Chapter 8: Briscas La Moneda (Spanish card game and a Tarot card of The Six of Coins)

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Mario POV As Felix speaks with this Thyra, who could clearly pass for a gothic chick like the ones from fit models, she has a good humor but the rest is scary, gives me the chills to just think about her clothes alone. Trying to think of anything that’s not being here, Michelle has been in fear since we got here even freaked when Liam tried to talk to her, it’s clear he knows she has a wolf, but If he does anything to try to hurt her or something I’m going to kill him. I need to talk to my mom about Red Yaya, she never mentioned any of this to me. Why are there so many secrets? There's not a lot of people here willing to tell us a lot and from what I’m getting it seems to be enough but it just gets me angry. Why keep secrets to begin with, Liam says they are all “family” but I have never heard of family hiding secrets from each other. I was educated that if that happens they weren't good people to begin with. But then again, Michelle tried to do the same in hiding, I know there’s things that are at times so difficult to say but isn’t it supposed to be worth it for the ones who want to really help you. I walk to Michelle on the back of the group, she is trying hard to not be seen, I hug her to hide her front, having my big gray jacket on, she goes under it where I have a simple red shirt with elastic dark red basketball pants, sneakers with socks on. I love matching with my mate, today we aren’t matching tho, but she still looks hot as fu**. As she has a jeans short pants jumper with a black and white checkers shirt, her green sneakers and a heart choker while her hair is down. Frankly I’m nervous, what if this has us in trouble and I lose her. I feel a strong pull from the fireplace, the fire starts to go crazy and fast. Before I do anything I hug Michelle tight, my father places his front to us as we stay in one section of the room. I turn to the side while I hug her, I see one black haired girl, one blonde boy, Noa, one black hair cream skin boy Josh and two boys with black hair, accompanied by another tan guy. The girl walks out in her gothic clothes, if I have to put her clothes in words just picture a fit Viking looking woman, black dreadlocks, leather pants, ripped and sowed they look like they came like that, black leather crop top with ripped clothes on them. Putting my mate more to the side for her to see, it looks like a rag is bandaged together for a shirt, pomp boots that are strapped on, big chest and big hips too, blue eyes, pink nose, just like Carmen full blown makeup but she has gothic makeup, with a lot of piercings, a black long to the ankle doctor style jacket to finish her look. After she talks a lot with Felix and almost kills this Josh guy, her nose picks up on something, not too much time after she looks around the room, just like the others her focus goes straight to Michelle. But she is even meaner, she walks to me, Michelle gets out of my jacket and tries to hold herself from letting Nicky out. I need to help her from this. But I do t know what can be done against magic, I don’t even have a wolf. As she tries to go around me to get to my mate. “You!” She yells at my mate and I stand my ground and I snap to look at her “me?” Was my response. “No, not you. Her. Who are you?” She points at Michelle, I make sure to keep my mate away from her. “ Just like I told Alpha Liam. She is fine.” Her face changes to an angry stone face and as Liam is trying to intersect the conversation he’s stopped again. “Boy, I talk to the girl not you.” She tries to push me but I let my strength take me and she can’t budge me. “Leave him alone. I’m try-. No please not now!” I look behind me to see her skin getting fur. Thyra looks at her in confused but awesome face and I run to hug her. Please, please Nicky don’t do it. Please, think Mario. Think! I got it! As I hug her I yell at Thyra, what I came to think about. “After the blood bond….. after that we will show you what you think you know.” I know what I said made everyone look at us both but if it will protect my mate I will do anything, my mate hugs me and that leaves me feeling much calmer. Thyra folds her hands “Both of you? Seems we have more on our plates than we…. Wait a minute. Mario?” I snap and look at her. I have never met this girl in my life. How the heck does she know who I am? “Who are you?” I ask the guy that just appeared from the fireplace along with the Viking chick only as tan as I am. “Hello to all of you, I’m Bes here to assist and finalize the bond process.” As he speaks here comes another man with a similar look to the Viking girl. “She is a Brute of a Viking that clearly only knows how to overstep the line. Allow me to introduce ourselves. I’m Elric, you all just met Bes, this is my twin brother Harry. These two are Noa and Michael & the Brut Viking is our Aunt Thyra.” He says as he extends his hand to shake my own and I do only to hear the girl that I know now to be Thyra, snort from annoyance. “Real gentleman of you Elric.” She responds as he almost punches him to make him fly to hit the wall. He is strong if he can handle that type of hit. “You are most welcomed Aunt Thyra, now excuse me. Father, it has been a while, may I ask what is the meaning of all this? I sense there are things in a mist.” He speaks in a very English way like sherlocks. “Soon we will all find out. Ready? James?” Teddy asks around and I see them getting inside certain circles and lines. Thyra walks back, giving the Luna and the rest her manly greetings, she sure is a Viking brute. I hug my girl a bit more so she can keep relaxing. I see something else happening but without a doubt there’s something between that guy, pretty sure he is Noa and that other one Josh, there so many of them now that my panic is not allowing me to focus. “Noa come here, have Harry and Elric go to Cotorra Pack with Josh.” Says Uncle Liam who was not expecting to hear him disobey apparently. “No.” This Josh says and he starts to walk closer to Xioamar. “I know Josh, but once you leave these two you return to be a part of this.” Liam was being very straight forward earning him a very strong growl, what am I missing, then I receive a mind link. ‘He is Xiomara’s mate!’ Michelle tells me and I look to see a freaked out Xiomara. ‘He is what?! That big brute of a playboy??’ Knowing how I still have a crush but I lie on not having it for Xiomara, I hold on to my mate a bit tighter. ‘Nicky told me. He can feel their bond, pretty sure she can too.’ I feel her end the mind link so I drop it too. Is it possible for that to happen…. My girl just mindlinked me and I don’t have a wolf. Mario your losing your marbles dude, this is crazy, but then again I am her boyfriend when I have been nobody's man. Xiomara POV That smell is so good, it really faint but if my nose is right, pasteles de carne with a good side of rice and tostones. Is this what my Barbie was telling me about the scent a mate gives? Because if it is, I’m so happy to be a part of it. I move from talking with Hector and Felix to the front where the smell is a bit more stronger but then a hot cream colored man stands there with his big body full of tattoos. Oh looky here. He looks at me with his bright blue eyes, ripped shirt and ripped jeans with boots. He looks like a playboy but he smells so good, he walks to me as I stand there looking at him, I’m so nervous that I’m even thinking if I have placed enough deodorant, if I took a shower. If my hair is good, if my breath smells, if my I love Barbie shirt is okay, if my jeans skirt is in the right place, if my slip in flats match, I’m so freaking out right now, then he talks in his husky voice, I’m so nervous. “Ou my my myyyy…. Why, who is this hot puppy?” He says seductively but I am annoyed, I am no puppy, I raise my eyebrows at his compliment or insult. “Puppy? Figures from an old dog.” Whoever this guy thinks I am, easy will not be one of them I can guarantee. “Cutie I am many things but old ain’t one of them.” He tries to walk close but I take a step back. “Well I ain’t your puppy. So bark on someone else’s tree.” I speak with annoyance as I see he will not back down. “Josh.” Says Brandon the Wizard, I see the face of who I think is my mate become super aggravated, as he turns to respond to him. “Agh. Dad, please not now…. I have been looking for my….” He looks back at me with the most loving eyes ever but he is cut off by his dad and that confuses me. “Don’t” His dad uses dark dust to shut Josh’s mouth in seconds before he can say another word and I yell from that. I run to the back where Mario and Michelle are. Like no! I am not going near black magic, I have yet to find my mate! If he is my mate he has got some nerves calling me a puppy. I hug my girl to feel safe, she hugs me back because we are all a bit on edge. Brandon moves his hands, getting Noa, Harry and Elric to the Cotorra Pack, Josh is in the fireplace waiting for them. The fire consumed them, Brandon holds his hand back, I’m not going to lie. That is one scary man. He scratches his hair and pulls it back a bit; “I do ask for the forgiveness of each one of you. These things that the blood bond will hold, are many and even though I’m only a Wizard I know the body struggles one goes through, I do apologize for scaring anyone.” Brandon says with honesty. “Aaaaaaaawwwww teddy we love you too!” He tries to hug him but his black magic hands start up again as he points at Liam. “I swear to Selene I will make you into a freaking new floor rug for my kitchen if you call me Teddy one more time sato! (Sato- referring to stray dogs.)” He raises his hands in surrender with a mischievous grin. “Took you this long to finally call me? Tsk tsk tsk. You're growing a bigger pair there.” Liam laughs at how Brandon responds to him. “Living with Mim gives you extra powers. Believe me.” He rolls his eyes at the memories I assume. “Clearly.” Laughs Thyra at his misery. When Elin shouts “Martha pay up!!” And just like that $200 poofs on Erin’s hand. Thyra’s eyes go wide at the sight of the spell. “Finally a spell I can get used to!” She says as Elin counts her new money. “Out of all that training Martha, this is a spell you wish to strengthen?” Brandon shouts with his hands in the air. The entire room stays laughing uncomfortably, Bes walks back out to around saying hello, as he does the fireplace turns back on and I’m actually afraid of who is in there. My fears turn real when I see that Josh guy. He looks at me with eyes of want and need, but I’m glued to my girl. As I do, I receive a mind link from my girl. ‘He is your mate…. I’m sorry….’ My grip becomes stronger and I regret having to figure it out before she told me. ‘Figured that out Barbie. He smells so good…. Did Mario smell that good?’ I look at her with wonder and hope to know at the very least. ‘I have yet to eat my full cake.’ I laugh at that comment, I can see she is happy with him, glad to know I am the only one, this is much harder then we are told growing up. ‘I’m surprised your holding back hunny. But it’s so creepy…. He’s so much older….’ Thinking about how older he is freaking me out but I will be older one day so I don’t understand why I feel so bad. ‘I know…. Let’s see what happens but I’m not leaving your side…. I got you.’ She hugs me much tighter, making me feel safer from this. ‘We got each other, baby girl…..’ I say ending the mind link. I see him alone, walking out to the side of his dad, which is a bit calmer to me but I too get the feeling that stuff is about to get real complicated real quick. James gets closer to Brandon but now Kol and Elin walk to the fireplace again, the fireplace is literally like a small tubed room that can fit 10 people, what happens now scares me a bit more so I hold tight to my Barbie girl. I look at them and they all move. Kol moves with a happy Elin to the inside of the fireplace, they put their backs to each other, without touching their hands. James stands next to Thyra, she stands next to Brandon, he stands next to Johanne, Eliot stands next to Noa and then Josh is at the end. I gulp hard as they stand next to one another; “Very well, now we can do this. It will be a bit different but it will work fully. As I call each name, please make sure to follow, Jose and Lourdes come to me.” Jose and Copa go to him, and once with them he looks at the rest of us. ‘’John and Jonathan go to Thyra.” They go to her and grab their hands, one each. “Cierra and Alvyn go to Brandon.” When they arrive at the wizard his magic expands to the entire room a bit stronger. “Mario and Hector go to Johanne.” Mario kisses passionately to my Barbie and I see her happy blush appear, she deserves this happy ending. “Felix and Carmen go to Eliot.” Laila looks too happy to be going to Eliot, poor guy he has got a title girl with him. “Michelle and Xiomara go to Bes.” I hold on to her hand knowing he will not get near us at all, we hold Bes hand, but when he holds my girls his eyes pop out, I see him mind link someone, I look around to see its Liam, now he knows his assumptions are true, so I grab hold of my girls hand. “Josh, have the necklace ready and our sets correctly.” I see Josh starts to chant, as he does, his body shows white dust, it begins to swirl making circles with odd symbols, then 7 small circles show 4 glass jars with lids that holds; Fire, Earth, Metal, Air, Water and are set into the sides, 1 on each corner as we are set on 7 circles 3 in one side, 3 on the other, Josh in the middle and the twins in the end where the fireplace is. “Ready.” He shouts as I see Brandon move his dust around, I can feel the cycle of the air in a closed room move in strength. “Now please trust us in our blood bond, our goal is to destroy the evil that wants to destroy our own world and kind. After this blood bond, things will change, body’s will change and our goal will be altered. But all will be explained after. Do you all agree?” We all say yes, we were chosen for this. We have a duty as a pack and members to keep and do our duty. Our hands grab each one's and to be real I feel my hand being sliced then it felt sticky to the other hand, then the Alpha starts with James. “I Alpha James Williams Gothel of the Borinken Pack blood my binds to Co Director of the Cotorra and Coqui school districts, Lourdes Martinez Mortines who bonds to those Thyra Gothel bonds to,...” The twins hold hands facing the walls, the exchange colors and the ceiling turns half black and white then the entire freaking room turns like that, their eyes change color, the ground where the twins were standing, that they are now floating starts to shine, the shine moves to use as the words of James are being told, the light stays with James but it extends and moves to Thyra. “Warrior of Borinken, John Gabriel Morovis and Jonathan Martines Soza of Cotorra Pack, who bonds to those Brandon Hael Gothel bonds to,....” My hand as well as the others start to shine, I see the eyes of James, Thyra, Brandon, Johanne, Eliot and Noa turn white. The light moves again wail staying with James and Thyra, to Brandon. “Cierra Tania Domingo Rollo of Cotorra Pack and Alvyn Lopez Ramire of Coqui Pack, who bonds to those Johanne Ethedred Gothel bonds to,......” I see Jonathan, he collapses after the words where given, John tries to help him with the free hand he has, he looks worried about him. But once I see him a bit more, Jonathan looks like he is fighting something, the light extends to Johanne. “Mario Martines Soza of Cotorra Pack and Hector Lozado Ortiz of Coqui Pack, who bonds to those Eliot Alan Del Paso Gothel bonds to,....” The same that happens to Jonathan is happening to Mario and Hector, they both collapse after the words where said, the light stays but extends to Felix. “Felix Lopez Lopez of Coqui Pack and Carmen Nilia Burgos Costa of Coqui Pack, who bonds Bes Alli Gothel bonds to,.....” Now the same happens to Felix and Carmen and I’m freaking out because to have Carmen collapse is near impossible, she maybe a pain but she is a really hard women to knock out, I fear the light and it does as it has been, then I feel my body pain. Brandon POV “Michelle Gerena Aguiar of Coqui Pack and Xiomara Vazquez Rivera of Coqui Pack, who bonds all to the spell enchanted by our brother, our son and blood Josh and Noa Hael Gothel.” Josh starts with “Fire, Earth,...” Noa adds “Metal, Air,...” Josh completes “Water and Blood.” Noa follows the line of chant. “By these elements, we bind the circle, and follow in the steps of our ancestors; who pledged themselves to fight against the forces of darkness.” Josh follows with the next line. “When evil assails us, when fear weakens us, when descent threatens us, in the circle we will find our power.” Noa says. “We come to this place alone, but leave bound as one.” Josh finishes his part by adding. “With this oath, our journey begins together.” Noa finished the entire thing with the last question needed. “Do we all accept the circle?” All the ones holding the hands of my family, those who are even fighting their own wolves scream they agree in the room, ones they are out cold, I snap my last magic and zap them to the rooms they have been accommodated for the moment.
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