don't you remember or is all you hear now the orders of her majesty ringing in your head? You're nothing but a slave now. You aren't-"      "Enough, Anna," Ash kicked her. "You know the laws. Ada is right. We have a duty to our coven just as the rest of us do. If you stay out there, the formers are going to toss you into the Arena. They're going to put you in the camps,"      "She already survived the arena," General Sterling cleared his throat. "It would be to the camps with her if they catch her again,"      "What?" I looked down at her. I lifted her up by her left arm to see the Arena branding on her wrist.      "You think that because you're the fire of the Dragon that you're the only monster dad created?" she pulled away from me. I gripped her cheeks in one of my hands. "Do it," she mumbled. "Compel me the same way dad did. Take my freedom. Make me a slave like you,"      "You are not to leave the manor until you know how to behave properly," I growled. She screamed trying to fight the compulsion. She dropped to her knees crying as it took over.      "Are you happy now?" she panted.      "Anna, I'm doing this for your own good. We've lost a lot already. I don't want to lose you too," I tried to reason with her. She pushed me away from her.      "Don't act like you give a s**t about us. We all know that the only person you ever loved was Mathew. We never meant s**t to you. I'm never going to forgive you. Ever," she cried and rushed up the stairs.      "Silvy?"      "Yes, m'lady?" she looked over at me.      "Cut her hair. Get rid of her belongings and get her new ones. I will be up soon to remove the mark off her arm,"      "Would you like me to prepare a bone tool?"      "Yes, please," I nodded. She bowed and disappeared again.      "You're right. She's much worse," General Sterling chuckled. 
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