Blood Bond to The Gothels

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Carmen POV I’m really creeped out and frankly annoyed at how these so called Alphas are acting, even Luna and Wizard as all wired. This place is sorta cool tho, could use a huge upgrade. Feels like it’s stuck in the old ages, like I’m in a museum of national history and not a pack house. It should be like the main pack house, but what I’m kinda annoyed is how these bird dogs are acting like they are the real deal when they are just laughing at a stupid thing like a guy nicknamed Teddy, I roll my eyes at them. Focusing on what really matters I remember that my new purple sneakers for like a glove and my black purple jeans match the black tub top I’m wearing. Had to re do my purple hair in a messy bun, cause I’m lazy today but my perfect full purple makeup was worth my efforts today, adding my big gold earrings that have my name written on them helps blend my gold belt better and my perfect nails of the day. I got good focus but this is just a drag. I wonder if Mario will look my way again, almost all the time I have is just him rubbing on That Rocky is getting all his attention that should be mine to begin with. I want him, I don’t see the appeal to Rocky but I do want to have a real shot at being with the guy, maybe he can finally have me enjoy my time instead of licking the bones I’m stuck with almost every day. Seeing the man that came with that Liam guy, he looks cute with his blue eyes and black straight hair that give his white skin like doll complexion a much soft touch, looking at them they have to be father and son because he has his fathers diamond shape face only big difference from one another is he has a lot of freckles but it looks cute on him. Almost all werewolves are fit and this guy is clearly of Alpha line, nice tight creamy colored shirt, jeans and boots, I could get on board with him no problem. While doing my x-ray search on the guy, I overhear the conversation Liam is having with Mario and the hot daddy. “Then we have like a royal here?” I direct my question to them as they almost finish their conversation. “All of that will be explained after the bond, Alpha James.” Liam responds and takes the attention of the Alpha, leaving me with the doubts like I can’t understand that they just said he has royal blood on his side of the family. Mated to a royal family must have their royal goods, which is that why they are living in such a museum looking pack house. James gets up to go to the center of the room where the Wizard has been standing this entire time. “Good to be all on board. Now, we will do this all in the following order.” He starts to list the people into the order he believes it to be the easiest, I suppose. He talks as if he can lead, since when in the history of werewolves does an omega lead anything that’s not a broomstick or a mop? “Delta Jose Martines Garcia of Cotorra Pack, you will also be representing the Coqui Pack.” He directs that to the hot daddy who I knew was a Delta because of the guagua information but it just gets me all excited all over again. Oh my ovaries is a DELTA! Hot daddy take me! I can so get on board with that title! Yes I’m a title girl, I’m a Queen that doesn't need no man to pay for her but the titles are supper for a Bono for any girl that has it all. “Co Director of the Cotorra and Coqui school districts, Lourdes Martinez Mortines.” He keeps adding to the list of the ones who came to the guaga. “Warrior of Borinken, John Gabriel Morovis.” He describes and I see the wired gay boy holding his hand is smiling from ear to ear, wait. Warrior? John is a warrior? He nails Jonathan out of all of us and he is a warrior. Why is it that the good, nice and yummy ones are all taken or on the wrong side. I need to know this is not happening. “Wait wait, he is a warrior? Since when?!” I freak out at knowing this. He rolls his eyes and I see Cierra put a line on her lips and eyebrows going up at my questioning. “Yes.” Was all he responded. “You are dating a warrior?! I thought you were kidding when you said you were nailing one another.” I point at the gay boy holding his hand. “Yes, want a sneak peak?” He answers me with a wide smile and I shoot my eyes open. “Ew, no!” I cross my hands under my chest and humid air, this is so not fair. “Good girl then.” He hugs his warrior who is smiling from ear to ear. Why in the world of Estral would I ever want anything to do with that subject, keep it PG-13 for god's sakes. I’m losing my mind with this. “Anything else Carmen?” The Alpha James asks me a little bit annoyed and everyone’s direction goes to me. “No Alpha.” I respond to him with annoyance. “The following are of the Cotorra Pack Jonathan Martines Soza, Cierra Tania Domingo Rollo of Cotorra Pack and Mario Martines Soza.” They all gather in their small little group and then the Alpha takes a deep breath and continues his list. “The following are of the Coqui Pack. Alvyn Lopez Ramire, Hector Lozado Ortiz, Felix Lopez Lopez, Carmen Nilia Burgos, Michelle Gerena Aguiar and finally Xiomara Vazquez Rivera. As all our names are said the only one who is getting h nailed with a tittle is a gay boy who’s also a Deltas son. This sucks I have no title for now but that will soon change, in my pack I had many titles, not that I’m keeping count. I worked 2 jobs on the pack house as both a mentor for the guests, the omegas did as I told them to do so and as a Cashier in the pack house casino, I was co director of planning with our Luna. Any and every activity that was always added was with my productive assistance as a classy lady. I have had a big part in my pack since I was 8. I have no intentions of staying down with no title. Think that was all I was caught off guard when the Alpha started to talk again. “We will be doing this fast, you each will follow like a chain after one another.'' He says while he is looking at each one of us. “I, Alpha James Williams Gothel of Borinken Pack and my Luna Johanne Ethedred Gothel.” He extends his hands and a ghost looking woman walks to him. I still don’t believe he is an Alpha but if I want a good title I need to keep myself under control. The more stupid I show the less I will be able to get anywhere. Using one’s brains is important. Maybe she albino? If she is I could help her with the clothes she is wearing, way too much high toned colors it will literally make my eyes teary. My focus is snapped out when I hear him introduce others from the group, I kinda knew some of them but his introduction was a very high clarification but I might forget like a lot of us will also forget. “Alpha Kol Williams Gothel is my son and my daughter, Luna Erin Williams Gothel.” His children walk to him for a moment. Assuming I’m getting this correctly the man walking to him starts to change his body tone, to a really black toned man that is holding Copa’s hand. Are they mates? Way to go Copa. You got a good one from what i'm looking at. Near them is that ‘ew I over love my twin girl’ who was sitting while looking at our files. Creepy girl, she could be friends with Rocky. For sure, they would both fit well together. She walks to her mom and they stay together while Alpha continues to do the introductions. “ I ask you all to understand and above this to respect that my family has many things that may sound wrong but all things are not as they seem, not all things are used to the names they carry, with that said I introduce my brother in law. Dark Wizard Brandon Hael Gothel.” The wizard smiles charmingly. Dark wizard, he’s not referring to him as a sorcerer so that’s a good thing but black magic is still something to be wary of. If anything, I think learning what I can do against black magic is important. “ The funny bone of this family so far is my last brother in law, Alpha Liam Sebastian Del Paso Gothel of Norway, he is Alpha of The New Snow Moon Pack in Norway.” Liam was talking to the hit daddy and he is an Alpha, so they aren’t just royals. There’s so many Alphas here and there all bidding secrets till this blood path, oath, bond whatever it is. Is done and over with. What are they hiding? Why is this guy being so pro Rocky all of a sudden? She has always been wired and not popular. What does this girl have that they want to learn so badly? “This is soon to be Alpha Eliot Alan Del Paso Gothel of Norway, The New Snow Moon Pack, Liam’s son.” Liam and him walk on the other end of Alpha James, they are aligned with the wizard, the Alpha and now Liam with his son. So he is Liam’s son, uuuuu daddy boy come to Lilac, he can be my shot at getting a good title, so far he is the only one single and I’m ready to mingle. Liam pov I receive a mind link from Thyra and I’m shocked at hearing her from this distance as she is not in Borinken but in the USA. ‘Uncle! Bes is on his way to you!’ She tells me about her nephew’s travels. ‘Is Aldreda alright with that?’ After what happened with Benuss I’m surprised she allows him to do so much, he is always doing things to help us which at times alarms me. ‘YES!!!! As I will be in the USA to receive you guys, how are the new lassy’s?’ Her excited voice but with her fathers humor places a smile on my face. ‘You shall know soon pup.’ I chuckle at her mood changing through the link. ‘I drink more than you! I aint no pup!’ She fights through our conversation and I laugh at her determination. ‘See you later young vikings.’ I ended the mind link after her agreement. ‘hhhhhhaaaaaaasssssaaaaaa!!!!’ I look at James and wave my hand at him to get his attention. “Bes is on his way to unite all four of us.” “All four what?” Asks the boy named Hector with curiosity. “Countries. Borinken is James with the alpha’s family and us. Norway is Liam and USA is Brandon and now Texas?” Answers out loud from the corner Mario, he seems to be good at answering questions and being involved in things he shouldn’t, bad habit kid. “El nene sabeeee. (the boy knows)” I smile at his fast conclusion but I’m hoping he slows down in doing that. It might trigger the others against him. “Yea, none of you saying shi* so I have to stay focused on what's happening.” He giggles with a cocky smile. “Kid. This program is to be this way, use all your ways of containing yourself while you are also always on your feet. Many things will be cryptic, but not everything. Until the blood bond is completed we can’t say things directly.” “I told him the facts one more time, hopefully now he will drop it. “Seems there's a lot of things to be explained then.” Says Hector this time and I begin to think about their ages, how old are they really. I look at the list of these kids' birthdays. What does fit is the one I know to have her Lycan. In January only two were born, Jonathan was born on the first day of the first month and he is 14 then Felix was born on the 10, his age 13, young but in a good age to learn these ways. Going by the months in order, February has only Cierra born on the 18, and is 14 years old, alright I thought she was around the shifting age but I’m clearly wrong. There’s none born on March and April but on May, Alvyn who was born on the 17, is age 14 and Michelle who was born on the 24, is age 12, then if she is 12 she has already shifted for two years now, she must be in hiding and I bet she has been bullied by someone, looking more on the rest of the group. On June 7 Carmen was born and she is currently 13 years old. Jully is Delta's birthday. He's very young, 27 years old on the 27 day. On September 12, Xiomara was born and she is currently 12 years old, there’s no one born on October. On November 3, Mario was born and he is now 14, I smile knowing he is similar to Celeste in analyzing and with an iron fist. Finally on December 5 would be Hectors birthday, his currently 14 years old and lastly John was born on the 14 and his 15 years old, I don’t want to know who is the top and bottom is the gay cuplé. Well at least they are above 10, now it’s a fact that we have maintained our Lycan species, but we can’t lose August, it will kill Celeste and the rest of us if he is lost, so we need to keep Mario with us at all times. Family sticks together no matter what. Now all we are waiting on is Bes, who is 22 years old now, still a good kid, Eliot will be happy to be with one of his closest nephews. Just like Elin, Bes hasn’t found his mate but I’m sure if we needed others from our pack we would have found the mates of the rest, not even Frida has found her mate, let’s see if Bes has a better shot at this. Then it takes my attention to review something on the Cotorra Pack, James has the full files of both these packs, 4 boxes of the coqui pack and 11 boxes of the Cotorra pack, it seems the Cotorra pack is a target more than coqui. We see many documents but I’m starting from the recent to the oldest, I see something that takes my eye, a rogue attack that happened less than a week ago and a captive werewolf that was found at the docks. This is still under investigation by the Alpha with its chain of command, Diana. That’s the name of the girl who was found. Can it be? I look at Brandon with a fatherly look and he seems to be curious about my look. “What have you uncovered?” He asks me with the mind link spell contraption. “Does the name Diana ring a belle?” I ask him and I see his eyes grow like an owl. “Thought so.” I reply to him when I see the Delta walk to me and see the papers that I have on my hand, my thumb is on her name. “Diana? That’s the betas niece, back in my pack.” He responds to me while I’m thinking about who this girl could truly be. “Yes I can see it here. As we wait for our last members, these things need to be solved as best as possible. But I’m uncovering things that are odd.” I keep thinking after that. “Such as?” He adds trying to be helpful, but Brandon also comes near me. “Jose please shake my hand.” He extends his hand to shake Jose’s hand, he moves closer to Brandon a bit wary from the co start shocks he gave me, his looking between us both “ It won’t hurt will it?” I hold my laugh and look at them both with a curious face as Brandon replies to him. “You have had this done before?” I wasn't expecting his reply because I laugh at it. “ Bro love is one thing, it’s when that love becomes like an Ex’s love, that is scary crazy for sure.” Brandon laughs at his joke. “ I understand but it will only pinch I promise.” He comes close and they shake hands. His eyes open wide and Brandon looks like he found hidden treasures. “Wow that was cool.” Says Jose as they stop shaking hands and Brandon directs me with a request. “Liam got Elric, Josh, Harry and Noa, we found them.” I go straight to my mind linking Thyra again. ‘Thyra!’ I wait for a moment and she replies. ‘Yea?’ She sounds confused or red handed but she sounds stable in the link. ‘Who else is with you and is coming here?” I ask quickly because time is running out as I see my watch. ‘Well so far me, Bes and Josh are thinking about it. Should he come?” She asks a bit curiously but determinedly. ‘Yes, have Noa come here, have Harry and Elric go to Cotorra Pack with Josh. On the double pup.” I look at Brandon and note that they are on their way here and at the Cotorra pack while showing him the documents. ``Why do you need them to go to Cotorra Pack?” Brandon looks at me with determination and from what I see he is pointing at the Beta where my assumptions are. ‘We found Elric and Harry’s mate. Plus I think we found a lead in Cassian.” She growls at his name and even I hold on to not growl with her. ‘Anything else uncle?” She says as she is moving around she sounds agitated. ‘You return to me in person, as soon as you are done. I think I found your mate but I need to be sure of my assumptions.” I smile thinking Felix might be her mate. ``If you Fail on find my mate, you're buying.” I laugh at her bargain. ‘You got it Viking. Now get going.” I chuckle at her. ‘See ya soon old timer.” The mind link ends. I look at Brandon who is glued to the papers and making sure he gets the entire file in his mind, probably to re-write it and study it with the prisioneros, I smile at the idea of his son finding their mate. “You ready to be a grandad Brandon?” I smile as he looks up. “I’m not babysitting, if that’s your underlined question.” He answers by putting the folder back on the table. I laugh “You truly have no patience with crying Jha?.” I smile remembering how he would do what Eda said to shut the pups crying and when it was Eda he lost his cool collective self. “Only my wife and not even, never did for my children and it won’t start now.” I was about to say something when my son said, “uncle you will always be my hero and the most horney uncle I have.” I cringe at that statement, but he bows his head and has a look of ‘burned’ directed at me and I clap his performance while I shoot daggers at my son, “Thank you for that my nephew.” Elin shoots her head up from the side of her mom “Yea no you win us all uncle.” Eliot laughs at himself to then add to Elin’s comment. “Guess black magic has a stronger grip on things.” I burst out laughing as Brandon’s face changes color and Elin starts to laugh hysterically. “Oh my gods no my image is getting tainted by Uncle Teddy.” She responds in between laughing. Everyone chuckles a bit, I see they start to sit back in their chair for a bit, as Brandon walks to look at the fireplace. It seems he has a presence now. “Can you get them chairs, Brandon? It seems we weren’t counting right.” I ask him, seeing we are locked and there’s no more furniture. As I sit, Brandon chants to the room. “Where are you chairs? Keep your numbers counted from two to many feets” the chairs start to multiply till everyone has their own chair. Not even a second passed that everyone was finally sitting and the fireplace lit up to receive the missing links of children. Out of the fireplace walls is Thyra, she is never difficult to miss with her viking body and gothic wardrobe makes her look exactly like a warrior, she has her fathers eyes with skin but her mothers black hair, she resembles more Aldreda. And she starts looking around for something as she sniffs out someone, she runs to the boy named Felix with an odd but curious face. “Sniffing already Viking? Seems Uncle Liam gave you a really high expectation today.” Says Josh with a laugh till his nose and Noas start to sniff like hers. They move to their respected mates, I can’t believe we have new family members. I'm glad I took the same approach as Elin in going through the documents, gossiping is still a bad thing and her hobby is still odd but it paid off today. “Uncle who is this?” Thyra says out loud and the boy replies for me with a curious face. “I’m a werewolf, the name is Felix, nice to meet you?” She looks surprised at his reaction. “Looks like Viking has a spokesperson to handle.” Josh starts taunting her but he always forgets that she is not Teddy, she gives him a punch in the gut and he goes down in one hit, that right there is Beatrice’s performance, which makes me miss her deeply. “His name is Felix, he is no spokesman Josh, control your humor.” She replies and crushes her hands as she looks at him with a playful curiosity. “The name is Thyra, you can call me Viking, I’m a hybrid. Seems you will be doing a blood bond soon, can’t wait to meet your wolf Felix.'' Nobody adds to her words because we are keeping things low but we all know not to pick a fight with her, unless you're either of her sisters, they have a strength that is not of werewolf or werebear. “You look like a gothic chick, it looks good on you.” She smiles at his compliment and I’m surprised he finds that attractive, Thyra has her ears, nose, chin, eyebrows, mouth and neck pierced. That’s all of the places in view she has pierced last I heard by accident was when she told Bea she got a triangle piercing below and it took me a while to learn what that means, when I found out I threw up.
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